Do you wipe off your lip products before eating?


Well-known member
I never really thought about it. If they're super glossy and fresh I'll blot it off or if it's almost time for me to reapply, I'll put it out of it's misery. But if it's in that sweet spot in between, then usually I'll just leave it. I'll probably start blotting it off more often after reading this.


Well-known member
Wow never thought about it and still sounds weird to me xD If I had to wipe off lipstick/gloss everytime I eat/drink/kiss or whatever I wouldn't apply it on the first place hahaha
I do wipe off lipgloss but if it's lipstick no, I usually have most of it after eating, I'm very careful with it hehe


Well-known member
I hate that feeling of eating/drinking with lipgloss on! it's horrid - not just because you'll be consuming it but more so just that feeling...I don't know it just don't feel nice lol I never wear lipstick out but if I did I would blot before I eat, just so it doesn't smudge everywhere.


Well-known member
Originally Posted by HOTasFCUK
I also can't eat without putting my hair up because it drives me nuts but thats a whole other issue!

You're not alone on that one.

As for the ls/lg. I take of lg and blot dark ls. But it's only lg that I HAVE to take of before eating.
I'm more grossed out by ls/lg on my glass lol. I just ask for a straw when it is

As a kid I used to eat chap stick, I've been told lol :s
My grandma freaked out, when she found that I had put it on my lips and licked it of again and gone through half a chap stick (think I was about 4years)


Well-known member
Originally Posted by Bjarka
You're not alone on that one.

As for the ls/lg. I take of lg and blot dark ls. But it's only lg that I HAVE to take of before eating.
I'm more grossed out by ls/lg on my glass lol. I just ask for a straw when it is

As a kid I used to eat chap stick, I've been told lol :s
My grandma freaked out, when she found that I had put it on my lips and licked it of again and gone through half a chap stick (think I was about 4years)

I used to eat chapstick too! lol


Well-known member
LOL so happy it wasn't just me. My mom wouldn't let me have my own chap stick untill I was about 8 or 10, because of that incidence.


Well-known member
Lol, when we were kids, my best guy friends would say "Hey do you have any lip balm?" and then take my fruity lip balms in the pots and eat them.


Well-known member
If I'm just snacking on like crackers or something, I usually won't bother doing anything. If I'm sitting down to a full meal, if I remember I might blot the ls/lg. If I go to drink something and I can still feel the product on my lips I have to blot it off because I hate smearing cups with my lip stuff. Even if I'm going out and drinking from a straw I still think it's really gross to be able to see my lip print on the straw so I have to wipe off the product.


Well-known member
I don't wipe it off before eating. But, if I have an left on my lips afterward I use a wet towel or hand sanitizer or something to wipe off my lips before I reapply. I don't want food residue contaminating mt lip products.


Well-known member
No, but I should huh? TheSublimeAgent on Youtube referenced that women consume about 12lbs of petroleum jelly a year. Hmmmmm. He said that wasn't good, but lip products are awesome. *shrugs*


Well-known member
I'm a smoker, so I always forget I'm wearing lipstick and then have a hooker cigarette butt. That gets a lot of the lipstick off.

Also, I usually eat before I put my makeup on - I have a fear of being a messy eater and I fear getting food or something on my freshly applied makeup - so I just put it all on afterwards.

IF I go out to eat and have lipstick on (I rarely eat out) then I don't, no. I just leave it on and reapply as needed. But I do wipe my mouth before re-applying.

Also - maybe it's just me, but I always apply lipbalm before lipstick. Even if it's all rubbed off - I still put lipbalm on before lipstick. My lips always seem to hurt if I don't have lipbalm on 99% of the time. :/

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