Do you buy LE items on ebay?


Well-known member
Originally Posted by panda0410
The link was here in this forum actually, to several fake Fafi items on ebay
Let me trawl about and dig up the thread

Ohh smart smart why didn't I think of that? LOL so I just did a search on Specktra and I found it! eBay Malaysia Seller: llbstar: Cosmetics, Makeup, Other Health Beauty Items items on
I sure hope that's not what I'll be getting in the mail next week...


Well-known member
I've bought LE stuff from a very reliable seller in Singapore. I think they work at the Estee Lauder head office or warehouse - the boxes have little EL address stickers on them. Everything's been 100% genuine, but very pricey. I only buy things I really, really want to have, like Mi'Lady MES.


Well-known member
I've bought a few things and thankfully they've all been genuine. I've bought Queen's Sin, Firespot and Jadeye recently.
That's about all I buy on Ebay, or stuff from brand new releases like when the Dazzleglasses hit Ebay weeks before they were launched.


Well-known member
I have, and I've been lucky to not get fakes. The most recent one was a Warmed MSF that I scored last week. Never any shadows though, it's always been LE or DC'd lipglasses that I've gotten in the past.


Well-known member
Yeah I buy MAC and LE stuff on Ebay all the time and have never bought fakes. I've been lucky I guess, but I'm a hardened Ebayer and know what to look out for.


I'm surprised to read that there are fake LEs out there, I always thought that it was safe to buy LEs on ebay. It's just that they are always ridiculously priced.


Well-known member
I just bought a MSF on ebay but I don't have it yet. A lot of stuff is so obviously fake, it's idiotic that they try to post it. Like a set of 24 MAC brushes or a cream eyeshadow palette that never existed.


Well-known member
Originally Posted by banjobama
I just bought a MSF on ebay but I don't have it yet. A lot of stuff is so obviously fake, it's idiotic that they try to post it. Like a set of 24 MAC brushes or a cream eyeshadow palette that never existed.

Unfortunately, a lot of newbies don't know about the product range or previous collections and they think they are getting bargains on ebay. My friend who is just getting into MAC stuff asked me if she should buy 5 Full size MAC brushes for $29.99 on ebay. I told her they were fake and she was so shocked people would even make fake cosmetics!


Well-known member
Honestly, I would never even dream of buying any MAC or anything of value on Ebay at all.


Well-known member
Originally Posted by sambibabe
Unfortunately, a lot of newbies don't know about the product range or previous collections and they think they are getting bargains on ebay. My friend who is just getting into MAC stuff asked me if she should buy 5 Full size MAC brushes for $29.99 on ebay. I told her they were fake and she was so shocked people would even make fake cosmetics!

Isn't one of the hallmarks of a fake listing the unreasonably low price? Unless someone stole those five brushes, they wouldn't be making any money whatsoever by selling them. To me that's an Ebay common sense thing, be careful if the deal seems too good.


Well-known member
I've bought a fake once but got my money back, ever since then, I'm staying away from eBay when it comes to buying MAC. MAC stores are the only place where I buy my MAC.


Well-known member
I buy MAC from ebay, but only from a few sellers that I trust. Reading feedback can help a lot, as can pictures of the products. I wouldn't buy from a seller that uses MAC's pictures or has fake products mentioned in their feedback.


Well-known member
I do and will continue to. As its been mentioned before some people simply dont have a choice, value is totally irrelevant.

This is usually where availability isnt an option, some people dont even have counters let alone stores and dont have CP buddies either
I have been fortunate, but there are still things not readily available that I get from ebay - and these are usually sellers who take pride and care in what they do. For many sellers ebay is a viable business and source of income as well - just because its ebay doesnt make their business any less reputable, and again value is totally irrelevant to these sellers because many of them are selling TOTALLY authentic items.