Ebay new gimmick"Top rated seller"


Well-known member
What criteria ebay percieves to be this TOP RATED SELLER?!To me it sounds like just another attempt to make some sellers look extra special even though they do not deserve this title and more so the so called TOP RATED SELLER sells counterfeit MAC
ultra-charms09 ,Item number:390101306663
To me if i could vote the TOP RATED SELLER gold disc ,would go to Julie,who not only sells genuine Mac ,but who also is a very helpful,genuine person.
Ebay you are pooh,pooh !!

Makeup Emporium

Well-known member
The top rated seller status is based on EBay customer feedback. So if the customers are giving postive feedback for the fake goods then the seller can become a top seller. EBay is just a forum for sales and they are not experts in anything the sellers actually sell. They have no other way to judge a sellers' performance other than how they are rated by that seller's customers. I'm not saying it's a great system but it is unfortunately because of the buyers that this seller attained this status.

It is unfortunate that people are not educated enough and just buy random MAC products that they see at a good price! If you check out the feedback customers are leaving positive feedback for the fake goods.


Well-known member
That's what i think is wrong!!
People have got no clue and i feel somehow this seller obtained this title in a fraudulent way,hence more buyers will be decieved that they are recieving genuine MAC,because it will be unthinkable to them that Top rated seller is selling counterfeited makeup!

with all this recent changes like one way feedback( geared only towards the buyers)ebay has become scammers paradise!
Rant over

Makeup Emporium

Well-known member
Originally Posted by BellaItalia1969
with all this recent changes like one way feedback( geared only towards the buyers)ebay has become scammers paradise!
Rant over

The one way feedback favors the buyers and not the sellers so that is not why EBay is a scammer's paradise. A buyer can leave negative feedback for a seller without worrying that the seller can do the same in return. Given that you should expect to see MORE negative feedback left for the bad sellers not less. So you would expect that more sellers of the fakes should be getting more negatives. The one way feedback does not help the scammers; it should in reality be hurting them.

The reason why it is not hurting the fake sellers is that the customers are still leaving positive feedback. A sellers' reputation is completely in the control of the buyers. The sellers cannot leave negative feedback for the buyers so they are at the buyer's mercy. The problem is that the majority of the customers who buy the fakes have no idea what they are buying. They see cheap MAC and buy it without research. Don't get me wrong there are some really good fakes out there that have fooled many people but it seems a lot of the fake MAC is also obviously fake. MAC does not make 11, 18, 32 pc brush sets, Hello Kitty mascara sets, Square fluidline sets, 12 palettes of cream eyeshadows etc...etc...

Don't get me wrong I feel sorry for the buyers that buy the pigments and/or eyeshadows that look real (shannonalbert30 etc). I myself was stung with fake pigments in the past as were many on this site at one point or another. I also made sure to leave negative feedback so others would know that they were fakes. I made sure that the seller's feedback was affected and their account was actually closed soon after.

I'm sorry but I don't feel sorry for the people that buy the MAC 12 palettes of cream eyeshadows for example. If you do not know what products are actually MAC vs something that MAC never even made then I am sorry but you do deserve what you get. If MAC sells an eyeshadow for $14 and a quad for $36 at retail then there is no way that a pallette of 12 shadows could sell for $30 on EBay. It is just common sense that there is no way that this could be authentic! Same as 8 brushes for $40 or 32 brushes for $100; I mean $3-$5 for a MAC brush???? That is completely unrealistic.

Before you buy anything on EBay (I don't care if it's makeup or DVD's or whatever) you should do some research and AT LEAST know what products MAC (or any manufacturer you are purchasing) actually makes. It is these buyers, who know nothing about the brand, that are leaving postive feedback for obviously fake products and giving the fake sellers the great ratings.

People shouldn't be mad at the new "Top Seller Rating", they should be mad at the actual sellers of the fakes. However, they should also be mad at those who have no clue what they are buying but yet go ahead and leave positive feedback which then helps to elevate the status of the fake sellers!! This hurts EBay's reputation, future and current buyers confidence in EBay as well as authentic MAC sellers on EBay.


