does MAC drug test?

this is VERY random because i dont do anything at all and i dont support it either. but i was just wondering; it was a question that popped into my head last night because i dont think ive ever heard anyone mention it on here.


Well-known member
i really do not know, macy*s sometimes does so i guess if it is a macy*s counter than you might.. i know people who worked at macy*s who were tested before hiring and some who were not..
Originally Posted by BEA2LS
i really do not know, macy*s sometimes does so i guess if it is a macy*s counter than you might.. i know people who worked at macy*s who were tested before hiring and some who were not..

yeah see ive heard of macy's testing i just never heard of MAC doing it. it wasnt on the MAC application (i applied and am trying out for freelance) but its not like I have anything to worry about because i dont do anything, im just wondering


Well-known member
yea, i just wasn't sure that if say you work at a macys counter i wasn't sure if you had to stick to their policy or MACs.