Don't you hate when..


Well-known member
you see something & you hold off buying it cuz there are plenty there. Then you go to the store & they have magically disappeared. So, a couple weeks ago I saw that my Target had those turquoise handbags like seen on their commerical & wanted to get one but at the time it was a blizzard outside so I decided to hold off till it got a lil warmer. Now, I can't even find them on their website...or ebay. That bag is <3
Blah thats my rant..


Well-known member
Oh no! I saw that bag on the commercial and was wondering why I couldn't find it when I was there on Sunday!

I totally agree! I get in the biggest frenzy if I don't get something right when I see it just because it seems everything is SOOOO limited these days. All my friends laugh at me but I would rather have it and return it then have it be too late.


Well-known member
it may have been there for a limited time. just like they have certain designers now that have things at target for exactly 2 months. then they are gone forever.


Well-known member
That sucks! There is nothing like a good Target bag. The hunt is on! Good luck finding it.

MAC is love

Well-known member
gah..same thing happened to me. i found this zebra print shoulder bag and i was in LOVE. i went back & they were all gone
good luck!!


Well-known member
This happened to me with the BLM collection. I was passing by the counter looking at all the stuff and one of the MUA said, did you need anything? I said no because I had a BLM makeover at another counter so I'll get everything then and she said, are you sure because it's going fast and I was like yeah. Well, when I go to get my make-over, alot of stuff was alrady gone and I found myself kicking myself in the a$$ for it DOH!


Well-known member
ahhhh all the time!!! Before Christmas, the Guess store had these two beautiful trench coats, they are exactly the same but one is red & the other is grey. I loved them both but they were $228.00 CND so i said i'll wait until they go on sale. They never did, not even on boxing day so about a week after boxing day, i said the hell with it, i'll pay full price 'cuz i loved them so much! I go back & of course the girls tell me they are all sold out because they went 50% off! I freaked out! I said noooo i'm going to lose sleep now lol so i called about 24 guess stores all over Ontario to track down a store with both coats, size small. I finally located them in some beach town, which was a little over an hour away. My sweet boyfriend offered to drive me there & i got both coats for $95 each (so less then what 50% would have been)!!! I was so happy!! Here's what the coat looks like:|1503=&browse=1&root_category|=

I hate when i have to kick myself later on for not buying it when i want it so bad!!!!! But this was a happy ending LOL!!!


Well-known member
you def lucked out!

I'm hoping I can go back to Target & have them locate it...I once got lucky doing this well not with Target but with Nordstroms. I had found these beautiful teal Swarovski (by Cara) earrings...first look I passed them up cuz I wasn't soo sure about the price tag..Couldn't stop thinking about them & went back to get them to find out they were sold out...At that counter anyways, the saleswoman is my hero she tracked them all the way down in NJ from Tampa.

yeah, I def hate how stores are making everything limited when they weren't that way b4. it used to be that if you waited long enough @ Target you could find it on sale in a few weeks, now they're completely gone b4 they get there!