Do you smoke or have you ever?


Well-known member
I am SOOOO glad they banned smoking in restaurants here in Florida. I had a really hard time going out to eat if there was someone smoking. Sorry, but putting up a half-wall partition and calling it a non-smoking section is akin to telling kids they'll be safe from a nuclear bomb by hiding under their desks. I don't get on people who smoke, I just wish they would quit for themselves. I see people smoking through their trach rings (yes, the hole in their throat) at work and it just boggles my mind. Or the ones who smoke with their oxygen (oh, it's just an extremely flammable substance) tanks going. But smoking around other people just isn't fair to them, sorry. ESPECIALLY around pregnant women!


Well-known member
Originally Posted by AlliSwan
I am SOOOO glad they banned smoking in restaurants here in Florida. I had a really hard time going out to eat if there was someone smoking. Sorry, but putting up a half-wall partition and calling it a non-smoking section is akin to telling kids they'll be safe from a nuclear bomb by hiding under their desks. I don't get on people who smoke, I just wish they would quit for themselves. I see people smoking through their trach rings (yes, the hole in their throat) at work and it just boggles my mind. Or the ones who smoke with their oxygen (oh, it's just an extremely flammable substance) tanks going. But smoking around other people just isn't fair to them, sorry. ESPECIALLY around pregnant women!

When did they start that in FL?

Jennifer Mcfly

Well-known member
Originally Posted by lovemichelle
When did they start that in FL?

It's been at least a year now, maybe longer. I love it!! I can't stand smoke in my face, especially if I'm eating or in a confined place. Ugh.


Well-known member
I think I'm about to quit I can take the taste anymore. It might just be this brand, but I can't smoke more then like 3 puffs. Or maybe it is because I'm sick.


Well-known member
I can't even say I tried smoking as such, it was more I had a puff for curiosity's sake.

From a very early age, especially as a wind musician, I've always been anti-smoking. I'm the only one in my family that has never smoked for some period of time, my parents having quit and my brother giving up his anti stance to become a heavy smoker, so much so that his passive smoke gave me occasional asthma.


Well-known member
I have never smoked, and hopefully never will. I hate it, and I wear hard contact lenses so my eyes get super irritated and I start coughing. It's just such a bad idea overall. I'm surprised so many people still smoke, with all of the awareness and dangers.

Jennifer Mcfly

Well-known member
Originally Posted by lovemichelle
I think I'm about to quit I can take the taste anymore. It might just be this brand, but I can't smoke more then like 3 puffs. Or maybe it is because I'm sick.

My BF smokes (ugh) and I know when he gets sick he doesn't "like" smoking as much.


Well-known member
I am on week 5 of no smoking. I am using the patch and it seems to be working great. I have not killed anyone yet! =] I smoked a pack a day for almost 7.5 years. I just got over it and I'm a single mom and need to be around for my son for a long time. He was the main reason I quit, for the past year or so he would say things about it and I felt like a crappy mom. I didn't smoke with him around (in the car or inside the house), but he would see me go outside the house and he hated it. Now he says "I am proud of you Mommy" That makes it all worth it!


Well-known member
I've had asthma xince I was 3 so I've never even tried.
My b/f does though, but his Camels never bother me for some reason. Everything else does, it's funny.


Well-known member
Originally Posted by FairladyZ
I've had asthma xince I was 3 so I've never even tried.
My b/f does though, but his Camels never bother me for some reason. Everything else does, it's funny.

I love Camels. They are very smooth and the smell isn't too bad either.


Well-known member
argh I don't know whats wrong with me, but I've had this urge lately to go buy a pack of smokes and go out and smoke. The kicker? I've never ever smoked in my life. I'm in my mid 20s. Why would I feel like the smell of smoke is appealing to me? I know all the hazards, but I still find my mind wandering, wanting it!!

its not like I've been seeing a lot of smoking on tv, movies, etc. What is wrong with me?? I find it especially perplexing that I've never tried it before, but all of a sudden I get this urge?

None of my friends/family smoke except for two aunts and a cousin, all of which I don't see.


Well-known member
Nope, never will. I hate it when I am at the driving range and someone around me smokes. Then again, I hate it when there's a little kid nearby and somebody lights up right next to the kid. C'mon people!


Well-known member
I used to and I miss it. It relaxes me and makes me feel good ( well until I try to do carido or something it kills me). My hubby does it off and on and I hate it on him. The smell stinks I'll admit it but I love it.

I always want to smoke on long car drives..idk why its my most tempting time...or when Im drinking, or after dinner, after work, or when Im stressing. I started when I was like 18 or so and its always been off and on. I can quit cold turkey no prob but the craving always comes and goes. Sometimes its easy to ignore..some times not.


Well-known member
I picked up my bad habit of smoking about 8 years ago (while going through a divorce) and I finally quit on October 9, 2008 (my 34th birthday). It took several attempts to quit and I tried different things. The third time I tried hypnotherapy it worked. Not only have I saved a butt load of money but I see such huge difference in my skin. I know hypnosis may not be for anyone but anyone that is serious about quitting should give it a try.


Well-known member
I took a few puffs.
That's about all it took to put me off for life!

miss sha

Well-known member
I smoked sort-of regularly for one summer in high school.
I never bought my own pack, but I always bummed cigarettes off of my friends, most of whom had already been smoking for years by that point. I stopped after I stopped hanging out with all of them. I've tried it since then, but it just made me really, really sick (headache, chest pain) and the smell makes me nauseous, so I'm pretty much done with smoking.


Well-known member
I've tried smoking, but it just makes me sick. I hate it so much. I love that smoking indoors/within so much space of front doors of public buildings was banned here, and I like that people are banned from smoking in cars with their children. I was part of the tobacco action group at my school, and we managed to get our school's percentage of smokers down from 11% to 7% over a year, which I'm proud of.

What people do with their lives is their business, but I like to put the information out there, especially for the feeder junior high students who were entering my (former) high school. They thought we all smoked in high school, when only 13% of North American teens smoke. Now that I'm in uni, it seems like even less people smoke.. Anyway, I've lost too many family members to lung cancer to start smoking; my uncle died two years ago from accelerated lung cancer at a very young age, and my aunt (his wife) stills smokes two packs a day. It makes me so sad..

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