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*** Dramatic Nautical inspired Look with Blue, White & Black ***


Well-known member
You are so talented! I love you totally did blues with green eyes. I'm greeneyed and love blues but it can be hard to pull off sometimes but girl... you did it!


Well-known member
wow, this is incredible!


Active member
Gorgeous as always! You're such an inspiration. And your looks make me want to buy the colours you use! I guess Freshwater will have to do.

TamEva Le Fay

Well-known member
Woman....You're HIRED!!!!!!!

You are my new GODDESS!!! I worship at your alter!

Curious, if you know who Gene Marshall is?

She, actually, is what's on my avatar.

You must Google her...you're look is the living embodiment of her look.

I am a huge devotee of Gene Marshall. I've been collecting her for years!

I'll post some pics of her later...and you'll see why I'm haunted by your FABULOUS look!

Thank You for sharing!



Well-known member
Originally Posted by TamEva Le Fay
Woman....You're HIRED!!!!!!!

You are my new GODDESS!!! I worship at your alter!

Curious, if you know who Gene Marshall is?

She, actually, is what's on my avatar.

You must Google her...you're look is the living embodiment of her look.

I am a huge devotee of Gene Marshall. I've been collecting her for years!

I'll post some pics of her later...and you'll see why I'm haunted by your FABULOUS look!

Thank You for sharing!


I don't know her, I'll have to look it up. Thanks!
I love love love love LURVVVEEE this. So intense and dramatic. Gorgeous, creative, original... You get the point. Love it. I love the black in the crease and the drama of the brows and how the white and blue alternate above and below the crease.

Great job as always! =D