Originally Posted by L281173
I prefer to patronize my own people. I am African-American. I find that the Dominican Salons apply to much heat to the hair. The African-American salons put more of an emphasis on the ideal of caring for the hair and they use upscale products where the Dominican salons normally do not.
Interesting....I guess it depends on where you're from b/c my experiece has been the opposite: African-American salons seem to focus on STYLE which often involves a lotta gelled-up, sprayed-up, micro-hot-curled up styling that looks pretty upon leaving the salon but disasterous the next morning, thereby requiring that I apply more heat to my gooped hair, eventually resulting in damage and breakage (queen of the run-on sentence!
I have been patronizing Dominican salons for the past 8 years or so and my hair has THRIVED. Yes, the blow out is definitely Mr. Heat Miser BUT....somehow my chewed up dull hair has morphed into shoulder-length, shiny, healthy, swinging hair w/ no split ends or breakage. I find that they actually use few products on the hair, allowing it to be light and swingy. The look lasts until my next visit (every 2 weeks).
I have found, however, that they do NOT secialize in style CUTS. If I want a cut, I'll go somewhere else and then back to my Dominican sistahs for maintanence.
I pay $17 for a wash and set and blow out. $5 more for a deep condit under a steamer, which I adore.
I live in Bronx, NY. PM me for details if interested.