Early Buzz Regarding MAC Collections/Products Coming in '09 - Discussion


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Originally Posted by SmokeSignal16
I say we declare riot at Verizon lol

hell yeah!


Well-known member
Originally Posted by VintageAqua
It's like opening one present at a time in slow motion. Loving way too many things so far!

Im actually loving less that i thought i would

But i guess its kind of a good thing...i need that money for Style Black!


Well-known member
It's almost 1:30 AM now...I'll stick it out until 3 AM the latest.
I want to whittle down my wishlist and still manage to get some sleep.


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Erin =]
you mentioned a massive expansion on the mineralize line! Do you know of any details? Like what products they will be adding?

Will stereo rose ever come back?

Thanks a bunch!!


Well-known member
Originally Posted by Preciouspink
Erin =]
you mentioned a massive expansion on the mineralize line! Do you know of any details? Like what products they will be adding?

Will stereo rose ever come back?

Thanks a bunch!!

where did i say that?


Well-known member
I was only able to cross off a few items from my wishlist...

Euristocrats II
Cockney (Lipstick)
London Life (Lipstick)
Milan Mode (Lipstick)

Love That Look
Smoke & Diamonds (Eye Shadow)

Makeup Art Cosmetics
On Display (Lipglass)
Violet Trance (Eye Shadow)

Fall Trend
Asphalt Flower (Fragrance)
Faultlessly F/W (Lipstick)
Hipster (Lipstick)
New Berry (Lipglass)
So This Season (Lipglass)

MAC for Dsquared2
Blood Red (Lipstick)


Well-known member
Originally Posted by Preciouspink
Erin =]
you mentioned a massive expansion on the mineralize line! Do you know of any details? Like what products they will be adding?

Will stereo rose ever come back?

Thanks a bunch!!

Ohhh I know what your talking about, there was speculation that there was going to be 3 MSF's that they were going to add to the Mineralize line from MAC HD but the other Erin confirmed that was just rumor


Well-known member
^^^yeah, there are no additions tothe mineralize line, atleast nothing coming this season.

i did say massive mineralize TOWER, cuz i was saying that there will now be a massive studio tower that houses all the studio __ products.

i also forgot another collection thingymajig.

upstarts will be joining us online and in asia and international travel retail locations on september 3rd. it doesn't list if its perm or LE, but heres the info.

lined & lashed-zoomblack zoomlash, p&p lash, nightsky softsparkle pencil (promo), pro eye makeup remover (promo)-$27

flawless-mineralize satinfinish, soft & gentle MSF, cleanse off oil tranquil (promo), revitalizing energy charged water (promo)-$56.50

well prepared-p&p skin, p&p transparent finishing powder, cleanse off oil (promo), fix+ (promo)-$47

brighfully light (asia only)-lightful ultracharge foundation, lightful protective moisturizer, lightful softening lotion (promo), lightful cleanser (promo)-$ N/A


Well-known member
ERIN, than you for your lovely updates. Can I ask you some questions?

- Have you tried the new mascara? How was it?
- Have you saw the Dsquared2 packaging? How was it?
- Which quad is the best? Your fav?
- Have you seen the Style Black nailpolishes? Were they good?


Miz Pina

Well-known member
I'm in total love with the Style Black collection... my wallet will implode if holiday is even half as good as fall.

Are the greasepaint sticks perm or LE? Any Fall Trend Bags?


Well-known member
Originally Posted by Kayraphat
ERIN, than you for your lovely updates. Can I ask you some questions?

- Have you tried the new mascara? How was it?
- Have you saw the Dsquared2 packaging? How was it?
- Which quad is the best? Your fav?
- Have you seen the Style Black nailpolishes? Were they good?


