Do you think MAC should have the same rules internationally?


Well-known member
Originally Posted by MrsMay
ok, I have an update after my visit to the store today.

It seems that the B2M policy has changed, and we can no longer B2M for LE lipsticks at all regardless of whether they are special packaging.

Also - stores are not holding goods any more (or at least Myer Adelaide isnt). The reason I was given for this was that they have to make sure that they have enough to go around for everyone, "even though I know you're a mac addict". (sorry if I sound grumpy - this kinda annoyed me).

This *might* fall in line with the LE lippies - at least Dame Edna - being higher than normal retail. Here we are now paying $41AU for LE lippies, where perm lippies are only $35AU.... I am not sure why. The US website offers all lipsticks for the same price so why are WE being slugged the extra?


Well-known member
Originally Posted by Exotica
Also our return options are more strict than the US.

Oh please. The Australian returns policy is beyond generous - as long as you have a receipt you can return things to the standalone stores for the most bogus, frivolous reasons. I wouldn't complain about that. If it's in Myer or David Jones, direct your ire at the department store policies.

Complaining into the echo chamber of the internet really does nothing. If you're really so upset about something, email MAC AU. Don't like the markup? Email them. Don't like the B2M policy? Email them. I'm hammering out an email to find out why the gap between US collection release and Australia is getting so large when for a while we were only a week behind.

Be proactive about it or deal with it, 'cause god, Australians really love martyring themselves over the cost of make-up.


Well-known member
Hi guys, have been reading a bit on this thread..... I'm in Denmark, and actually MAC cannot apply their B2M policy overhere, since we have some legislation, that says if they want to offer a returnpolicy like that, they have to offer to pay out a cash amount in stead of just offer to "swap" empty containers for a lippie. So if I decided to depot my 120 e/s - that would qualify me for like 20 lipsticks, and because of the danish law, I should have the choice of either cash or l/s......So the laws of the country may also have something to do when MAC is not offering B2M somewhere.


Well-known member
Originally Posted by lara
Complaining into the echo chamber of the internet really does nothing. If you're really so upset about something, email MAC AU. Don't like the markup? Email them. Don't like the B2M policy? Email them. I'm hammering out an email to find out why the gap between US collection release and Australia is getting so large when for a while we were only a week behind.

Be proactive about it or deal with it, 'cause god, Australians really love martyring themselves over the cost of make-up.

I have. I emailed them yesterday and am waiting for a reply. I specifically asked about why our LE are higher than perm colour retail here when LE in other countries is the SAME as their perm retail, and also asked about B2M for LE - to get some clear parameters. Seems some counters and stores (like most places) have different guidelines. I will post the response when it comes.


Well-known member
Originally Posted by lara
Complaining into the echo chamber of the internet really does nothing. If you're really so upset about something, email MAC AU. Don't like the markup? Email them. Don't like the B2M policy? Email them. I'm hammering out an email to find out why the gap between US collection release and Australia is getting so large when for a while we were only a week behind.

Who says I was complaining? I wanted peoples opinions regarding this topic. Last time I checked, this forum does allow people to discuss and share their opinions with eachother, right? I don't know why you're assuming I haven't e-mailed MAC about it. I have actually sent e-mails in the past that have gone unanswered.