Do some people just not understand? lol...


Well-known member
I hate the innuendo that we might be trying to attract men. Honestly, how stupid do you think we are? Every man I know says he likes the natural/minimal look better so why would I break out the colours so consistently if that's what I was trying to do? I do it because I like it, and it works into my personal look...the look i've created to reflect me!


Well-known member
Ive heard all kinds of comments from how its pointless to how much money i spend.

But you know what, i just tell them that its my money...if i have the extra money to spend & its not affecting them in any way then they need to back off and not worry about it.

I have other colors "like" that??? Yes, i may have a few pinks but this is a different kind of pink, a different texture, and its something that i like.

My dad doesnt like that i get all "done up" to go somewhere...but its not getting done up to me...its the same technique i would use with neutrals basically, its just with different colors.

And if they continue to keep yapping about it, then i just assume that theyre jealous in some way. Whether it be that they wish they had all those colors, or whatever.....because seriously, why would it bother them so? I think i look good, i get i will continue with my joy.


Well-known member
Originally Posted by mrskloo
My dad think it's a waste of time and money... it's a good think he lives on another island.

But then again.. that's the same man that said I couldn't wear tampons until I was married. lol

Not to diss your dad, but ugh. Sounds like my mum, I think she still lives in the Dark Ages sometimes.

Back to the original topic, what is it with bitchy female relatives??? I never say anything about my mum's clothes but she puts me down every opportunity she gets, though often she complains I'm not feminine or trendy enough, I don't dress enough like all the 'young people'.

I think people who criticise are deep down jealous. Jealous that they haven't an ounce of creativity and bravery to be as self-expressive as some of us can be.

Or something...*smile*


Well-known member
Originally Posted by giz2000
Luckily I don't get flak from anyone...the only DH complains about is lipgloss (he doesn't like the sticky feeling when he kisses me)...other than that, either no one seems to mind, or no one really cares!

yeah my bf complains about that too sometimes. he'll kiss me and then go, "mmmm lipgloss"! its cute tho and he doesn't really mind, haha. he allllwaayys compliments me and says i look cute!


Well-known member
Originally Posted by mspixieears
Back to the original topic, what is it with bitchy female relatives??? I never say anything about my mum's clothes but she puts me down every opportunity she gets, though often she complains I'm not feminine or trendy enough, I don't dress enough like all the 'young people'.

I think people who criticise are deep down jealous. Jealous that they haven't an ounce of creativity and bravery to be as self-expressive as some of us can be.

Or something...*smile*

whoa! what's more feminine than makeup? come ON!!


Well-known member
I don't want to offend ANYONE here at all, so please don't take this personally but..

To read these posts makes me sick to my stomach and makes me want to lash out and kill something... these "people" would feel the rath of my temper if I were in your shoes... I can't stand people being bitchy and catty for no reason, especially when it comes to something I consider an art... would your aunts, or fathers stand in front of a monet painting and critisise it... this sort of attitude REALLY disgusts me... to be perfectly honest, family or not, I would tell them to f*** off... it's not them thats wearing it, and if they're "embarrased" to be seen with you, they don't have to stick around... these people obviously don't realise it's 2006... these, to me, seem to be the type of people that are against "gay" people and that are racist... I don't mean to offend anyone here but this is something I firmly get my back up about...


Well-known member
I've been into makeup since age 12- -- I love makeup, but the mac obsession is recent since I"ve had a bit more money to blow on my addiction. My husband doesn't comment and my family really doesn't that much either, I know they can't understand how I can spend so much on it. But I try not to divulge that info. In general I get so many more compliments on my makeup though.


Well-known member
I'm lucky to have a really stylish, elegant mother who understands the beauty of make-up - that sometimes, yes, you do wear it to impress others (let's be honest here), but 90% of the time you wear it to impress yourself.

Now that I'm an MA, I think her guidance has really helped me in how to deal with clients. Sometimes they want make-up because they think it will make them beautiful for their groom-to-be, but mostly women just want to look beautiful to themselves, even if they don't see it that way. Everyone is beautiful, all make-up should do is enhance how gorgeous you already are.


Well-known member
Heh, although i do love the, "I dont need makeup, i have natural beauty" peeps...

Yeh, your catapillar eyebrows, and blotchy skin, and chap stick is natural beauty all right...

I dont tell them constantly to pluck their brows...

