Do any of my fellow WoC suffer from facial hair?


Well-known member
Originally Posted by stacylynne
Try electrolisis. It's perm.

Seconded!! Electrolysis is the best.

Bleaching CAN, not always but it *can* bleach the surrounding skin as well.. enough said.

Electrolysis can take a few shots before it dissapears totally, but it slows the growth very rapidly then kills the root/folicle.

I'm in the middle of the final anihillation a couple of what once were pube thick hairs.

I used to get a fine covering of light blonde hair down the cheeks, with three THICK black ones left side, and one right side along the bottom of the boneline, the pale hairs weren't noticeable to others, but I KNEW they were there! The couple of black ones people did go, "Oh, you have.... Oh, it's attached!"

I think that's the difference, the darker your skin the darker your hair tends to be, so any fine/stray hair is going to show up more. Thanks to electrolysis I am down to two fairly fine black hairs which are on thier way to hell. The fine ones are completely gone.

Btw, I'm NC 15. There's no escaping weird and wonky body hairs regardless of your colour. So DW, just cos you can't see it on white chicks, doesn't mean we don't have them as well.


Well-known member
seriously, what is up with us women of color and facial hair!!! i have to tweeze my chin regularly! yuck! i also have to wax under my arms, my belly button, bikini, and if i could do it well on myself, i'd wax my arms and legs too!

i remember reading a magazine article a few years ago that said that people or European decent tend to have more facial and body hair that people of native American decent. Makes sense I guess. I guess us Women of Color are more European than actual Europeans?

Beats me!


Well-known member
Omg, how did I ever miss this post? About every week or so, I use Veet on my sideburns, brows, upper lip and sometimes my cheeks. I don't wear tank tops without a cardigan, but I still remove the hair under my arms anyway. It seems every other day, I am plucking at my brows b/c my hair seems to grow overnight. It's a pain. I just went through this routine tonight. Sometimes I wish I could lighten my upper lip area b/c even though I see the hair is gone, it's casting a shadow somehow (I guess it's pores?). I have to do what I can, though b/c I love wearing bright lips and I cannot have hairs above my lip!

Oh and I forgot to add, recently I've been getting long, stray hairs on my neck! So depressing.


Active member
I did. And I constantly picked them. Which lead to ingrowns, which lead to
bloodshed and hyperpigmentation.

So I got lasered. Sideburns, lower jawline, chin, under chin
and a couple zaps on my throat.

No more ingrowns!


Well-known member
The increase or darkening of facial hair could be the result of hormonal changes as we age or change birth control. My dermatologist recommended that I use Vaniqa, a topical cream. It about $45/tube (not covered by medical insurance). It reduces (slows down) the growth of hair. I put it all over my face: upper lip, cheeks, between my eyebrows (unibrow) and eyelids right under brow bone where I tweeze. I haven't had any side effects.


Well-known member
Originally Posted by Indian Barbie
It's totally embarrassing! I use Jolen Bleach to make it lighter! Anybody else have any suggestions?

I know this is going to sound painful, but waxing it maybe?

I've waxed off embarassing facial hair and it has worked.


Well-known member
one of my sisters uses electrolosis- and it worked out for her very very nicely. another sister of mine uses the bleaching creams, she is dark skinned but it doesn't look like yellow fuzz on her- obv a good thing

i don't personally have facial hair (or even hair on my legs for that matter) but i think it's all about your individual skin and condition, a lot of times dermatologists can send you in the best direction.


Well-known member
I get super light peach fuzz lol. Thankfully it's already the color bleach would make it so I can skip that. I'm afraid to wax it. I use one of those lighted Finishing Touch razors you see on tv lol I bought it at Sally's for like $10 and thought wtf I'll give it a try. It actually works really well and doesn't irritate my face. Has anyone else tried one?


Well-known member
Originally Posted by hr44
Yea... uhm I actually SUFFER. I have polycystic ovary syndrome and one of the issues is facial hair due to imbalance of hormones.
I kid you not with this. I did electrolysis..... didn't work... my upper lip lessened but nothing else.
I ended up starting to shave bc it was so dark that I couldn't wait to wax.
(you know how some people exaggerate that they look like a guy? mine literally looked like a man who didn't shave for a week. I have pics but I'll never post them. They are for before and afters since I started waxing)
I got fed up. So I started placing a big bandage on my face, let the hair grow in that area and then waxed it off. I did it in portions because I couldn't let it all grow out. (I had school and wasn't about to wrap my entire neck and lower cheek area).
It hurt like no tomorrow the first run. Finally, the whole face was done within two weeks.

Now I weekly wax my face with the wax that self hardens. You know the one for coarse hair because normal wax won't work. =(
But at least now there are areas that have significantly lessened and the hair is less coarse.

My dad plans on me seeing another doctor and getting some sort of skin treatment. ='( Blah.

But wax is what I do.
It's really bad but this is the only thing working right now.

I have been diagnosed with polycystic ovarian syndrome too. This is one of the worse effects I have, hair growth on my face. I have done a lot but NOTHING is lessening it. My method of choice is waxing. Nair does not work for me at all, the hair is back in 2 days and my face breaks out. I am considering threading now to see how that works. I am also interested in getting laser removal once I get some money.

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