Well-known member
I hate the one-way rating because some buyers leave negatives when a negative isn't deserved. I remember this girl won something on a Saturday, like after 5 PM mind you, and the Monday was a holiday, so I was left no choice but to mail it on Tuesday. I mean, even if I did drop off at the PO during the weekend, it STILL wouldn't have shipped until Tuesday. So the a** left me a negative saying I took too long to ship. WTH?!? Then there was one person who complained about shipping prices. UMM DID YOU NOT SEE THE PRICE OF SHIPPING BEFORE YOU BIDDED? Now mind you, it was a Dereon t-shirt I was selling that she won for like $4 and shipping was priority envelope with confirmation which is like 4.95 plus confirmation. Excuse me for charging you exact price? At least I'm not one of those sellers who bump up shipping to make a bigger profit.

LOL sorry for going off-topic but this topic just reminded me of that!


Well-known member
Originally Posted by crystrill
At least I'm not one of those sellers who bump up shipping to make a bigger profit.

This, in turn, reminds me of why I am very happy about the one way feedback system. Back when this wasn't in effect, and I was till a naive ebay n00b, I called one seller on bumping up her international rate to double the cost. I could clearly see this, since USPS prints the cost of postage on it's shipping labels. She gave me lots of bull about the cost of the box and gas for going to the post office - when her domestic rate was less than what she charged me above the actual cost of shipping. Didn't she take those boxes to the post office?

I still liked the item, so I left her neutral feedback, and explained why in the comment. Well, of course she immediately retaliated by leaving me a negative rating. That screwed up my feedback for years, since I don't buy a lot and my total rating is only now coming up above 10.


Well-known member
i'll offer somewhat of a different perspective i think:

i once bought a mac eyeshadow brush (275 i think) off of ebay. when i received it, it looked and performed well for me. i left positive feedback.

a couple of days later i received a message from someone else on ebay that the seller i had bought from sells fake mac and that the brush i bought was fake, and they basically chastized me for leaving positive feedback for the seller.

i think i left them a quick 'omg i didn't know' reply. but in truth, there is nothing different at all in the brush i got and mine that have been bought from my mac counter. i am happy with the brush, and the cost was not far from what retail is, so i think i got a real brush.

i'm rambling, but i guess to sum it up, even if my brush is fake i'm happy with it.


Well-known member
Originally Posted by nursie
i'll offer somewhat of a different perspective i think:

i once bought a mac eyeshadow brush (275 i think) off of ebay. when i received it, it looked and performed well for me. i left positive feedback.

a couple of days later i received a message from someone else on ebay that the seller i had bought from sells fake mac and that the brush i bought was fake, and they basically chastized me for leaving positive feedback for the seller.

i think i left them a quick 'omg i didn't know' reply. but in truth, there is nothing different at all in the brush i got and mine that have been bought from my mac counter. i am happy with the brush, and the cost was not far from what retail is, so i think i got a real brush.

i'm rambling, but i guess to sum it up, even if my brush is fake i'm happy with it.

Off topic slightely,i disagree with you,as i don't like any fake makeup in principal
brushes included!In fact i wont buy any counterfeited perfumes,handbags etc.I just do NOT see the point!I was given a Prada messenger bag,by my brother,i was actually scared to use it for a fear of losing.My brother can afford pressies like this his job in Oz pays well

Since i became a mum im much more aware of certain issues in this world ,so for that reason i wont be buying fakes intentionally ...Im not preaching to you Nursie,if you feel you got a bargain with your fake brush that is fine but buying fakes is not totally harmless...because along the line someone is profiting from that fake in a way that i myself would find uncomfortable!
Fakes of any kind are just fakes and funny enough i will post this feedback(well deserved negative) .. ( me thinks the buyer who has left negative did not know it was fake when she bought)
Buyer may have thought i save few quid and buy this...but she got allergic reaction

oops seller sold fake Mineralize foundation too arghhh !
FAKE ITEM - not real MAC packaging and, i had a severe eye reaction to this asBuyer:tallulahh ( 43
04-Oct-09 15:44 MACs ZOOM LASH MASCARA BLACK BNIB FREE P&P (#200384263832)seller:ojeogwu


