Early Buzz Regarding MAC Collections/Products Coming in '09 - Discussion


Well-known member
haunting sounds nice but what is the payoff and texture like? colour matters liner also sounds great! i don't have a lime one so that will be welcomed into my collection!


Well-known member
pearlglides are the best but they make me cry since I'm sensitive to the glitter which includes all eye pencils with glitter in them... *sigh* I wish I could wear them, I loved Rave and fly by blu, they were really rich in color and lasted forever


Well-known member
wow, i guess im lucky then! I love thecolour and dont remember "having to jump through hoops" to get it to work for me!


Well-known member
I am so excited about the new Starflash colors
I want:Ego
Rated R
One Off
Fashion Groupie
Fly By Blu


Well-known member
OK ahem here's my fave e/s's:

  • Rated R ( Light yellow green )
  • Fashion ( Light grey green with gold pearl ) and/or Smoke and Diamonds ( Dirty dark grey )
  • Style Snob ( Dirty pink brown with gold pearl )
  • Strike a Pose ( Dirty deep sea blue )
I might create a quad. I'm thinking Fashion, S&D, Style Snob and Rated R ( for a pop ) or Strike A Pose ( for a deeper pop ) will look good together.


Well-known member
I feel the same. I don't need a large palette but I'm thinking of making a quad just for these. I need only 4, unless I get 2 quads then I can get 8.


Well-known member
Im interested in Strike a pose, Fashion groupie, & One off!
Hopefully strike a pose and fashion groupie dont look like some of the cool heat eyeshadows becuase I just hauled 4 from the Cco =/


Well-known member
The Perfect Cheek - what a great name for a blush! I hope it lives up to its name.

I am not a fan of the pearlglide liner formula, so those do not interest me. The 3 new quads, though, if they are anywhere near as good as Cult of Cherry I am in trouble.....


Well-known member
Originally Posted by MzzRach
I am not a fan of the pearlglide liner formula, so those do not interest me.

Please elaborate? I'm very curious about these and want to be talked out of them to save money.


Well-known member
^If you don't like liners that don't smudge, and don't have amazing shimmers/glitters then you won't like the Pearlglide liners.


I'm sorry, but I just LOVE those liners.


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The pearlglide liners work wonderfully for many people; however, they do not last on me. Just my experience, your mileage may vary.


Well-known member
Fashion Groupie and Violet Trance...my prayers for true blue-violet shadows are being answered! Now just release Smudged Violet in a single pot and I'll be done with eyeshadows completely!


Well-known member
Originally Posted by MzzRach
The Perfect Cheek - what a great name for a blush! I hope it lives up to its name.

I am not a fan of the pearlglide liner formula, so those do not interest me. The 3 new quads, though, if they are anywhere near as good as Cult of Cherry I am in trouble.....

Me too...My wallet will be doomed if they are


Well-known member
I can't wait to purchase the Pearlglides! I have never tried a MAC eyeliner before since I have my UD 24/7 Glide-On Eyeliner that I'm going to use up. If only Smudged Violet would be released by itself, I would get at least 2 or 3 of them since I love that color so much!


Well-known member
wow this thread moves so quickly! i cannot wait for the quads (even though they will be out in september/october here!)


Well-known member
I am happy again lol. I talked myself out of a few things from Naked Honey but I am determined to still get a highlight powder, and maybe a shadow or two. Oh here I go again.


Well-known member
Luckily those pearlglide colours don't tempt me, dark purples don't really show up on me, I may as well be wearing black, and I prefer my electric blue UD liner over a dark blue.
I want to see the lime green technakohl!


Well-known member
Just an FYI if anyone wants Crest the Wave before it comes back out, Nordstroms has the Stowaway Palette on their website still.

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