Drug Testing

Professor Fate

Well-known member
Originally Posted by luminious
I might have a drug test this week and was wondering if you guys had any tips for cleansing out your system? I only smoke pot, but the last time I did was yesterday. I been drinking a lot of water and am gonna go to GNC tomorrow, but any advice is cool. I have a job interview tomorrow and they drug test so if I get the job I will be taking one.

tip #1 - don't do drugs 8)


Well-known member
Originally Posted by luminious
yeah, but i dont even know anyone with clean piss. how sad is that? i should be clean by the time they ask for a test and i'll go to gnc just in case.

drugs are very big where i live.. and it's not even weed. most people do crack and coke here. my mothers piss would be the cleanest outta everyone, but she even smokes here and there. she should be clean, but won't they know since it won't be warm?

there are ways to keep it warm...i stuck it in a warm place. i have large thighs so i put it in the upper crese of my thigh...


Well-known member
Originally Posted by colormust
there are ways to keep it warm...i stuck it in a warm place. i have large thighs so i put it in the upper crese of my thigh...

lol i have big thighs too so that might work, but im sure ill be clean in time. thanks!


Well-known member
Originally Posted by luminious
I dont think they do that for a job drug test, its not like im on probation.

I know, you're just trying to get a job after you did drugs... How dare they! :confused:

See Prof. Fate comment.


Well-known member
Originally Posted by Professor Fate
tip #1 - don't do drugs 8)

yeah, i know. at least its only weed and not crack though.


Well-known member
Originally Posted by luminious
yeah, i know. at least its only weed and not crack though.

It's still a drug tho..

However I won't comment on drug usage, since I use supplements(all legal). All I can really say is, if you're trying to get a job, you might want to hold off on the partying until AFTER you're hired.

However booze is always an ok alternative. Just don't drive while intoxicated.

Professor Fate

Well-known member
Originally Posted by Tyester
It's still a drug tho..

However I won't comment on drug usage, since I use supplements(all legal). All I can really say is, if you're trying to get a job, you might want to hold off on the partying until AFTER you're hired.

However booze is always an ok alternative. Just don't drive while intoxicated.

"i don't do drugs....oooonly weeeed."

alcohol > *


Well-known member
Originally Posted by Tyester
It's still a drug tho..

However I won't comment on drug usage, since I use supplements(all legal). All I can really say is, if you're trying to get a job, you might want to hold off on the partying until AFTER you're hired.

However booze is always an ok alternative. Just don't drive while intoxicated.

well i also dont party.. my boyfriend and i just smoke a lil at night to chill and sleep.


Well-known member
Originally Posted by luminious
lol i have big thighs too so that might work, but im sure ill be clean in time. thanks!

good luck girl, i will be thinking of you......just stay clean and there will be no worries ; )


Well-known member
I know I do it once and a while to help me sleep at night, not every night or every week. my husband does it to once and a while, most of the time they dont pick anything up.

The last time I had to take one I have pain killers in my system -I had just had surgery- and taken one of those earlier that day, it didn't show up. most of these drug tests seem to almost be jokes so I wouldn't worry to much about it. most of the time the tests you have to worry about are blood... breath and hair.. that shows everything.


Well-known member
Originally Posted by Tyester
It's still a drug tho..

However I won't comment on drug usage, since I use supplements(all legal). All I can really say is, if you're trying to get a job, you might want to hold off on the partying until AFTER you're hired.

However booze is always an ok alternative. Just don't drive while intoxicated.

the sad fact is that everyone that i know who drinks is about 5x as irresponsible and stupid than the people i know who do assorted drugs. in fact, often times, their excuses for their behavior is "oh its just vodka, not drugs" and, in their minds, thats justification for doing whatever the hell they want. i understand this isn't the case with everyone, but still. drugs/alcohol/whatever it is, its a personal choice, and used responsibly and in moderation, can be okay. i recreationally use drugs (i won't say what because i know people will judge me), yet i'm always responsible, and it hasn't caused any problems for me.


this website has a ton of info on drug testing including the stuff that can give false positives. (like ibprofen and melanin) it also give info on how to pass. Good Luck.

on a side note about those clean you out drinks. For some reason they don't work for me. I'm not fat or anything and i only smoke pot but i tried at least 4 different brands and still tested positive. I finally had to quit for like 2 months to get my current job.

My step father has random drug testing at work and he carries a little packet of dried urine in his pocket and a little vial of water (i know it's not tap water and it came with the urine) in his sock (to keep it at body tempature) in case he gets tested. I know he got them online somewhere.


