Duration of Basic


New member
I just got recently hired at MAC and was told that I might be able to participate in basic next week once they get my employee number... For those that have been to basic, how long is it? All I wasted was that it was from Monday to Friday.
From my personal experience, Basic was Mon-Fri ~ 10am-6pm. Of course brkfst & lunch is served. We got an hour for lunch. It may vary by region/ state. I live in the southwest.


Well-known member
It can either be 5 days strait, or broken up into two weeks. It's a lot of fun, and they feed you awesome food :)! Plus you learn a lot and meet a lot of people. Make sure to take notes and really pay attention, you want to impress your trainers because they will tell your manager how you're doing. Plus you never know, trainers move around and maybe your basic trainer will end up being your district trainer at one point. HAVE FUN!!! Any other questions feel free to ask:)