Driving test at 20


Well-known member
I didnt get my licence till I was 18 and all my friends had it at 16. Even then It took me 3 tries to pass my drivers test... I was soooo nervous and kept doing everything wrong! I was so terrified to drive too... but it really isnt that bad. Where we live you have a learners permit for a year and for 2 years after that U have a different kind of permit. Then you can take your full drivers licence. I am just able to get my full licence now and I just failed the test for that too! I am not a very good driver and I wont even drive at night because it freaks me out. So good luck and try and stay calm during your test.. and if you do fail dont sweat it its not the end of the world!


Well-known member
You're not alone. I took my driver's test at 20 and was the only one to pass out of a group of teens who were also taking their test with the same test administrator that day.
What I think helped:
Be kind to your admin. Sounds old fashioned, but "Sir" or "Ma'am" will get you unspoken points because no one is polite these days. Helped me! On that same note, ask him/her if they want the AC or Heater on (depending on the temp outside that day). Don't turn on the radio. Make them comfortable. Remember to SMILE! They're human too!
Watch the speed limit posted. The guy who went and took the test before me drove too slow and failed! Just go the posted speed limit and things will be fine.
When you stop at a turn, do a complete smooth stop, no 'California Roll'. Remember to signal!

Funny side story--my admin actually FELL ASLEEP as I was driving back to the DMV. I had to wake her up to ask her if there was anything else I needed to demonstrate for the test. I took my test in the mid afternoon right after lunch during a warm, sunny day. Lol!

Best of luck to you, and remember that a smile, confidence, and just plain being comfortable with the vehicle you will be tested in is enough. Age ain't nothing but a number! As you can see from all of the other posters here, you aren't alone in the age bracket to get your driver's license!!

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