Do you have to hide your MAC to certain people?


Well-known member
I don't excatly hide it from my hubby but when I go shopping and squirrel my MAC stuff away before he sees it. He knows I have alot of MU in general but he doesn't know how much, If he did, he would probably faint. When I show him my made up eyes in the morning, he usually goes erm..... looks nice. He's a sweetie though, he tries hard to understand my addiction but can't understand why I stare at my 15 pan palette so lovingly or when I stroke it with a beam on my face.


Well-known member
I don't really keep it a secret but won't go into great detail about how much general beauty stuff I have. My mum is pretty harsh about it, which doesn't make sense because she has bad habits too with bags, shoes and latest fashion clothing. Most of my friends think it's cool, and 'diverse' for such a nerd.


Well-known member
Originally Posted by sxychika1014
well yeah, but i figure i work hard (or not so hard) for my money so i should be able to spend it however i want... when i start spending THEIR money on makeup then they can comment!!!

Exactly! I honestly think that if I spend on myself I deserve it. I'm working a high stress, high turnover job with kids who most teachers do not want . (Special Education- mental retardation and emotionally disturbed.) I tell everyone I work for makeup and concerts. Plus I make more than my hubby. Last year hubby was a trucker and I did spend his money on makeup- ack... I am not doing that so much now. I'm being a good girl.


Well-known member
I have a pretty large collection, so I do get lots of criticism, but I take it all in stride. I'm happy, and I'd otherwise be blowing money on stuff like alcohol like all of my friends (who think that's totally acceptable... and have nothing to show for it).
As long as I'm happy, debt-free, and I have enough money in savings, I see no reason why I shouldn't buy stuff.


Active member
my friends think its pretty damn cool, but my mom can't stand it. i try to explain to hr that its just a hobby like any other, but she doesn't get it


Well-known member
Amongst my friends I'm the only one with an addiction to make-up in general and to MAC in particular, but they think it's a cute habit, while my parents think I'm totally out of my mind ... So I hide new stuff from my parents since they're always like "You already have this colour, why get the same again" (they just don't see the difference *lol*), or "You want a flat, right, so start saving or you'll have to sleep on the floor". Especially my dad gets angry at times when he thinks about how much money my make-up drawer is worth ...
I don't drink, I don't smoke, I don't have a car or any other expensive hobby - so why not this little addiction? I think I'm worth it ;-)


Well-known member
My friends and family just think my makeup obsession is kind of funny and will just quietly roll their eyes when I get excited about a new collection coming out, but I did just find out that one of my classmates wrote in her blog that I have "a sick obsession" with wearing "clown colors" and "bad makeup" so I guess not everyone finds it amusing.


Well-known member
The only people I feel I have to hide my M·A·C collection from is those who might steal it!


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Originally Posted by gigiproductions
she doesnt understand swapping so she thinks im buying ...

My parents too


Active member
Yeah, very, very few people know how much I have. Although since I went to my new storage cart, most of it is in my bathroom. So I guess anyone who came over could open the drawers and see. I know my friends think I'm crazy. My mom is an MA for another line, so she's into makeup, too, but I have way more than her now. She would probably go ballistic if she knew how much I spend. But you know, it's my money, no one else is paying my bills. I work hard, alot of overtime, and have a stressful job. I should get to reward myself with something. My bofriend thinks I shop too much, but oh well, he's not paying my rent.


New member
Originally Posted by moonrevel
My friends and family just think my makeup obsession is kind of funny and will just quietly roll their eyes when I get excited about a new collection coming out, but I did just find out that one of my classmates wrote in her blog that I have "a sick obsession" with wearing "clown colors" and "bad makeup" so I guess not everyone finds it amusing.

I would for sure not talk with that classmate anymore! That's beyond rude!

Just know that we support you in your "colorful" life!


Well-known member
Originally Posted by Zap2it
I would for sure not talk with that classmate anymore! That's beyond rude!

Just know that we support you in your "colorful" life!

For real. I guess I missed the memo where we went from being graduate students to junior high school students.

But that's why I love all these boards and communities. I can talk to like minded addicts who share my makeup obsession!


Well-known member
Ther person I am most uncomfortable with showing my makeup is my boyfriend. Yea, boys just don't understand! They think you are crazy. My mum is fine with my makeup obsession, coz she used to be obsess with scarves, clothes and shoes... lol! My sis thinks my collection is cool. My friends are fine with it.... just not my bf.


Well-known member
My mom. If she found out this is what I spent my money on instead of food and school and rent she would be pretty pissed. That is why I have it in an easy to storeage container, I move that when she comes over.


Well-known member
I am not very secretive about it at all. I am employed as an event planner, but do freelance makeup work occasionally, so I can always claim its for work if anyone were to be critical. No one is really negative to me about it. My husband thinks it hilarious that some one would own around 120 eyeshadows. My friends are way girly like me, so they love to look over my stash. My parents have never seen my current collection, but I remember when I was a kid they cut me off for a while. I was told that I couldn't spend any of my allowance on makeup for a while, when they thought I had too much already. But that was a long time ago... They got over when I was grown and saw that I was making money at it.
The way I see it, I have worked long and hard to be able to afford the things I want. I have nothing to be ashamed of. When DH teases me, I reply "Hey, at least it's not Heroin"


Well-known member
If I go get MAC, I tell my mom and boyfriend that I got one thing. I usually get 4 or 5 items though. :p


Well-known member
Originally Posted by Classic Beauty
My dad! He is always on my case about makeup. Like the other day I was counting my collected change and he had to say, "What, are you going to waste it on make up?" Oh and then yesterday I told him what my dream job was (create collections for MAC) and he said it was a waste of knowledge (because I'm on the honor roll). Hey! Getting a degree in Marketing or Chemistry is not a waste of knowledge.

But hey my friends envy my make up techniques and my make up. Mua ha ha

omg. thats my dream job too!!!


Well-known member
Originally Posted by moonrevel
My friends and family just think my makeup obsession is kind of funny and will just quietly roll their eyes when I get excited about a new collection coming out, but I did just find out that one of my classmates wrote in her blog that I have "a sick obsession" with wearing "clown colors" and "bad makeup" so I guess not everyone finds it amusing.

I'd be irritated if my friends said that. My friends think I'm "eccentric" - I think naturally eccentric is a good tagline for me. LOL --I've finally relaxed and become "myself" and learned that its "ok" to have an interest in makeup like I do. I used to be really self conscience of my makeup sticking to neutrals but being here has really helped me gain confidence in knowing that its ok to go out of the norm. I teach school and stick to browns with bright liners and shadows as liners.

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