Dislocated elbow

Miss Pumpkin

Well-known member
Here I am, home with a radial head fracture.

I dislocated my elbow and I have to live with a plaster for at least three weeks. It's been like 7 hours and I'm going insane already... Help, ideas???

And the most important thing, how the hell am I going to wash all this hair?


Well-known member
Oh!!! How did you manage to do that?!?! Is it the arm that you write with? At least its only three weeks hun
I hope you feel better! Go to blockbuster and grab a couple seasons of nip/tuck or sex and the city. It kept me occpied when I was sicker than a dog a couple weeks ago.

Washing hair is a toughy..I had to get a cast cover...its a plasticy thing they sell at drugstores. I used a trash bag for the first couple weeks.

Hope you feel better hun!


Well-known member
yeah, you will have to get a cast cover. and washing your hair will be quite the task!
man. your lucky its only 3 weeks. .. my boyfriend broke his wrist.. and hes been in a cast 3 months! hopefully it doesnt get itchy!


Well-known member
Ahhhh! How did this happen? If you are going to be staying at home part of the time then definitely rent videos and get some books to read.

Miss Pumpkin

Well-known member
Thanks girls

I was on my bike, following the bike lane.

Some idiot had the amazing idea of having marble pavement in some of the bike lane. So I slipped, lost control and landed on my hands, hurting my elbow.

Needless to say I'm going to sue the city council.

Trying to break a fall by putting your hand out in front of you seems almost instinctive. But the force of the fall could travel up your lower forearm bones and dislocate your elbow.

You should have heard me scream when the doctor made me unstretch my arm, I was literally twisting around in pain. And that considering I have a very high pain threshold...

After falling i got on my bike, rode to Uni and attended my lessons until my friend talked me into going to the hospital...


Well-known member
I know the feeling! I slipped and fell on slick cement in front of a Hospital Entrance, (visiting my grams) and I broke my ankle/leg .. I was screaming bloody murder for about 10 minutes before someone came out and put me in a wheel chair. I probably woke up the whole hospital when the E.R doctor slammed my ankle back into place ..


Well-known member
I'm really sorry to hear that your elbow got dislocated with a radial head fracture. I hope everything mends properly. It might have been worse to dislocate your shoulder though as that joint is very much more complex and you can end up with all sorts of long term problems so in a way you were lucky even though you may not feel it.

I suspect a cast cover won't help as your elbow will be in a fixed position so you can't touch your head with your hand on the affected side anyway.

Perhaps it's time to get your boyfriend to wash your hair for you (you might both enjoy it!) - failing that you could always do a Britney

Get well soon


Well-known member
oh my gosh! i'm so sorry to hear that.
who puts marble in a bike lane!?!?!? i can't believe you still managed to get back on your bike to go to your classes! you're one tough cookie! get well soon!