I think a big reason a lot of peeps bash makeup is they dont know how to use it. But also wont take the time to learn it. So on the offchance they do try to use color, or do something different than eyeliner/mascara, it ends up looking silly. So it becomes easier to put it down, rather than try to learn.

I've really forgot my mirror hours now lol... Sometimes on weekend i'll spend hours playing with new colors, liners, or ideas... Like liquid liner... I still SUCK at it... Doesn't mean i tell the girls who wear it that liquid liner is over the top, it just means they are better at it than I am.

My morning mirror time is always like an hour for makeup... Only because I always end up playing with my look, rather than using the same ole same ole...


Well-known member
Those people just don't bloody get it!!!

I get stares & things like that when i have colours on my lids.

What's their friggin problem?!

We're just people who like to have more fun & colours in our life!

I just got pissed off by Elle Magazine Singapore.

This particular article states that " Girls who wore more MU are less confident"

and "Natural/minimalistic MU are beautiful & shows that the girls are confident about themselves". WTF?!

IMO, some might be too busy/lazy to do anything with their face....or else,

they are so sick and tired of rude & insensitive comments made by those prudes! :p


Well-known member
Oh man. I could go on and on and ON...

I'm lucky. My girlfriend doesn't give me crap for wearing makeup - she is butch/tomboy and never wears it, but thinks I look sexy all dolled up (although she also winces when she kisses me and I'm wearing lipglass, haha. Everyone hates lipglass when they're on the "receiving" end!) I would NOT tolerate someone who routinely humiliated me for my personal expression choices. Fuck that noise. And, let me just tell you, if straight guys prefer the so-called "natural look," lesbians are even worse! For the most part they don't even look at me because I'm so girly. Fine. I stick with the queers who get it. I tend to be more attracted to them anyway.

As for my family, they lightly tease me sometimes but don't pester me too much, at least not to my face. I made it pretty clear a loooong time ago not to do t hat. (Mostly, they used to get on me about my weight, but since I lost a good deal of it they've been less obnoxious. Sigh.)

I think part of the problem is, when one person in a group is all "done up," everyone else feels insecure and either apologetic about it ("oh I should have gotten dressed up, too" *ashamed look*) or critical, like you must have something to prove. Eye makeup in particular seems to intimidate the everloving crap out of people. I mean yeah I want to look nice when I venture outside into the world, but the only person I'm really gonna succeed in impressing is myself and any other makeup fanatics who happen along.

Alterntively, people feel more liberated *not* having to wear makeup anymore and cannot understand why I'd do it for fun. I get that attitude a lot from older women who came of age in a time when a full face was pretty much expected (and the foundations felt more cakey, etc.), and now they're like, why do you go to so much trouble? Same with the lesbians in college who gave me crap for shaving my legs and having long hair (except they could be much meaner about it because they saw it as anti-feminist). WTF, I feel better this way, and we don't all have to look the same, that's the joy on planet earth. UGH.

OK, that was a novel, haha.


Well-known member
Originally Posted by asnbrb
oh, and a little OT, but when my aunt from California (who's known as a mean b*tch) decided that it was her place to comment on my looks, all "respect for my elders" went out the door. She had been saying other innuendos to me all night long and finally said that I had gotten "fat" (I'm 5'1" and at the heaviest that I've EVER been - 106 lbs) and I told her calmly to her face that one more rude comment WOULD get her thrown off of my second story balcony and the only part that I'd get upset over is if she hit my car on the way down. She's never said a rude word to me since.

I'm totally not saying you should do that, BTW.

*gasping with mirth* well done!.. you sound like my kinda woman! I sooo would have loved to have been a fly on the wall. Comebacks are best delivered w/ calm & measured clarity

tho my BF teases me about the well known fact that, if i have 5 hrs to get ready, i'll prolly take the 5 plus an EXTRA 15min, he also loves ME & that i'm the hottest girl in the room *wink* to him w/ or w/o m/u


Well-known member
LOL i love that reference to girls who wear a lot of makeup have less confidence lol... It's so incorrect on so many levels...

Firstoff... If for whatever reason I choose to wear neutrals, i end up wearing JUST as much makeup as when i use color lol...

And second, i'm I think you have to be a more confident person to wear the brighter and uncomon colors...

