Do your bf/hubbies do this?


Well-known member
My man must be totally weird but hes the complete opposite of my ex crazy pyscho jealous boyfriend.

If I go to a bar I usually dress up (down) ahha what ever you would want to call it and if guys hit on me, my boyfriend doesn't care at all.. he likes it. He wants other guys to be jealous of what he has and will come rescue me so I can be like "meet my amazing boyfriend!" LOL love him to bits


Well-known member
It doesnt happen so I really dont worry about it and neither does the hubby. Guys really dont hit on me. I might get an occasional look but most guys dont say shit to me. My hubby says I put off a vibe that scares guys off, which is fine by me.

but it does piss me off how he goes into detail how every drunk slob hits on him.


Well-known member
sometimes, he gets angry but not always at me .. sometimes when im wasted i'll play along back with the guy and then he has every valid reason to be upset, he only gets really pissed w/ black guys who hit on me and make comments about my man 'not knowing how to handle a black woman". but girl you should just tell him look you should be happy you have a hot girl that guys want! if noone hit on you, then there would be a problem lol.


Well-known member
My hubby and I are both jealous but we never have had a problem with it.

I guess your hubby gets angry at you because you are the one who is supposed to stop them, I guess he wants you to be more rude with those guys. It's just his insecurity.

I don't know what's his job but that may "help" him to think like that. My hubby is all day surrounded by men hearing their flirting stories and when he gets back at home sometimes tells me one of those stories while giving weird/angry looks at me. It's like he's saying: you better not do this, I know how men are. LOL

I think guys sometimes can't understand things just by talking, sometimes is more useful to treat them like they do to you so they can really see.


Well-known member
I fully understand that this sort of behaviour is completely unacceptable but I suffer with the same issue as your husband. I can totally relate to what goes through his head when people flirt with you.

I do know where mine is rooted though, when I was 14 or so an ex was ever so dirty. I confronted one of the other girls he was "seeing", it escalated into an arguement and the only way I felt I could resolve it was by violence.

Since then it has been engrained in me to feel aggresive toward any women who wants to communicate with my bf and have difficulty resolving a personal issue of any kind with another woman is with my fists.

These days I am more capable of considering my actions before I take them, but the occasional unecessary outburst will still happen.

Have you ever sat down and asked your husband about the very first time he ever felt the need to act like this? You might find out his is rooted in his teens or even younger.


Well-known member
Originally Posted by Simply Elegant
No he's proud because he knows other guys want me and I'm with him. He's pretty confident and knows how much I love him so it doesn't bother him at all.

That's exactly how my BF is and I couldn't be happier about it. He sees how other guys are attracted to me and he thinks he's the luckiest guy for being with me. I love him for being secure about both himself & me and our relationship. I wouldn't be able to be with anyone who's that insecure about either of us and use jealousy/intense love (whatever) as an excuse.


Well-known member
Originally Posted by greengoesmoo
I fully understand that this sort of behaviour is completely unacceptable but I suffer with the same issue as your husband. I can totally relate to what goes through his head when people flirt with you.

I do know where mine is rooted though, when I was 14 or so an ex was ever so dirty. I confronted one of the other girls he was "seeing", it escalated into an arguement and the only way I felt I could resolve it was by violence.

Since then it has been engrained in me to feel aggresive toward any women who wants to communicate with my bf and have difficulty resolving a personal issue of any kind with another woman is with my fists.

These days I am more capable of considering my actions before I take them, but the occasional unecessary outburst will still happen.

Have you ever sat down and asked your husband about the very first time he ever felt the need to act like this? You might find out his is rooted in his teens or even younger.

greengoesmoo, I tried talking to him so many times. Last conversation was on New Years eve. On my facebook my old high school buddy said that I look good for having kids. My BF flipped out on me.

Finally when we got home, I told him that this shit needs to stop. He should feel secure being with me. He said sorry but he does not like anyone flirting with me cuz its disrespectful to him. Then I put two and two together.

My man owns real successful business in the US and in Tawaiin. I always told him that I hate the way he talks to people when we are out at the mall and stuff. He barks orders at people as if they were on his payroll. I am thinking thats why this bothers him so much. It probably bothers him that the guys who flirt don't acknowledge him and he's not used to that.

He thinks everybody is just supposed to bow down to him(not at home cuz I run the show
). Like everyone should know that I am his woman and they should back off. I said in my last post, I really think that its a control issue. Regardless its unhealthy and I am so sick of it. Thanks for listening.


Active member
This sounds like an episode of the Family Guy. As long as the flirting is not aggressive or demeaning, he is fine with it. He has admitted it is awkward to witness other men flirting with his girlfriend, yet at the same time it's an indication that I still have it. And, I hate to admit it, but it does feel nice to have the boyfriend feel awkward once in a while. Maybe I should get them to strip half naked and wrestle for my love?

Goat Goat Etc.

Well-known member
It's awkward seeing it happen but it never gets violent with my bf. He simply comes to my side and either takes my hand, or takes me by waist, and says 'something, something BABE.'

He's never been mad at me. It's more flattery than anything! To my bf it's watching guys that couldn't have me, get let down. lol

Although once he said this drunk guy that was drooling all over me was very close to getting a punch or two~drunky was being rude and sexually suggestive so a friend quickly suggested moving our group of ppl somewhere else just in time, lol.

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