Early Buzz Regarding MAC Collections/Products Coming in '09 - Discussion


Well-known member
Still no news??

I wanted to spend my afternoon being excited...


Well-known member
Originally Posted by Moxy
*lets out a big sigh of relief that there wont be a Dainty lipglass*

^lolz there will be a Dainty l/g since someone on here mentioned about you that you will get that lipglass since there's a Dainty mineralized blush.


Well-known member
Originally Posted by GlamQueen21
^lolz there will be a Dainty l/g since someone on here mentioned about you that you will get that lipglass since there's a Dainty mineralized blush.

Nope, Dainty was just the working name for another one


Well-known member
Yep, I agree with Susanne, atm there's gonna be no Dainty stuff...it was confirmed that Dainty was only a working name for something that was out ages ago


Well-known member
I want something as exciting as Hello Kitty. I could have bought everything from that collection.

Note: I can't find Blonde's Gold on the Canadian MacPro site... or any RichMetal for that matter. That screen cap must be from the US version.

Shadowy Lady

Well-known member
I really want to know about fall quad and pigments as well. Although I always end up skipping the quads and buying the pigments


Well-known member
Seems MAC is getting better at sealing off the leaks. Some of these collections we barely know anything about are only about 6 weeks away!


Well-known member
You would think with some economic troubles people have these days it would be a good idea to leak some info to let people kind of have an idea on how to save for it or what to budget for


Well-known member
Originally Posted by SmokeSignal16
You would think with some economic troubles people have these days it would be a good idea to leak some info to let people kind of have an idea on how to save for it or what to budget for

Agreed. It could be a number of things though that are changing with the company in order to save $$$ in this economy. Maybe the artists aren't having full blown update sessions like they used to to cut costs so info is much slower.

I want info on the COC follower and the Dsquared...and the Black collection. Oh heck I want info on everything!


Well-known member
Didn't the parent company just reassign their top staff to head new divisions? The team in the lead of MAC could be working on a different philosophy, particularly when it comes to leaks. I'm interested to see how the management changes will be reflected in new policy and collections. Hopefully they don't get all weird on us.


Well-known member
Originally Posted by boudoirblonde
I am SO excited for the BLACK collection!
That 'black tinted lipstick' HAS to be part of it!

sorry, its not.

pinker sand is fast thrill
black tinted lip is vanity's child

both are WNs for past colours from electro flash.

Originally Posted by boudoirblonde
But Nakey Honey is in special packaging?

naked honey isn't in special packaging.


Well-known member
Hmmm...if they're gonna recycle so many shades how about recycling some of the past favorites and calling them by their original names? lol


Well-known member
^Oh! I see what your saying. I'm dying to know about the Fall collections that MAC has in store for us MAC addicts. Also, thanks Susanne for informing me about the working name of the lipglass.


Well-known member
Originally Posted by Winthrop44
Hmmm...if they're gonna recycle so many shades how about recycling some of the past favorites and calling them by their original names? lol

I think she is saying that these were the working names for these items that were released during Electroflash. That they're not going to be in the new collections, if I've got it correctly.

If not, feel free to spank me.


Well-known member
For the black collection I really hope that MAC re-release tux-de-lux lipglass and jet lipstick. I just can't wait to get more info on the fall collections! Fall makeup collections makes me happy!


Well-known member
Originally Posted by Winthrop44
Hmmm...if they're gonna recycle so many shades how about recycling some of the past favorites and calling them by their original names? lol

Originally Posted by SMMY
I think she is saying that these were the working names for these items that were released during Electroflash. That they're not going to be in the new collections, if I've got it correctly.

If not, feel free to spank me.

*spank spank*

these probably aren't in the collection. i think temptalia just got her hands on these samples with the WNs, and without realizing that they're WNs of previous colours, assumed they were new and posted pics.

you're right smmy, i just wanted to spank you


Well-known member
Originally Posted by SMMY
I think she is saying that these were the working names for these items that were released during Electroflash. That they're not going to be in the new collections


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