It attracts attention, and like someone said b4, stares... If anything you have to be more confident about your overall appearance to handle the added attention that uncommon makeup can bring about. Wheras neutrals or no makeup just blend in with everyone else...

And i totally think the whole, "guys like girls more who wear no makeup or less" is BS. Look at the monthly, "nude" challenge... It's just a shift in color, not a reduction in makeup. And I can guarentee you could show a guy 2 pics of the same person, one with color and one with a nude look, and if he picked the nude look, he would say "because she's wearing less." When in reality she's wearing the same amount.

Edit: Oh lol... And just cuz of what my Mom said earlier this week, I went and dropped another $100.00 at my MAC counter today... <3 payday LOL... And bought more obnixious blue's and pinks!


Well-known member
Raerae, you nailed the thing about the nude look. What I would like to know is how come it takes so much more makeup for me to look like I'm not wearing any?? When I do the bright colours, I tend to only put stuff on my eyes, but nude/natural? I'm talking foundation, blush, mascara, face powder, the works


Active member
I agree with everyone about the "neutral" look. Takes many more products to look like I'm not wearing any makeup than when I want to have lime green eyelids!

However, in my life, most people say nothing about how "outrageous" my makeup is, or they compliment me. I have a feeling that they're too scared that I'd yell at them if they made some smartass comment to me. (I would.)


Well-known member
I don't really hear much about it around me. My mom loves makeup too, not to the extent i do, but she likes it. My boyfriend compliments me on the colors i wear or tells me i look pretty, he even buys me stuff, he's great like that really lol. The only person who i hear things from more than not is my brother, who thinks it's too much sometimes (although the 'natural' look isn't too much, yet im wearing the same amount or more makeup!)


Well-known member
Let the men ponder for a while:

Why do they fantasies/drool over Magazine cover girls when they know that those beautiful ladies are enhanced with professional MU & PS touch-up?
(They certainly don't wear LESS MU!)

I really like this quote from Liszybarite -
"we don't all have to look the same, that's the joy on planet earth."
So true!


Well-known member
Yeh serious lol... I've had friends show me photo's of women who have the appearance of wearing no makeup, and are beautiful, and use it as a reference why you dont need makeup to look pretty...

I'm thinking... if only I would wear PhotoShop in real life... Yeh just PS out that blemish please... Take a little bit off there... Correct that there... Blend away that there... LOL

Not to mantion if it's a photo, you often end up wearing makeup for the photoshoot that would look silly, or be impossible to keep on for any length of time...

Not to mention shooting te photo from the models best angle... As if you only see a person from their best angle LOL..


Well-known member
Originally Posted by V2LUCKY
My SO hates me buying mu too, I NEVER tell him anything about his obsession with shoes (he has over 250pairs) and maybe I should next time he complains. He tells me that I'm never gonna finish all my mu, well at least I could wear more than one item at a time on my face and he could only wear one pair of shoes at a time. UGH!!! It's so frustrating...BUT.. the thing I hate the most is that he hates that I wear color (I am not a neutral girl AT ALL) he says "it's hooker makeup". The other day he made me cry cause he said something about my mu and I couldn't take it and cried and told him that it really bothered me that he never compliments me on my mu, and the days that I do a neutral face for him he never says anything, and I feel so uncomfortable like that (I feel like my face looks dirty). So now I just say FUCK IT! He doesn't compliment me on my mu when I wear color or neutrals, I'll just do whatever makes me feel comfortable.

Aww!! Tell him his shoes are ugly.


Well-known member
i'm really lucky that the girls in my family like m/ mom taught me to do smokey eyes (& w/ diff colours) when i was like 12, of course, it was mainly for school dance shows/big time parties, but reading this, it's huge that she contributed/supported (?) my love for colour
my mom is from a culture where you don't leave the house w/o m/u, she made me take care of my skin, etc
That stupid magazine fr singapore is sooooo wrong, i tend to look at it the other way, ppl who don't put effort into their appearance have low self esteem & don't feel like taking care of themselves friend is like that, no real pride in appearance, only wears m/u to go out, however, it's really poorly done etc, & DOES look like hooker m/u
i try & i try, luckily she likes it when i'm offer to have pre-party to get ready & do her hair & m/u

i think m/u for me is an artistic outlet, it's the one part of my life where i can be creative, just my face/body (sometimes i do henna highlighted w/ pigments) is my canvas...