Do MAC MAs get any commission?

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Well-known member
i am pretty sure they do at macys but please correct me if i am wrong


Originally Posted by BEA2LS
i am pretty sure they do at macys but please correct me if i am wrong

No. We do not get commission at Macy's.

Mac does not pay their employees commission at any location.

Nordstrom employees make commission but Nordstrom is the one paying them for it.



Well-known member
thanks, i knew clinque got commission at macys (i interviewed for a counter) and i guess i just assumed all the counters did, my bad


It's a little confusing...

MAC just leases the space from Macy's. So, we are not Macy's employees and we are paid directly from MAC.

At Nordstrom the MAC people are Nordstrom employees. They have to be hired through Nordstrom and are paid by Nordstrom. That is why they get commission.

But again, for whatever reason, MAC does not personally pay their employees commission.

I like working at a non-commission counter. It makes everybody more relaxed. I used to be a Macy's employee (Benefit) and I hated it. I love being separate now. No more opening credit!


Well-known member
Originally Posted by Hennys
It's a little confusing...

MAC just leases the space from Macy's. So, we are not Macy's employees and we are paid directly from MAC.

At Nordstrom the MAC people are Nordstrom employees. They have to be hired through Nordstrom and are paid by Nordstrom. That is why they get commission.

But again, for whatever reason, MAC does not personally pay their employees commission.

I like working at a non-commission counter. It makes everybody more relaxed. I used to be a Macy's employee (Benefit) and I hated it. I love being separate now. No more opening credit!

Thanks for clearing that up for us! I have a MA at my local counter who is amazing and I was wondering if I should call up before a collection to see when she is working. So IF she did make commission that she would get it from my purchase. But I guess not. She's there a lot whenever I'm there so I'll probably see her next time a new collection rolls in.


Originally Posted by X4biddenxLustX
Thanks for clearing that up for us! I have a MA at my local counter who is amazing and I was wondering if I should call up before a collection to see when she is working. So IF she did make commission that she would get it from my purchase. But I guess not. She's there a lot whenever I'm there so I'll probably see her next time a new collection rolls in.

I think purchasing from her is still a good idea. Even though we don't make commission, our jobs depend on our sales. And I am sure she appreciates your loyalty.

In these times every sale is important.

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