Does anyone watch Jon & Kate Plus 8?


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Right. Cara and Mady were 3 when the cameras came around. The poor little ones have always had a camera follow them, which is why I can't understand why Kate made a big deal about the paparazzi. I don't understand the direction of the show at this point. They need a Plan B or settle with what they have, because they have to know that people are not going to be watching them when these kids are teenagers. Hell, it's a trainwreck right now.


Well-known member
Some jon said really stuck with me "This has turned into a Buissness. That's all this is".

If your marriage is in serious crisis, why don't you turn the cameras off and try to get your shit together. This show seems to be driving them farther apart. Kate is running off doing book tours. She said one of her kids was calling her by the nanny's name. They're turning into a brand, not family.

It was a matter of time before this happened. I don't know them obviously, but i know that if my spouse spoke to me the way that Kate demeans Jon, i would grow a freakin backbone. I duno, maybe he's just had enough. It certainly seems that way. I don't know that i can blame him.


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The way I see it, I think they jumped into having kids and marriage way to soon. They were 22 when they married, 23 when they had the twins and 26 or 27 when they had the sextuplets. I think neither of them had time to enjoy life as a married couple or to explore life before settling down and now they're both itching to experience life. I don't blame one or the other for the falling apart of their marriage... I think it is a combination of a bunch of things. Kate admits that she's been wrong in the past and short with Jon and that's commendable... if she was still denying it after all the footage I don't know if I could feel for her. Nobody is perfect and I think she is a strong women for raising eight kids. I hope they work it out. I've heard they're seeking marriage counseling.


Well-known member
I actually felt bad for her - first time ever.
Kate was more on the hopes of salvaging the marriage and saying she does this for the family while Jon kept with just, "I do this for my kids" only.

Jon looked drunk in the first interview. Slurred his words a bit, unshaven... just not good at all. The 2nd one he seemed more himself with the jokes and such.

What broke my heart and I almost wanted to cry at was during the party, Alexis was talking to him about her friend and then said something like, "don't leave us again, daddy" and you see Jon kinda taken aback by that by that comment.

Poor kids.
I don't think they should continue filming until all the press dies down.


Well-known member
Jon looked like he did not want to be there. He literally looked like he was dragged from the streets (or the bar) and forced on that couch.


Well-known member
If it is causing crisis in their marriage and with their kids...they should not continue filming IMO even after the press dies down...It will only happen again.... Make good with all the money you have made $40K an episode....invest wisely...Or God forbid if that isn't enough Get a Job....But keep your family together


Well-known member
I have loved this show for what seems like a loong time. Watching the season premiere last night made me so sad. From the way they were talking, it sounded like they were already separated and that divorce was imminent.


Well-known member
Originally Posted by TISH1127
If it is causing crisis in their marriage and with their kids...they should not continue filming IMO even after the press dies down...It will only happen again.... Make good with all the money you have made $40K an episode....invest wisely...Or God forbid if that isn't enough Get a Job....But keep your family together

If I was them, I would have put away every penny of that which didnt NEED to be spent on important things, or the occasional extra fun stuff for themselves and the kids.

That way they know that their kids futures are secure, and they can relax a little bit.


Well-known member
Jon & Kate have to stop doing the show. TLC got huge ratings (almost 10million) from the season premiere, they have no motive to cancel the show. People can't tear away, so the Gosselin parents have to stop it. They could do annual specials, people would eat that up. Kate could keep "writing" her books. Jon could get a job and feel productive. With investment and savings ("coupons!!!*") I think they could manage. They are rumored to have earned as much as $75,000 per episode, so don't pity them and don't cry about paparazzi. Also, they have tons of helpers that they purposely don't show on camera. But to save the marriage, if that is even remotely possible and to keep the kids from damage they need to stop it. Supposedly they have signed on for this season and another already. It is going to come at a high price, I think.

*coupons reference below go to about 3:40


Well-known member
^ I personally don't think in the end it will be so much up to them 100% ...TLC is gonna be the deciding force for most part...Do they want a broken up Jon & Kate or do they want what they originally contracted them for....If they want to keep the show going they may have to keep the marriage going.

I personally don't pity them at all...They signed up for the show and when they saw it damaging their marriage they had the right to pull out...Not continue on for the money. There is a time when you say No More....looks like they let that time pass them by for the mighty dollar


Well-known member
I liked the show at its inception....but have found in the last year it feels far more manufactured (coulda been at the beginning too, i just didnt feel it like i do now).

I can't believe how much Kate harps, nags, nitpicks. I would not be a happy camper either. She feels the need to micromanage (yes with 8 kids, youd need to be organized but not so forceful that you pick the colours your kids can paint with b/c you want it to go with your house).

I like the rest of you just feel bad for the kids.
They didn't choose this!


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I don't think it's rumors at all. Seriously, have you seen how she treats Jon EVERY singe episode? Like one of her kids....actually worse than one of her kids. She seems very hateful towards him. If these things are true, I'm not saying it's right to cheat, but I am saying I don't feel sorry for her. I thought it was funny how when she started crying on the season premiere, her biggest worry was about her "makeup." Get real. You can't behave that way you have for X amount of seasons, and expect that Jon won't get tired of your crap.

The worst thing, IMO, is that Maddie has her attitude big time. Cara a little bit, and now I'm noticing even some of the smaller kids. Very sad.


Well-known member
Gigglegirl ^^ Thats what my dh said...he was like hell if you nagged and griped as much as she did I would be looking for Exit signs too


Well-known member
^Maddie has had Kate's attitude. Apparently, there is news also going around that Kate got off of bedrest just to go to Jon's work and jump down his throat. I don't think that this show should continue, but again-rumor is Kate doesn't want to stop the money train. If Jon didn't want to do the show anymore, Kate should have said "We're stopping." There kids are already damaged enough in terms of never being normal.


Well-known member
Kate can't stop the money train. She's smart. I'm sure she's already done the math on how long they need to keep this dabacle on the air so that she's "set for life".


Well-known member
I'm not gonna believe all the bad press thats being put out by the rumor mill. everyday it's something new. none of us know them only how they're portrayed on tv. its amazing all the people coming out of the woodwork with some story about them. jon and kate aren't the only ones cashing... everyone who "claims" to have some inside info is selling a story about them is too.


Well-known member
It's all very hard to say.

I agree, watching Kate completely ignore Jon at the party was probably one of the coldest things I have ever witnessed on tv. Her smile when she knew she was ignoring him kinda bugged me.

I know many people don't like her, and I admit that sometimes I think she has gone a bit too far, but I don't think she's THAT mean... I mean, They showed videos of when they were dating and such and she was so much more carefree; I think the multiples made her so structured and more forceful when she talks, for lack of a better word. My cousin, who is one of the nicest people ever has two kids, one with Autism, and she talks to her husband many times like Kate does to Jon. Not saying it's right, just bringing up that not many people can complain about all of Kate's behavior if they don't have 8 kids themselves.

It's all hard to explain, I just think she doesn't mean to come off that way all the time, but HAD to sometimes to just get things done! Plus, she's just a more forceful personality.

All that said, who didn't melt when Hannah (?) say her friend Brayden come to the party. The way she cooed his name and did that little shuffle-step towards him. And then Jon's reaction at her inviting a boy, hehe.

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