Do you buy things you KNOW you won't use....


Well-known member
I am going to buy way too much from Barbie I all ready know it.
The colors look too cute and girly to pass up. Everything
looks so hot.
At the same time I must be practical because I do not get a chance
to wear vibrant shades too often due to my work.
You should just try everything on, if it looks great then get it,if you don't like the way it looks on YOU then pass it up.
It's all about what the colors look like on you, not what everyone else wants.
After this I really need to cool it.Lol..
Oh yes and I was going to say the same thing, eventually makeup does go bad. Especially lipsticks and lipglosses,liquid eyeliners,mascaras of course. Eyeshadows and powder based stuff seems to last way longer.
Any way try not to buy more lip products than you are going to use because they will spoil.


Well-known member
I don't, I buy what colors look nice on me and thats about it... Altho I do buy some LE stuff to have, not to use like the playboy stuff. I consider that to be real LE stuff... not like every item from every collection.


Well-known member
I buy so many things on impluse, either they are LE, it looks so pretty or someone else has raved about! If in the end I dont like it or wont use I just swap or sell it.


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Never - it's a waste of money that I'll regret later on. I always consider several times before I purchase makeup just to be sure that I'm not just buying it for its looks.


Well-known member
Does any one else have a ton of tubes of Lipglass+lipstick they need to use up before even thinking about purchasing more?Lol...


No, I buy what I'll use and that's the true joy in it. I'm not a "collector" of makeup items. That seems very wasteful to me and not an investment.


Well-known member
Originally Posted by EmbalmerBabe
Does any one else have a ton of tubes of Lipglass+lipstick they need to use up before even thinking about purchasing more?Lol...

Yes! I just B2M my mini lipglass holiday set (not this holiday one). Turns out that I did not like most of the colours. I agree with a previous poster that I do get into panic mode when it comes to LE's. I need to step back and think for a bit before purchasing.


Well-known member
I was starting to get into that mode of having to have everything. BUT .... I usually want makeup that I see being done on your FOTDs. Unfortunately some of the prettiest looks are stuff that are already discontinued. LOL I am not really big into the lipsticks, lipglasses and such so that helps right there. LOL

Example ... I loved the looks with the Thunder and Laze eye pallettes. I finally got them off ebay and used them. I find these 2 pallettes are going to be used and used often because the colors look great on me.

however the Barbie collection I only bought the shadows because I loved the versatility of the 6 shadows. They look bright but in reality (my opinion of course) you really have to pack it on to get that "barbie bright" look. .... to get some one to do a CP for me for the Barbie eye pallette that is in europe. Sigh .... LOL


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I buy things because the color is 'So0o0o pretty and unique!' but I don't actually consider whether or not Im going to want that color on my face or not. Thus I end up with Chrome Yellow, Orange, Aqualine liquidlast, Bitter (thats not even pretty!).


Well-known member
I don't buy things because of the hype––in general, I don't really ever go for things that have just come out, I prefer to wait & read other people's opinions about them first. But I DEFINITELY occasionally spring for those weird products (like Cyber lipstick...when am I EVER going to wear purple-black lipstick on a regular basis?) whose idea appeals to me but which I'd never practically need.


Well-known member
I definitely buy things I don't need and I know I won't use. I always end up buying e/s because they are sooo pretty but i don't wear any. Even my favourite MA has call my attention to the fact that she has never seen me wear e/s even though i keep buying them.


Well-known member
I´ve done it once or twice, but my most remarkable experience with a product I knew I wouldn´t use is Teal p/m. I´ve always been terrified of bright greens and blues on my eyes, but once I saw a picture of a great eye with Teal p/m, it just looked so soft...Then I thought, "let´s give it a shot!!!!" The first time I tried to wear it...Oh boy...It looked like I had painted my eye with an emerald cheap crayola and put glitter all over it. Too bad for me, but then I´ve learned my lesson: just because an item is much raved about, that doesn´t mean it´s gonna look good on you.


Well-known member
I generally buy what I like .. there are only 2 collections that I bought 2of everything that's Madame B and Barbie. Barbie is a pretty collection but to tell you the truth I bought the other part for collection sake. I only buy MSF's if I really like them!
So I guess I could say I don't buy into unless I really LOVE it!


Well-known member
I only buy stuff I'm pretty sure I'm going to like. That's not to say that some stuff doesn't get swapped or sold because it does, but I try to limit myself. I am just not a collector of anything; I kinda hate the idea of having stuff sitting around not being used and gathering dust. There is something wasteful about that to me. This isn't a jab at anyone who does collect - it just isn't my thing.


Well-known member
I'm not really a "collector" at all. I have no problem passing up LEs usually. I'd rather stick to thinks I know are going to be available again if I love them and think that MAC already makes SO many shades that it's unlikely that the LE isn't pretty darn close to something they already make. Mac comes out with collections so often that there's no way I could pick them all up anyway, and I have enough makeup to last me years already!

But when Danse came out, I had to have glissade because I had no MSFs, so that choice was pretty much all made by MU board hype. And I just bought a set of two MSFs - glissade and lightscapade - on E-Bay, with the full intention of hanging onto the glissade and selling it later to some tortured soul who just has to have all the LE products, LOL. Or maybe swapping it if I'm really lemming something else. I wanted to try Lightscapde and figured once I sell the glissade, I'd be ahead on the deal!


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No, I only buy what I know I'm going to use... in my collection I have only three things from LE collections,

Northern Lights MSF
Mercurial Mineralize Eyeshadow
And Lull L/g

That's it... and I've been buying mac religiously for over a year and a half now, so Ive seen tons of collections come and go... I try not to buy into it, its a waste of money I think, unless its something I know I'm going to use... I feel guilty if I buy something and end up not using it.


Well-known member
I went crazy looking for a bunch of LE eyeshadows like Goldbit, Banshee, Glama Ray, & Earthly Delight and once i finally got my hands on them i was disappointed and they just sit there!!!

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