Early Buzz Regarding MAC Collections/Products Coming in '09 - Discussion


Well-known member
i freaking love the pearlglide liners! i'm happpy! i only got 2 last time because i wasn't sure if i would like them!


Well-known member
Here's the Pearlglide Liners:
Black Russian
Fly by Blu

Since I have all buy Fly by Blu, I'll probably pick up a few of the colors of shadows! This totally has me revved up to do a SND look right now.

According to temptalia, Other working names include Green LD, Green Bronze, Rated R Green, Glaring Blue, Eggplant, Bella, Glam, Sparkle, and Circus.

So I'm expecting Rated R to be some sort of a green! Maybe like that Nars duo?

Anyone recognize the WN for past collections? Maybe we can hint as to what the shades will be.

I love the sound of glaring blue (Susanne, maybe a bright teal?) and eggplant in the starflash texture!

But seriously, how lame is the collection name?!? I know, that sounds picky but "Love that Look" sounds like a 90's maybelline collection or something.


Well-known member
omg i love starflash!!! im sooo excited for the new shadows! although im kinda sad that theyre bringing back pearlglides instead of kohls, i was reaaally hoping for some new kohl powers.. in emerald green, smoky dark silver, a bright jewel teal, or something like orpheus


Well-known member
I am glad to see more Starflash shadows, and even more glad to see a few repromotes since that will save me $$. From the sounds of the working names, there stands to be a bunch of great new colors!
I can't wait for color descriptions!


Well-known member
Starflash AAAAND Pearlglides?!?!!? Oh boy oh boy oh boy!!! *hump* Ooops

I'm sorry I'm just so excited


Well-known member
eeeeeeeee! I'm so excited, but I'm sad that Wolf and Mink & Sable aren't coming back
I'll definately pick up Rave and Smoke & Diamonds though.


Well-known member
Did I miss what the release date for this collection is? If we are hearing about this collection I bet that the CoC follower information will leak soon! (fingers crossed!)


Well-known member
YES YES YES! I can get another Rave liner since I've been using the one I have like every 2 months to save what's left of my pathetic 1 inch tall pencil.


Well-known member
Originally Posted by coachkitten
Did I miss what the release date for this collection is? If we are hearing about this collection I bet that the CoC follower information will leak soon! (fingers crossed!)

Katie, no specific date yet, just August sometime, supposedly. Too far away if you ask me!


Well-known member
Originally Posted by wishingforsn0w
omg i love starflash!!! im sooo excited for the new shadows! although im kinda sad that theyre bringing back pearlglides instead of kohls, i was reaaally hoping for some new kohl powers.. in emerald green, smoky dark silver, a bright jewel teal, or something like orpheus

I love kohls.


Well-known member
Hey! I’m usually more of a lurker on this forum but I got some information about future collections so I’d thought I’d share.

My mom works for the FDA Cosmetic and Colors department, and came across an article about MAC in “The Rose Sheet” (a newsletter on toiletries, fragrances, and skin care). She brought it home for me because of my MAC addiction. It mentions the fall line up….

The Lineup:

“MAC’s fall line launches Aug. 20 in North America, with an international rollout to follow.

Five new lipsticks will roll out at summer’s end, including Front Lit (light white yellow), High Strung (deep pink silver) and Hold the Pose (brown plum with pearl).

Four lipglasses will also debut, from Young Thing (yellow neutral with gold pearl) to On Display (purple with yellow pearl). All items will retail for $14 apiece.

MAC will introduce new eyeshadows, priced at $14.50 each, including (rich yellow) Crest the Wave, (light turquoise blue) Haunting, and (deep blue purple) Violet Trance. Alternatively, consumers can pick up any of three eye shadow sets – Skintone, Private Viewing, and Photo Realism – each consisting of four shades, for $36 apiece.

New Technakohl eyeliner comes in five hues – Color Matters (bright lime), Obviously Orange (dirty coral), Artistic License (bright turquoise blue), Full of Fuchsia (deep blue magenta), and Graphblack (rich graphic black). Each retails for $14.50.