Well-known member
Originally Posted by luminious
I dont think they do that for a job drug test, its not like im on probation.

Tyester is right, my sister works in a med lab, and if you drink a ton of water it changes the viscosity or density(I think) of your urine, and the test comes back as inconclusive, so they usually make you retake it, however, you MIGHT have enough time to 'clean up' before the next test is administered, as they don't get the results for a day or two afterwards.

On another note, I had an ex who HEAVILY smoked pot, and he used one of those drink things, and it apparently worked, as he passed the test. His cost $32 iirc.



Well-known member
Originally Posted by bellaetoile
the sad fact is that everyone that i know who drinks is about 5x as irresponsible and stupid than the people i know who do assorted drugs. in fact, often times, their excuses for their behavior is "oh its just vodka, not drugs" and, in their minds, thats justification for doing whatever the hell they want. i understand this isn't the case with everyone, but still. drugs/alcohol/whatever it is, its a personal choice, and used responsibly and in moderation, can be okay. i recreationally use drugs (i won't say what because i know people will judge me), yet i'm always responsible, and it hasn't caused any problems for me.

I know a lot of people who drink and who act worse then I do when I smoke pot. I won't lie I do drive after I smoke and have smoked while driving, but I been smoking for so long and sometimes it doesn't effect me. As everyone knows there are different kinds of weed and I will only drive if I've smoked some reggs or maybe even some haze. I would never drive while smoking sour or crippies.


Well-known member
When I was younger and smoked pot, we used to go to GNC and get Golden Seal Root and take it all the days leading up to the drug test. Maybe look into that.

But seriously, the best thing would just be to stop smoking weed. Get high on life, it's cheaper, better for you, and more fun.


Well-known member
Originally Posted by DaisyDee
When I was younger and smoked pot, we used to go to GNC and get Golden Seal Root and take it all the days leading up to the drug test. Maybe look into that.

But seriously, the best thing would just be to stop smoking weed. Get high on life, it's cheaper, better for you, and more fun.

yeah that is what im realizing.. a guy at a gas station called me a pot head the other day.. hes friends with my cousin but he doesnt know me so thats when I wanted to stop because i dont want people thinking of me as some pot head. i felt so small. i wanna cut it outta my life all together.


Well-known member
I think I'll stick to Mountain dew- I hate spending the $12 every two weeks for that habit, I can't imagine shelling out money for weed..... I'd rather have mac money myself. But I know nothing about drug tests, funny I'm a teacher and never taken one, my husband is a cop and he's never had one for his jobs either.


Well-known member
Originally Posted by joytheobscure
I think I'll stick to Mountain dew- I hate spending the $12 every two weeks for that habit, I can't imagine shelling out money for weed..... I'd rather have mac money myself. But I know nothing about drug tests, funny I'm a teacher and never taken one, my husband is a cop and he's never had one for his jobs either.

I don't spend money on mac because it's not important to me. I have enough make-up to last awhile. Weed was just something I liked to do. Got motivated while on it and stayed mellow. I'm a person who thinks way too much and worries more then I should so weed helped me out there. I feel better now that I have stopped though. I don't sleep in anymore and I can remember the things I'm doing.


I'm really curious and it seems like this is an appropriate place to post, but I'm wondering if MAC drug tests-ever? I haven't been able to find any information on it. I've always found the whole process really invasive and rather demoralizing. I used to smoke, was never tested when I was working, but even now that I'm totally clean and have been for a long time, I just hate the idea of it. The way I see it, as long as your not coming into work messed up, it doesn't matter what someone does outside of work, especially in one's own home. I don't know what everyone else's feelings are towards the matter, but I just don't see it as right and I don't want to work for an employer who feels that it's necessary to screen perfectly eligible employees and deny them of a position just because of something that they do off the clock, you know?


Well-known member
Originally Posted by corsetingvanity
I'm really curious and it seems like this is an appropriate place to post, but I'm wondering if MAC drug tests-ever? I haven't been able to find any information on it. I've always found the whole process really invasive and rather demoralizing. I used to smoke, was never tested when I was working, but even now that I'm totally clean and have been for a long time, I just hate the idea of it. The way I see it, as long as your not coming into work messed up, it doesn't matter what someone does outside of work, especially in one's own home. I don't know what everyone else's feelings are towards the matter, but I just don't see it as right and I don't want to work for an employer who feels that it's necessary to screen perfectly eligible employees and deny them of a position just because of something that they do off the clock, you know?

When you hire an employee, you take on a lot of liability. I don't blame companies for drug testing at all. I'd want to cover my rear just like the potential employer does.

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