E/S brush recs


Well-known member
OK, I have to admit something. I don't own any MAC brushes. In fact, I don't even know what brand I'm using now, but they are definitely on their way out, so it's time for me to start looking for new ones...and I'm thinking about upgrading to some good MAC ones

My question is, which brushes are the staples for eyes? I use e/s and pigments on my eyes, so I'll need brushes for those. I'm kind of hoping I'll be able to find some used ones here and on MUA so I don't break the bank


Well-known member
search for 'MAC brushes', i know this has been answered about 20 times, and a lot of the other posts have really good, comprehensive answers.

still, the 239, 217, and 266. i could use just these 3, and be just fine.