Does anyone else HATE the 209?


Well-known member
I'm a die hard 263 user (266 in a pinch) but all my mom will use for her gel eyeliners is the 209! To each their own I guess.


Well-known member
Love love love the 209!!! On my lids it works way better than the 266 which I only use to smudge eye pencil.

The way I see it, you're either a 266 person or a 209 person.


Well-known member
Originally Posted by OfficerJenny
I don't like the 209 that much

210, however, is my bff

Yeah, baby!! I bought 2!


Well-known member
Don't hate the 209! embrace it!

(I use the 263 on occasion too)
but dont swirl it in the product, this is probably where you are going wrong
dip it in and pull upwards to the sides of the container, getting product on each side of the brush.

Then wipe off any excess, and apply to your eye


Well-known member
Originally Posted by OfficerJenny
I don't like the 209 that much

210, however, is my bff

210 ftw.

I like the 210 for a really fine thin sharp line. For a thicker line, I like the 263 and 266


Well-known member
I'm not wild about the 209 either. I thought I'd love it, but it's just eh. I thought it was just me... guess not!
I may try the 210 or 263. Or maybe even the 266. I have a 266 SE, but I think mine looks different from the full size...


Well-known member
I don't own Mac brands but I have a slant e/l brush and a pointed e/l (very similar to the 209) brush and I have to say right now I prefer the slanted one as I find my wings look much better using it. However, my pointed brush is fairly new and I'm thinking maybe I just need to practice more.

Btw I don't like the 212! I have no idea how to use it. Does anyone here use this brush?


Well-known member
Originally Posted by OfficerJenny
I don't like the 209 that much

210, however, is my bff

Love love love 210!


Well-known member
Team 209.

If you've got a heavy hand then I'd suggest you stick to using angled brushes. The shape of the 209 means that if you apply too much pressure the tip splays out and you lose your defined line. With angled brushes you could have fists like a wrestler and still get a line without effort. The trade off is that you don't get the fine control of a pencil tip like a 209.

Everyone has a preference. Just because a brush doesn't work for you doesn't necessarily mean the brush is bad, just that your technique might not be perfectly matched to it.


Well-known member
Another one for the 209!!

This is my HG brush for Fluidlines. I love it so much I have two of them.

I dont swirl the brush but just kinda glide the brush from the middle and work it towards the side of the jar. You can build how much product goes on the brush

Trust me dont give up on it! At first I was frustrated with it but I think with a little bit of practice you will perfect your technique


Well-known member
i love my 209 - i find it impossible to use the angled brushes - i have the 266se and cannot use it to save my life!!! it's so messy and my fluidline gets everywhere - but with 209 i can get the line as thick or thin as i please! yay!


Well-known member
I beginning to think that maybe my fluidline is dried out--- because i HAVE to swirl it to get product on it.... i really really think it might be dried out..

blah if anyone wants to swap their 263 for my 209 id be MORE than happy.. haha! I wish i never would have lost my fantastic 263 =(


Well-known member
I kept the brushes and ditched the Fluidlines. I love the 209 and 210 with my cake mascaras.


Well-known member
i hate angled brushes for my fluidlines..

the 209 is my hg for's simply so easy to use. Love it