Easter - What are you cooking?


Well-known member

What are you cooking for Easter, as in, what did you make?

This year i'm in charge of appetizer's lol... So I'm whipping up some deviled egg's ( im sure a lot of us will be having these since there a great way to use easter eggs LOL )

And then obviously we'll have our cheese and cracker spread, can't have wine w/out that LOL!

I also plan on grabbing a shrimp platter on the way over to the party were going too, and maybe a veggie platter too.

What did you get put in charge of? LOL

Happy Easter!


Well-known member
My dad made 3 dozen hard-boiled eggs yesterday morning! My little sister & brother, and I dyed them last night. Today, my little sister made deviled eggs out of about 12 of them.
My mom made a brisket too.

Even though I am 21 years old, I spent most of the day eating chocolate.

I'm not allowed to help make anything though... I'm sick and contagious.

little teaser

Well-known member
wow.. all those eggs are sure to have your friends farting
Happy Easter!
i went to my moms and she did all the cooking all i made were cupcakes for the kids and i help them eat them too.


Well-known member
I roasted a leg of lamb with garlic/sea salt fingerling potatoes. I also made mac and cheese for my kids despite the fact that it does not go at all with the already mentioned items LOL


Well-known member
My mom was too tired to cook this year.

We got food from a catering service. surf and turf (whole lobsters and filet mignon), misc. vegetables, and misc. appetizers (stuffed artichoke = love).

There's a cake in the oven now (made from cakemix, yay!) and we're going to frost it and coat it in sprinkles later.


Well-known member
i went to my nana's and she did all the cooking but we had a nice turkey dinner (turkey; peas; mashed potatoes; cabbage salas; stuffing; gravy; fresh bread; turnips) and we had DQ cake (it was also birthday dinners) and fresh apple pie. and we had veggies (cuccumber; carrots; celery; brocolli; turnip), fruit (strawberries; pineapple; melon), and cheese with crackers, along with tons of chocolate and jelly candies too. it was yummy.


Well-known member
Originally Posted by Ladybug10678
I roasted a leg of lamb with garlic/sea salt fingerling potatoes. I also made mac and cheese for my kids despite the fact that it does not go at all with the already mentioned items LOL

that reminds me of christmas. my family was having a turkey dinner (see above) and my 3.5 y/o (at the time) cousin asks if he can have grilled cheese instead of turkey. it was cute but we said no lol.


Well-known member
I had Easter alone at my apartment this year, my boyfriend came over for a bit. I made us french onion soup! Not very festive, but still very yummy


Well-known member
hog leg
lil smokies
barbq chicken
devilled eggs
rocky road cheesecake
turtle brownies
corn on the cob
pinto beans
fresh (literally, my dad and I pulled the greens, radishes, onions, and tomatos) garden salad
bacon and cream cheese jalapenos
bacon wrapped asparagus


Well-known member
Originally Posted by Raerae

What are you cooking for Easter, as in, what did you make?

This year i'm in charge of appetizer's lol... So I'm whipping up some deviled egg's ( im sure a lot of us will be having these since there a great way to use easter eggs LOL )

And then obviously we'll have our cheese and cracker spread, can't have wine w/out that LOL!

I also plan on grabbing a shrimp platter on the way over to the party were going too, and maybe a veggie platter too.

What did you get put in charge of? LOL

Happy Easter!

We had all the stuff you listed, and then for dinner we had lamb with roasted mini potatoes cut into halves w/ rosemary

Another Janice!

Well-known member
My family does things back asswards a lot of the time.

Whole hams were on sale last week. So, my stepdad buys one and cooks it. They had ham all week and didn't feel like having it on Easter too.

LMAO...so, get this.
We made Enchilladas. LMFAO...hahaha.


Well-known member
I was in charge of appetizers,

Deviled eggs, a veggie platter with some dip. ..I went out and got egg coloring stuff, even though we dont do anything with colored eggs anymore. I saw some really neat coloring kits at target so i colored me some eggs! i like to crack them a little bit before I dye them so that my deviled eggs look really cool.