One thing I've noticed with these reformulations and new products, most of the displays are getting so cluttered and how not informative they are.
I know my way around Dior's eyes, lip and cheek products, so I know what they're all for and what they do. However, when I was checking them the other day, the way they're displayed and the way they're decribed isn't informative. If I didn't know beforehand, I wouldn't know what most of them were for.
It's especially noticeable (for me) around the foundation and powder sections. I use powders from other brands because I'm supper allergic and I don't feel like trying something new. Last time I did try something new, I got out of the Dior counter looking quite fabulous, but a few hours later, I touched my face I felt my skin oil rioting. It's not the brand, it's me. It was the same when I tried benefit and the least said about how the MAC experience went the better.
Reading Beautyglitter's post, I wonder exactly what powders are going to change and I had no idea until I checked throughly the online site. Even so, I have no idea what all these powders and foundations are for. So it solidified my view on the displays. For someone who understands what they're looking for, they are easy to navigate, but for those that are relatively new or relatively casual, the Dior display is intimidating. It calls out for people with its colours and many products, but then what to chose?
The only one which I've felt displayed things well was at a Dior flagship makeup store, which was double the size of a normal one, so it had them well organised. Even then, the descriptions stay unhelpufully the same. I'd have to ask an assistant. That's fine on Dior's flagship store and the bigger department stores because they always have someone that knows what they're talking about. What about those stores like Sephora though? They have many SAs, but they're not specific and they don't know more than I do (for example). Like clockwork, I've gone there asking for new products and they never know what I'm talking about. Sometimes there's a Dior SA, but they're not specific to stores, I've crossed paths with them on accident, while they were doing inventory and stuff.
Somehow, I feel like they should rehaul the displays. Maybe this is a problem in my country and not in the rest though.