Dodgy blush?


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Is this a vile old style box or a fake? Why would her mum give her a fake - bad mother! I serached for it but apparently its not LE so i cant judge the age on when it came out. Messaged the seller to ask for the batch code - used the examples AB8 and A19 so im hoping if its fake she'll make up a fun batch code AE9 anyone? That box is disgusting, half the reason i get into a brand is their packaging... Im makeup shallow i admit it!

Also this looks off for me (1st link below)- quiver is meant to be a coppery rose from the reviews ive read about it and this one is a very pale pinky peach colour (can photos be that wrong? - worrying, maybe me travelling 2+ hours on a train would actually be easier than internet browsing).




Well-known member
I dont know about the blush...??

The pearlizer has been listed as pearlette AND quiver - it looks more like pearlette to!!