DIY lip palette?


Well-known member
I'm wary of using a microwave because you can't control how evenly the gloss melts, and you wouldn't want it to bubble over.

I just held a measuring spoon (set of 1/4, 1/2, 3/4, and 1 tsp at target were like $4 and they have rubber handles so your fingers don't get burned) over a lit candle for about 20-30 seconds. Just make sure its an inch or two above the flame--it will STILL MELT, trust me--because if it's too close the flame will blacken the spoon and then that ash mixes with the gloss when you pour and you end up with black swirls in your gloss--gross.

Don't load the spoon up more than 1/2-3/4 full because it ends up taking a little more space when liquified. Use a little stir stick to moosh the unmelted with the melted and have LOTS of tissues/paper towels handy because you don't want to have to worry about what you're frantically wiping up drips with.

Some of the different formulas poured differently, for example I kind of had to coax amplified cream lipsticks to fill the whole well because they were beading up and not wanting to spread out. Just work quickly and carefully and leave them alone as they set up. You can always scoop them out, melt them back down, and repour like I did the first couple of times. The glossier and sparklier ones I melted poured beautifully. Any product that's already pretty creamy (CCBs, lip conditioner, rosebud balm) melts and pours really easily.

Good luck, share your results/successes/flops and I will TRYYYY to post some pics, but I can't promise I will be able to within the next week or so as my camera is on loan...


Well-known member
I love the idea of using balm with pigments! I'm a bit wary of just melting l/s though...I've done this in the past with d/s lipstick (when I was younger and didnt know of mac!) and the final product is always very hard, I couldnt get the same bold color. Maybe with better l/s (like mac) this will work better...


Well-known member
Originally Posted by AlliSwan11
Eros, Faux, and Blankety were all just melted from their original form and left alone. Provence and Kitschmas were about 4 parts MAC SPF 15 lip conditioner to 1 part pigment. Deckchair was about 3 parts Rosebud Salve to 2 parts Deckchair. Lastly, Coco was for a friend who wanted a "glossy coco lipstick" so it's 2 parts Blankety, 2 parts MAC lip conditioner, and 1 part (plus a little dash extra!) Coco.

How much of the lipstick did you use per well? I don't think there is a Tradesecret here but I can go to Sephora and the MAC store for a palette.


Well-known member
I used maybe 1/3-1/2 lipstick per well, but I did have some waste. I pulled the lipstick out of the tube and chopped off the base, then shoved the remainder back in and it still looks pretty decent in the tube. The MAC palettes I believe hold an entire lipstick per well.


Well-known member
Originally Posted by AlliSwan11
I used maybe 1/3-1/2 lipstick per well, but I did have some waste. I pulled the lipstick out of the tube and chopped off the base, then shoved the remainder back in and it still looks pretty decent in the tube. The MAC palettes I believe hold an entire lipstick per well.

thanks. I will check out a palette from the MAC store Friday, after my Belle Azure appointment. The store's event is a week otr two after the MAC counter. Go figure.


Well-known member
I made a nice lil palette tonight. I used a spoon and a candle (basic Specktra technique for depotting) only used to melt a lipbalm and mix pigments in and i combined dainty cake and another color to get a diff color than dainty cake since i wasnt so thrilled with it. I have to say the best payoff was pink opal. Ill post pics later on tonight or tomorrow.


Well-known member
I did one...a small one anyway. I used my Sugar Lip Treatment SPF 15 by fresh and Coco Pigment in one of the sample jars I got from MAC. It wasn't bad. Waiting for it to set now.

Can't wait until I get a palette or at least some more sample jars.


Well-known member
Ooooh I made so many new pigment glosses and posted pics in my MUA account (Alliswan) and I CANNOT get the posting to work here, maybe they're too big and I can't make them small enough, I don't know, I've tried everything and read the forum about posting pics....But they're cool, check them out!


Well-known member
i made a lip palette the other day.
i didn't feel like spending a lot on the palette itself, so i went to the dollar tree and got an aziza l/g palette, cleaned it out, and put in my own lipsticks
it was fun!!

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