I love top gear. over here they are still playing the best of top gear.
here is my tentative list for the coming collections:
Makeup Art Cosmetics
-notoriety quad
-off the page e/s
-violet trance e/s
-colour matters technakohl
-full of fuschia technakohl
-want to try face and body foundation
-high def l/s
Style black
-all 4 MES
-VAE and mask
-the two n/p that aren't nocturnelle
-maybe the 165 (will have to make my mind up)
-feline and backup!
Yikes! but not so bad considering it will all be spread out
but on another note when i was having a dig through the LE containers i found a 226 brush!!!!!!!! i put it on hold, and i am going back for it when i get paid. what a find!