Early Buzz Regarding MAC Collections/Products Coming in '09 - Discussion


Well-known member
Originally Posted by preziouzpnai
i came across All Cosmetics Wholesale a few weeks ago so I'm probably very late than the rest of you but i was wondering if this was a legitimate site and if anyone as purchased anything from it yet? some of the prices seemed to good to be true.

yeah, it's legit



Well-known member
Originally Posted by wishingforsn0w
i noticed that on Allcosmeticswholesale's homepage they added 3 d/gs consecutively, with the last one being Rags to Riches. <-- maybe the last of the 3 d/gs? it does more or less fit in with the overall magic theme

yeah rags to riches would fit with the theme... such a pretty dazzleglass too!

and yes the allcosmeticswholesales is legit.


Well-known member
Hey fellow Specktrettes... I have some more info for you all!!

When studying the collections sheet again today I noticed a couple of holiday packs that are exclusive to free standing stores...

Pinkazoppin Mineralize Kit - 2nd November (AU) AUD$170
Light Flush MSF
Dainty Mineralize Blush
Love Connection MES
#181 small buffer

Fun in the Sun Mineralize Kit - 2nd November (AU) AUD$170
Shimpagne MSF
Nuance Mineralize Blush
Play on Plums MES
#181 small buffer

and here are the Australian prices for the holiday collections:

Softsparkle pencil AUD$32
MES Duo AUD$40
Lips Palette AUD$55
Eyes Palette AUD$85
Lip Bag AUD$80
Brush Sets AUD$115
Viva Glam set (warm) AUD$59
Face Kit AUD$85
Eye Bag (black) AUD$80
Kids Helping Kids (cards, tags) AUD$12
Kids Helping Kids Gift Pouches (FSS only) AUD$16
Lipglass/Lustreglass set AUD$65
Pigments set AUD$65
Softsparkle Set AUD$65
Love's Devine Lash Kit AUD$95

Baroque Boudoir (vaguely mentioned previously) is a colour story being released in mid December in AU, so probably end of November in US/Canada. It will contain the following:
Lipsticks x3
Lipglass x 3
Sheer Mystery Powder x2


Well-known member
geez! gotta love the au dollar hey.... its good though, coz u can work out how much you actually save if you buy it CP...aaaaahhhh


Well-known member
oooohhh i may be able to get my hands on shimpagne msf finally then! plus a 181se is always a nice extra! i'll be buying that package for those products alone!! yay!

thanks mrs may once again!
you rock!


Well-known member
Originally Posted by purrtykitty
I'll bet Baroque Boudoir is the follow-up to Stylistics. Thanks for the info MrsMay!!



Well-known member
Originally Posted by panther27
I was really hoping for a pearlglide set

What a great idea! That would have been SO much better than soft sparkle liners.


Well-known member
hear, hear, I have the softsparkle set from 2007 and they are not smooth, rather scratchy.....viva the pearlglides!!


Well-known member
I used Iris Accents Softsparkle Eyeliner once and it's a pretty color! I'd just with that MAC would do mini Pearlglide sets since those will sell fast!


Well-known member
Originally Posted by coachkitten
What a great idea! That would have been SO much better than soft sparkle liners.

I know,we come up with better ideas here than at MAC sometimes!


Well-known member
If the Baroque Boudoir collection is the follow up of the couture collections, I hope the prices aren't crazy since I thought Monogram was pretty expensive.. I really like the Sheer Mystery Powders but the news (from Hello Kitty + Monogram) were so damn tiny!!


Well-known member
I got Phiff and She-Zam dazzleglasses today! Both arrived with HUGE air bubbles (
), but are quite pretty.

They both have very little color in the base (almost clear, tbh), but lovely sparkles
! She-Zam has a very slight silvery base color to it when on my lips, with mostly pink shimmer and some silver. Phiff doesn't seem to have any base color payoff at all when on my lips, but the gold shimmer is just gorgeous imo.

I tried to swatch on my hand, my lips and on paper tonight...but the pics are just a terrible flashy mess (
)! I'll try again tomorrow with some natural light and hope they turn out better. If not, I'll just leave the picture thing to those who actually know what they're doing!


Well-known member
she zam is what i ordered!
but because it's shipping to the uk i think it will arrive wed or thurday next week
i'm pleased that you like them! i didn't get the goldy one because it seemed a like it might be like smile d/g. is it at all like smile?


Well-known member
Originally Posted by Camnagem
I tried to swatch on my hand, my lips and on paper tonight...but the pics are just a terrible flashy mess (
)! I'll try again tomorrow with some natural light and hope they turn out better. If not, I'll just leave the picture thing to those who actually know what they're doing!

Dazzleglasses are so hard to photograph on the lips. Mine just all look the same. Can't wait to see pictures even if it is just of the tube!

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