Do you prefer sending your resume in person? Or through the fax/email?


Well-known member
Okay, I personally like giving out my resumes in person, in a nice big envelope. I don't know why, I just think it feels much better doing so.

I found out MAC in Chicago is hiring from I keep watch on it for each time they put something of the sort out, so I am going to go and bring my resume in to them and also to Sephora which is also hiring.

Soooo, how do you put in your cosmetics retail resumes?

Or how did you put in your resume that got you the job? And which way do you think is better?



Well-known member
I have always taken my resumes in myself instead of emailing. I always make sure when I drop it off to let them know how highly interested in the position I am...I've always thought it seemed more personal taking resumes in instead of emailing


Well-known member
Especially for beauty-related jobs, in person! Then they can see you and be impressed by how well put-together you look


I have a question, What advice can you give me on making a resume, I have retail experience and currently work for estee lauder I do some freelance but for friends and their freinds like prom. One of the MAC girls told me that retail was very important (which I have alot) and to put freelance on my resume, but I dont know how to word it, can anyone help, PLEASE?


Well-known member
Originally Posted by NEna<3
I have a question, What advice can you give me on making a resume, I have retail experience and currently work for estee lauder I do some freelance but for friends and their freinds like prom. One of the MAC girls told me that retail was very important (which I have alot) and to put freelance on my resume, but I dont know how to word it, can anyone help, PLEASE?

I'm not completely sure, I wrote mine on and worked from there. It seemed to work out fine because I have a interview next week at MAC

Retail experience I know is a MUST with them, cosmetic application especially for freelance. I put mine down as part-time.


Well-known member
I personally like doing it in person. Dress the part and make a great first impression! But I think the most important thing is to follow the instructions that you're given. So if they say please e-mail us your resume or CV, it's probably best to do that instead of handing it in personally, anyway.


Well-known member
Well, I work in retail, and I think it's better to hand it in in person, but if it was said to e-mail your resume, e-mail it, but I don't think it would hurt to hand another copy in as well.


Well-known member
I think it would be better to do it in person. You're gonna be working in a customer service environment so to speak, so it kinda puts you out there in that light.

Plus you never know who may be there to receive it, and that personal touch may help them remember you..