Do you "Fish Face"?


Well-known member
Also...I've always hated my mouth. My siblings and I all inherited my mom's mouth--it turns down at the corners. I hate it, I look like a bulldog. So this helps with that lol
I do sometimes, I'm horribly unphotogenic so I just go with it and rarely make serious faces in pictures. It's something I'm working on!


Well-known member
I've tried to do this face in pictures, but i really look ridiculous and didn't ever post any of them. I don't think its a flattering pose, but a funny one.


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I have to say I do this face is almost ALL of my pics. I don't know why but I like the pics where I am doing that face better than my other pics.


Well-known member
LOL this thread made me laugh.. Well, I'll be the first to say that I look absolutely terrible doing the "fish face". No, seriously... terrible.

It has annoyed me before because I find SO many girls making that face on MySpace and such, but I think it's meant as a way to reflect their personalities as well or their "fun" side. The same goes with those emo poses..


Well-known member
It's hideous, but at least people are more upfront about it than the girls who really pout their lips out in a picture and then claim that it's their natural lipline. Congratulations, you just made your mouth look like an arse!


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It's the "Blue Steel" look!


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I'm guilty of the fishy face to an extent. For me it's not like a pucker up, kissy kissy face, just pushing my lips out a bit to make my face look thinner and my lips bigger. I hate my smile, so it's just an alternative for me. You can barely tell I'm even doing it in my pictures.
What I hate is the completely obvious fish face. Like the Olsen twins, etc. My cousins who are 17 & 15 do this in practically all of their photos on myspace and it bugs the hell out of me.
I rock the "tasteful" fishy face. :]


Well-known member
DAMN I'M SO GUILTY OF THIS. its kind of crazy hahaha. I dont know why I do it. Its kind of a habit now. I'm terrible.



Well-known member
i think the fishy face you are talkign about is uber popular among the asians as well lol

i guess it makes people look cute and pouty? i used to see it EVERYWHERE on asianavenue when everyone was using it and i see it a lot on stickerpicture booth machines when i used to be into that stuff...

i used to do it but not anymore.. it makes my face look tooo long! ewww... i'll stick to being boring with the same smile >:]


Well-known member
I should consider doing the fish face, because for the most part I just look absolutely mad in any photo taken of me. My initial reaction to a picture is to close my mouth and open my eyes wider. I already have fairly big eyes, and my mouth sort of naturally gapes open (yes, I'm a total mouth-breather!) so I always look totally unnatural. Like someone who is just bundling up all of their crazy for a photo.

When I have attempted to do a kissy face or fishy face or anything other than a mugshot style, I just look drunk and sloppy. My smile always picks up on my uneven jaw, which I never even noticed existed until I started taking ~*~*~sexXi myspace pix~*~*~, I tell you, that did wonders for my ego. So there has been a lot of side-profile shots in my lifetime.

I understand the stigma attached to the kisskiss face on the internet, if it's the only kind of picture a person has of themselves it is sort of annoying, ESPECIALLY coupled with the peace sign or ugh, even worse, a "gang" sign. I think it's totally okay to pull every once in awhile. Whatever makes people feel they look good, I have my picture quirks too.


Well-known member
Originally Posted by janwa09
I don't do the fish face but I do 'Magnum' or 'Blue Steel' ala Derek Zoolander lol!


i loved him in dodgeball! LOOOOOL "if you can dodge a wrench, you can dodge a ball!" my favourite line