DO you have to be married to celebrate your anniversary?


Well-known member
I think it's perfectly reasonable to want to celebrate! In my opinion, an anniversary is a celebration of anything and everything, from the first kiss to the first date or even first day at a real job or the first time anything awesome happened in your life.

Ever see that episode of Friends where Phoebe and Mike have been dating and she tells them it's her anniversary? Rachel asks her "is it the anniversary of your first kiss? first date? first time you slept together?" and Phoebe just says, "YES!" Always loved that one.


Well-known member
my husband and I celebrate several times a year...

First Date anniversary (late december)
The date we got engaged (also our 6 month anniversary)
Wedding anniversary (early december)

The first year I received flowers every month on our anniversary date, and after the first year it was just a dinner/going away every year for our anniversary. Now we still go out for our other anniversaries, however the main shift has been towards our wedding anniversary



Well-known member
The bf and I mark off the little monthiversaries on our calendar (and I have them programmed into my Blackberrry lol). We tend to go out for dinner and get each other gifts for our yearly anniversary (it will be 5 years in February). I think that we'd be the types to celebrate both a wedding anniversary and a dating one (cross that bridge when we get to it

Bf's brother and his wife hold their dating anniversary as more important than their wedding anniversary, so that's what they celebrate.

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