I'm pretty sure Erin has said in one of the threads that they dont get to see the nail polishes at update... I could be wrong though! Same deal for special packaging I think - they dont normally get to see it at update... (but I could be wrong)


Well-known member


- Graphic Gardens --- Don't force me to buy it. Pwleassseee!
- Baby Blooms --- Honestly I would like to try but still sounds weak.
- Flirt with Fall -- I don't use falsies.
- MAC in HD ---- repr., repr., repr.
- Pro Color Expansion ---- I'm not a pro, not at all.
- Zoom Fast Black Lash (???) - maybe I buy it if it's good.
- Fall Trend -- I just don't like it.


- Nude Rose Lipstick
- All greasepaint sticks

Makeup Art Cosmetics
- Lovin It + Front Lit l/s (???)
- Photo Realism Quad (???)
- Off the Page & Crest the Wave e/s
- One or two technakohl or no technakohl

Style Black
- Probably all glimmerglasses
- Probably all MEs
- 2 Nail Lacquers
- VAE, maybe VATM

Love that Look (will create a quad)
- Strike a Pose
- Rated R
- Smoke and Diamonds
- Unbasic White

Colour Craft
- Two MB
- Two MEs
- 2 LG (mb one)
- Maybe fuschia lipstick?

Jin Soon Choi
I have no idea.


I just realised Erine uploaded 25 photos. Wow. Thanks a lot.


Well-known member
Originally Posted by Kayraphat
ERIN, than you for your lovely updates. Can I ask you some questions?

- Have you tried the new mascara? How was it?
- Have you saw the Dsquared2 packaging? How was it?
- Which quad is the best? Your fav?
- Have you seen the Style Black nailpolishes? Were they good?


from the Makeup Art cosmetics collection, Erine mentioned in that thread that her favorite quad was the Photo realism one


Well-known member
Originally Posted by Kayraphat
ERIN, than you for your lovely updates. Can I ask you some questions?

- Have you tried the new mascara? How was it?
its basically zoomlash, but blacker. i didn't try it as i hate zoomlash.
- Have you saw the Dsquared2 packaging? How was it?
if i am correct, there isn't any special packaging. if there was, we would've been told about it and shown pictures of it. its such a small collection. i agree with adina, they could've done so much more with this one, but i think it was more of "new colours used for them" rather than "a collaboration with them". does that make sense?
- Which quad is the best? Your fav?
like blinkymei said, photorealism is my favorite, followed by notoriety (more neutral) tieing with tone: grey (more smokey!).
- Have you seen the Style Black nailpolishes? Were they good?
i just saw pics of them, and what i did see what
worthy! they (as well as the glimmerglasses) look just like nars's night clubbing and night fever.


Originally Posted by Miz Pina
I'm in total love with the Style Black collection... my wallet will implode if holiday is even half as good as fall.

Are the greasepaint sticks perm or LE? Any Fall Trend Bags?

LE and no bags.


Well-known member
I'm doomed. Here's the somewhat revised list.

July 2

-Costa Chic l/s
-Rue de Rouge d/g
-Vie Veneto d/g

July 9
Colour Craft

-Cheeky Bronze MSF
-Improvise MB
-Fab-dabulous MB

July 17
Graphic Gardens

-Graphic Garden Palette

July 30
Love That Look

-Dream Maker e/s (B2M!!!)
-Black Russian p/g liner

Aug 20
Makeup Art Cosmetics

-Photo Realism Quad
-Crest the Wave e/s
-Artistic License Technakohl (if these don't smudge on me!)
-Colour Matters Technakohl
-Full of Fuchsia Technakohl

Sept 17
Fall Trend Collection

-Faultlessly F/W l/s
-Hipster l/s
-Red Full-Stop l/s
-Runway Fave l/g
-New Berry l/g
-So This Season l/g
-Tone: Grey Quad

Sept 24
Style Black

-Cinderfella MES
-Young Punk MES
-Gilt By Association MES
-Blue Flame MES
-Black Grease Paintstick

Oct 12

-B Grease Paintstick
-V Grease Paintstick


Well-known member
Unfortunately sad news from Susanne. Her computer is broken and she probably won't be able to go online for at least a week.

Susanne says hi to everyone and she is so sad that she can't be online now.

Hugs for you hun. I hope they can fix your computer as soon as possible.

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