Powder blush in (dirty pale pink) The Perfect Cheek and (dirty brick brown red) Notable also launch in August for $18 apiece.

Reflects Copper and Reflects Rust roll out under MAC’s reflects Glitter line for $19.50 each. New MAC pigments, also $19.50 each, include Cocomotion (dirty gold bronze with gold pearl), Brash & Bold (Bright Magenta) and Heritage Rouge (dirty brown plum).”

- Source: “The Rose Sheet” May 25, 2009 (page 8)

Looks like there is going to be some repromotes this fall. I’m excited for what I assume are quads – “consumers can pick up any of three eye shadow sets – Skintone, Private Viewing, and Photo Realism – each consisting of four shades, for $36 apiece.”


Well-known member
^oh wow thanks!

"Alternatively, consumers can pick up any of three eye shadow sets – Skintone, Private Viewing, and Photo Realism – each consisting of four shades, for $36 apiece"

these must be the COC follower quads! I'm not excited for the lip products. the single eyeshadows are repromotes as goes w/ the pigments w/ the exception of brash & bold. honestly i'm more excited for the new starflash collection:]


Well-known member
Originally Posted by xStefanie711
Hey! I’m usually more of a lurker on this forum but I got some information about future collections so I’d thought I’d share.

My mom works for the FDA Cosmetic and Colors department, and came across an article about MAC in “The Rose Sheet” (a newsletter on toiletries, fragrances, and skin care). She brought it home for me because of my MAC addiction. It mentions the fall line up….

The Lineup:

“MAC’s fall line launches Aug. 20 in North America, with an international rollout to follow.

Five new lipsticks will roll out at summer’s end, including Front Lit (light white yellow), High Strung (deep pink silver) and Hold the Pose (brown plum with pearl).

Four lipglasses will also debut, from Young Thing (yellow neutral with gold pearl) to On Display (purple with yellow pearl). All items will retail for $14 apiece.

MAC will introduce new eyeshadows, priced at $14.50 each, including (rich yellow) Crest the Wave, (light turquoise blue) Haunting, and (deep blue purple) Violet Trace. Alternatively, consumers can pick up any of three eye shadow sets – Skintone, Private Viewing, and Photo Realism – each consisting of four shades, for $36 apiece.

New Technakohl eyeliner comes in five hues – Color Matters (bright lime), Obviously Orange (dirty coral), Artistic License (bright turquoise blue), Full of Fuchsia (deep blue magenta), and Graphblack (rich graphic black). Each retails for $14.50.

Powder blush in (dirty pale pink) The Perfect Cheek and (dirty brick brown red) Notable also launch in August for $18 apiece.

Reflects Copper and Reflects Rust roll out under MAC’s reflects Glitter line for $19.50 each. New MAC pigments, also $19.50 each, include Cocomotion (dirty gold bronze with gold pearl), Brash & Bold (Bright Magenta) and Heritage Rouge (dirty brown plum).”

- Source: “The Rose Sheet” May 25, 2009 (page 8)

Thank you!! This seems to be the CoC follower


Well-known member
So much information, I need some time to digest all the info and plot my shopping strategy. Must.have.Starflash.eyeshadows!

And so completely happy they're bringing Starflash back. Probably going to pick up two Smoke and Diamonds, since I've made quite a dent in my one and only pot of it. I can't wait to see the new colors. I hope there are some brights or at least jewel tones in the bunch. I'd love to see a blackened teal or a jewel toned blue with green duochrome. In short colors, bright, intense, retina-searing colors with that fabulous Starflash finish.

One thing for sure, I need to finish depotting my singles.
Oh and if they bring back Violet Trance in a Starflash finish, I'm going to need a whole case of depends ala rbella. That I would definitely pick up several back up of. I have Violet Trance, but it is so hard to work with. In a Starflash finish? Well that would definitely give me the vapours.

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