I should consider doing the fish face, because for the most part I just look absolutely mad in any photo taken of me. My initial reaction to a picture is to close my mouth and open my eyes wider. I already have fairly big eyes, and my mouth sort of naturally gapes open (yes, I'm a total mouth-breather!) so I always look totally unnatural. Like someone who is just bundling up all of their crazy for a photo.
When I have attempted to do a kissy face or fishy face or anything other than a mugshot style, I just look drunk and sloppy. My smile always picks up on my uneven jaw, which I never even noticed existed until I started taking ~*~*~sexXi myspace pix~*~*~, I tell you, that did wonders for my ego. So there has been a lot of side-profile shots in my lifetime.
I understand the stigma attached to the kisskiss face on the internet, if it's the only kind of picture a person has of themselves it is sort of annoying, ESPECIALLY coupled with the peace sign or ugh, even worse, a "gang" sign. I think it's totally okay to pull every once in awhile. Whatever makes people feel they look good, I have my picture quirks too.