Do I Look Like A Clown


Well-known member
Originally Posted by OfficerJenny
Red's and Blue's fade the fastest of any hair colour. I would invest in a good dry shampoo to use, so you don't have to wash it in the shower as often.

That being said, no, you do not look like a clown.

Funny u should mention that. cuz i had to stop using mine cuz it was actually washing out the dye faster than my regular shampoo was. i guess while it was soaking up the oil it was also soaking up the manic panic dye as well.


Well-known member
That's just something parents say.

Back in High School, I had big hair. I mean BIG hair. Bangs down to my chest, done straight up in the air.

My Mother HATED it. She would tell me everyday that it looked like an elephant farted in my face, that it was ugly, it made me look silly, one day she was gonna cut it off, etc.

I wasn't hurting myself or anyone else by wearing it up, so I just ignored her. I was a good kid, I just had my own sense of "style".

Parents seem to not like what they don't understand, at least when it comes to fashion. I mean, back in their days, things were different.

Don't let it get you down. Your makeup isn't causing anyone physical harm, so why worry? It's just makeup and at the end of the day, it washes off. Same with hair.

You look fine to me, and actually I really like your hair colors.


Well-known member
Originally Posted by Robby_Raynebow
Funny u should mention that. cuz i had to stop using mine cuz it was actually washing out the dye faster than my regular shampoo was. i guess while it was soaking up the oil it was also soaking up the manic panic dye as well.

I think you are a cutie patootie. If you can find it, Special Effects hair dye holds a bit better than Manic Panic. I feel like MP went downhill about 10 years ago, but that's just me.

If you are rocking an edgy look, you don't have to follow all the rules, because the point is to stand out and not follow the norm. You just have to deal with people criticizing your look a lot. I think it is a lot more accepted now than it used to be. (Punky old lady shaking her cane) My mom did it to me ALL the time, and according to her, I ruined a lot of family

You are in the right place if you want to explore different M/U looks, though!


Well-known member
u look fine..

maybe she feels that becoz of the hair colour?I wouldnt sport that hair colour everyday coz im sure people will judge me coz i have a funky coloured hair do..

but apart from that im sure ur fine.. ur look cute and u got nice skin


Well-known member
Yeah except for the third pic that you said was for spirit day you look great. I think your makeup matches your style (what I've seen of it anyway). Maybe your mother just doesn't personally like your style?... that's her problem though, not yours... lol. You look great! Don't worry about it!


Well-known member
hey! i love pink hair. i personally dyed my hair a shitload of colors back in highschool. my fav was probably fuscia pinky red on the darker side.

i think your make up is fine and i wish i could peel off my skin and put yours on lol

she probably has a problem with the bright hairs, o well. we are young. do it while we still can!

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