Do you believe there are real psychics?


Well-known member
Originally Posted by Shimmer
Some people are more intuitive than other people, and different people have different though processes that allow them to draw different yet accurate conclusions from evidence as it's presented, but no, I don't believe anyone is psychic.

I totally agree. There's this one really popular psychic on Swiss TV, who is really famous, but I think he just has a really good feel for people and is very intuitive and has a lot of life experience to draw from when he offers people advice. Some people are just good at interpersonal relationships like that. But I don't think it has anything to do with being psychic.


Well-known member
My family have a history of having some weird sixth sense and having things happen to them - my grandmother claimed for years that she had seen her guardian angel smiling at her, my dad has this freaky ability to know his way around places he's never been before.. but the strangest thing was something that happened to my uncle. He used to read cards, and one day he predicted a neighbors death (didn't tell the neighbor though).. and after that day, he vowed to never pick up tarot cards again. The neighbor died a few days later :S

There's also way too many ghost sightings from people in my family (like the time another uncle answered the door to find a man standing there who looked like a solider from the 1800s and then vanished into thin air.. *shiver*) for me to believe that there are simple explanations for everything..


Well-known member
Originally Posted by girlstar
My family have a history of having some weird sixth sense and having things happen to them - my grandmother claimed for years that she had seen her guardian angel smiling at her, my dad has this freaky ability to know his way around places he's never been before.. but the strangest thing was something that happened to my uncle. He used to read cards, and one day he predicted a neighbors death (didn't tell the neighbor though).. and after that day, he vowed to never pick up tarot cards again. The neighbor died a few days later :S

There's also way too many ghost sightings from people in my family (like the time another uncle answered the door to find a man standing there who looked like a solider from the 1800s and then vanished into thin air.. *shiver*) for me to believe that there are simple explanations for everything..

It sounds like your family has a genetic predisposition for having this ability. Do you feel you have it too?


Well-known member
Eh- I don't believe in the kind where you walk into a shop, give them $50 and they tell you your 'future'.

But I definitely believe that there are people who can just "know" things without reason. My oldest brother has done that since we were kids. We're about 4 years apart, my parents had decided to only have two kids (which would mean him & my other brother). My mom swears that he randomly looked at her, and told her that he'd have a little sister soon. The only reason she took a pregnancy test was b/c my brother kept insisting that he'd have sister and "soon". Another example, I got in a car accident a few months ago (i was a passenger in a car that was hit), my brother literally called not five minutes later and asked me if I was okay.

I've asked him how he does this, and he just tells me that he just knows. No reason, no 'voices', no speaking to 'dead' people. So things like that I definitely believe in, but telling the future? Not a chance.


Well-known member
Originally Posted by Hilly
I believe to an extent.

And no I don't believe in Miss Cleo!!

Miss Cleo! Oh God.
Scary! Didn't she get indicted for fraud?


Well-known member
Originally Posted by MissChievous
I totally agree. There's this one really popular psychic on Swiss TV, who is really famous, but I think he just has a really good feel for people and is very intuitive and has a lot of life experience to draw from when he offers people advice. Some people are just good at interpersonal relationships like that. But I don't think it has anything to do with being psychic.

I agree. A lot of "psychics" are just really good at Social Engineering.

Basic spy101 tradecraft. It is unbelievably easy as... PEOPLE. LOVE. TO. TALK. ABOUT. THEMSELVES. You get someone to feel good about themselves and they open up the floodgates of info. Blaa blaa blaa.


Well-known member
Originally Posted by MAC_Whore
I agree. A lot of "psychics" are just really good at Social Engineering.

Basic spy101 tradecraft. It is unbelievably easy as... PEOPLE. LOVE. TO. TALK. ABOUT. THEMSELVES. You get someone to feel good about themselves and they open up the floodgates of info. Blaa blaa blaa.

So you're saying that people all have a little of this in them?


Well-known member
Originally Posted by SparklingWaves
It sounds like your family has a genetic predisposition for having this ability. Do you feel you have it too?

I randomly have really good intuition about things happening in the future, or find my mind pointing me in certain ways. It's never been a negative thing, so I just go with it.. but I doubt myself being able to predict futures or anything


Well-known member
Originally Posted by girlstar
I randomly have really good intuition about things happening in the future, or find my mind pointing me in certain ways. It's never been a negative thing, so I just go with it.. but I doubt myself being able to predict futures or anything

Just like other qualities, I do believe the ability can be passed on genetically. Thanks for your reply.


Well-known member
Just for an interesting update, today, I was given yet another article from a deceased relative. My mother framed my grandmother's eye glasses and put her name on it. I didn't know my mother still had my grandmother's eye glasses. She gave it to me today. It was really moving.

I just think there is something up with getting so many deceased people's personal property given to me.

I had one relative give me all of his family photos and he had children. It was so weird. I NEVER ask for these things. People just give them to me. Also, I will get e-mails from unknown cousins trying to give me their photos of MY ancestors. Has anyone had or know anyone with a similiar experience to this?

There has been a lot of weird coincidences with all these deceased members just showing up in pictures, wills, etc in my mail box. I have now six generations of information. It was all just given to me and still keeps coming.

I would appreciate any insight of what this means by those familiar with this.

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