Early Buzz Regarding MAC Collections/Products Coming in '09 - Discussion


Well-known member
Originally Posted by BeautyPsycho
Awww that was nice

I'm going to be annoying lol but did you play with tinted moisturizers or anything?

sorry hun. i think i quoted you and forgot to answer that. i just posted about it above.


Well-known member
Whoohoo! I can skip those! I luckily have like 5 backs ups of various tendertone colors at least..sucks I had hoped they would smell like strawberry kiwi at least


Well-known member
good, I'm sure I'll skip suntints, tt are my lovers, can't cheat on them with something that's not as good as they are

SMT sounds great, I sure have to try it


Well-known member
So now that I thought about this, do you have any other updates before year's end or did you get all the info through the end of the year like any intel on holiday?


Well-known member
^^^i've got one more around sept/oct. that'll cover all the holiday stuff and winter collections. no info was leaked today on winter stuff.


Well-known member
Oh ok, well that's probably a good thing since everyone is on overload still lol I'm excited to try greasepaints and that black lippie I'm dying to see! I have loads of ideas to work that!


Well-known member
Thanks for the boatload of info Erin

Too bad about the self-warming mask. Clinique has one of those and I cannot use it

Who am I kidding? I love the VAE, so I will definitely be trying the mask...


Well-known member
Originally Posted by SmokeSignal16
Oh really the Pore Minimizer mask didn't agree with your skin?

It turns my skin a fashionable lobster red where I put the stuff. After half an hour to an hour it goes back to normal, but imagine the shock after I came out of the shower and saw my face in the mirror.

The MA at the Clinique counter told me to leave it on my hand until it warms up and then put it on my face. But then what is the use? So glad I had a sample with this one


Well-known member
Whoa she said what?? Wait till it warms up then put it on? I just put some in the palm of my hand, take a pinch of water and spread it where I notice my pores (mostly t-zone) and then rinse it off in circular motions. But no matter, your skin had a reaction to something but luckily you had a sample of it! I swear, some of these girls that work in my line are just lacking education!


Well-known member
Originally Posted by erine1881
the greasepaint sticks are kickass!!!

strangely, there was only one grey lipstick, and it was more brown that grey really

I should NEVER have asked about the greasepaint sticks. Now I want them all.

Ew.. I don't like brown lippies. I guess I don't want the grey/brown lippie, sounds like poo.


Well-known member
Originally Posted by SmokeSignal16
Whoa she said what?? Wait till it warms up then put it on? I just put some in the palm of my hand, take a pinch of water and spread it where I notice my pores (mostly t-zone) and then rinse it off in circular motions. But no matter, your skin had a reaction to something but luckily you had a sample of it! I swear, some of these girls that work in my line are just lacking education!

Yup, because she thought that the warmth is causing the problem, not the stuff itself.
She tried to be helpful, even though it sounded weird.

That's why I like the VAE so much. Backups will so be mine


Well-known member
Originally Posted by darkishstar
I should NEVER have asked about the greasepaint sticks. Now I want them all.

Ew.. I don't like brown lippies. I guess I don't want the grey/brown lippie, sounds like poo.

Says the girl that can rock BNB


Well-known member
Yeah that does sound weird from what she said lol. I can't wait to try the exfoliating stuff, but then at the same time I don't think I should considering it's LE and I don't want to get attached lol


Well-known member
that great news that the grease paint sticks don't budge! i may be getting all of those now!

thanks so much Erine for all your update news! and i can't wait to see swatches!


Well-known member
Originally Posted by SmokeSignal16
Yeah that does sound weird from what she said lol. I can't wait to try the exfoliating stuff, but then at the same time I don't think I should considering it's LE and I don't want to get attached lol

I know what you mean, we should not support LE skincare. I got two jars last year and I still have some left. As long as MAC releases the VAE once a year I am good


Well-known member
Yeah, well it is a sign of hope since it came back this year, let's hope they don't pull a tendertones though where its out for 2 years straight then pull it for good!

Miss QQ

Well-known member
Originally Posted by erine1881
they both have the texture of cremesheenglass.

you know how dazzleglasses have a clear base with glitter? these have an opaque base with glitter! they are killer!

glimmerglasses are like dazzlesglasses but with have the glitter (maybe even less), with the exception of the solid black (which looks like a black lipgelee in sheerness really). so they aren't that bad either. and seeing as how there are only the 3 colors in style black, i'm getting all 3.


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