"DIY" halloween costumes haha


Well-known member
i ALWAYS improvise with stuff i already have. i have hooters shirts from around the world, so i threw one on, but instead of saying the city where i got it, i wrote "compton" on paper and literally taped it over, did "ghetto" make up, added some "bling" from h&m, and wore some gold stilettos i already owned over some socks with the suntan tights (literally, with the exception of fake eyelashes, the ONLY thing i bought for the costume)...and there you have the "urban" hooters girl! i was so ghetto fab...


Well-known member
I agree with the above! Dressing sexy on halloween is so much better than dressing scary lol...

Halloween is the one night at year you can dress up as a ho, and no one can say anything about it! lol...

I always like fairy or angel costumes... Nurses can be fun too lol...

imho #1 costume requirement, whatever you go as, make sure it's sexy.

I think that goes for the guys too in a sense. Not saying dress all chip-n-dales, but look handsome. Last thing I wanna deal with is makeup all over your face, and fake blood all over your shirt/body. Not saying dont do it, but I know I wont look twice at you if I can't tell if your cute or not under your costume, and i know my friends woulnd't eigther.


Well-known member
I disagree. My bedroom is for sexy dressing, Halloween is for gorey, theatrical makeup. Bring on the blood.... Well, I guess it never hurts to throw in some sexy-ness with the gore and guts.


Well-known member
Originally Posted by caffn8me
There are plenty of guys who find female vampires extremely sexy it seems!

Yeh you can be a sexy vampire! LOL

Ooh, and leave guys hickeys on their necks LOL =P


Well-known member
haha i loveee all of these!! and as_cute_as_pie, that costume you made is so cute!

I want to do "sexy" but NOT skanky..maybe a nurse or french maid costume if they arent too expensive..if they are..Im doing a fairy..I already have pink wings from last year!


Well-known member
School girl is always popular... And you can re-use the clothing you buy any other day of the year.


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I saw the most gorgeous black velvet hooded cloak with a red satin lining yesterday in Camden. It would be ideal for a vampiress. Pity it was £95 ($180)


Well-known member
Originally Posted by caffn8me
I saw the most gorgeous black velvet hooded cloak with a red satin lining yesterday in Camden. It would be ideal for a vampiress. Pity it was £95 ($180)

i wish i could spend that much on a costume..haha im a broke college studenttttt!!
but if you get it, you MUST take pics !!


Well-known member
Originally Posted by Raerae
Just go as the girl in your signature picture =P

is that even a thong? or is it like somthing crazy... you cant really tell.. its probably something totally outrageous that isnt what we think it is at all

it sort of looks like a shoulder with some sort of strap going around it too


Well-known member
its great I clicked on the picture , to sloganize my name and it said

Kick ass with genevieve, and it had the same picture.. lol . ironic.


Well-known member
Originally Posted by Raerae
yeh i've seen a bunch of people on diff boards with that pic from sloganizer.

yeah, I just thought it was ironic how the current slogan for my name was kick ass with genevieve. and . it looks like an ass. haha.