Well-known member
Originally Posted by nursie
i'll offer somewhat of a different perspective i think:

i once bought a mac eyeshadow brush (275 i think) off of ebay. when i received it, it looked and performed well for me. i left positive feedback.

a couple of days later i received a message from someone else on ebay that the seller i had bought from sells fake mac and that the brush i bought was fake, and they basically chastized me for leaving positive feedback for the seller.

i think i left them a quick 'omg i didn't know' reply. but in truth, there is nothing different at all in the brush i got and mine that have been bought from my mac counter. i am happy with the brush, and the cost was not far from what retail is, so i think i got a real brush.

i'm rambling, but i guess to sum it up, even if my brush is fake i'm happy with it.

I understand what you are saying...But if someone sells me something and I buy it as Authentic...that is what i expect to receive. If I bought a Coke and it was filled with pepsi ...as much as I love pepsi I would still be pissed because that is not what I paid for. But as far as cosmetics themselves...I have to know who made them because some of the ingredients these swap shops put in their cosmetics to make a quick sale are probably not even eye/lip safe and I need to know that before I use it


Well-known member
Originally Posted by Casadalinnis
I'm beginning to wonder if the people that buy on Ebay have even walked into a MAC store because by now they should have a clue that some products on Ebay are figments of someone's imagination and not MAC's.

Unfortunately, some of us don't have the option of walking into a MAC store without travelling long-distance. If there was a MAC store near me, I'd be in there regularly, but I'm one of the unlucky ones.

My first 'MAC' purchase on ebay unfortunately turned out to be fake, but luckily a Specktra member was able to contact me and let me know, and pointed me in the direction of this forum. At that time I did not know that it was possible to buy MAC online in the UK. Sadly Ebay have now made it impossible to contact an unwitting buyer of fakes before they have identified themselves by leaving feedback.


Well-known member
i think i stopped typing and got tired, i'll finish my post

i dont like to get fake stuff when i think i'm buying authentic at all, but my point is i had already left the feedback and was unsure of whether my brush was real. without someone else that already knew the seller telling me, i would still not be questioning it in my mind because i like the brush.

when i look on ebay and see obvious fake stuff, i wonder who is buying it. but here i am, pretty knowledgeable of mac stuff myself and i got one that could be questionable..and left positive feedback because shipping/price/and the item to me were all positive.

so again, i thought the whole thread was questioning the feedback system and seller ratings. i just wanted to explain how that positive feedback can get there. i just was not as sleuthy immediately when my brush arrived, and to be honest too passive to go back and argue over it on ebay. it was a lesson learned to purchase where i don't have to question what i got.

it's like when i bought an ac adapter for one of our laptops on ebay. i got it quickly, it worked, i left good feedback for the seller. later on someone told me i could have bought it at radio shack for much less. i just didn't know.

so people not familiar with the fact that hello kitty mac didn't have eyeshadow quads may very well be happy with what they buy off ebay.
yes, it skews the seller ratings. THEY (and me) are ok with the seller, but someone better in the know about what they are buying would NOT be ok with the seller.

you all know this already, but for anyone else new to mac reading: know what the authentic item looks like exactly before buying...or take all the guessing out of it and buy from the counter (the counter at the CCO that is)


Hi Ladies,

Had originally started another thread unaware of this one - sorry! Had a lengthy conversation with ebay this morning and found out some further info which I think worrying for buyers and sellers alike.

Along with the ridiculous (my opinion) launch f the TRS badge (which means nothing!!) there has been a complete change to search.

Very complicated but basically meaning that the more page views any items gets (a view now acts as a negative in the search rather than a positive) the lower down the search the item goes.

That is why the fake not even Mac made products are appearing at the top of the search - the benefit of the new search is the fewer the buyers that click on items the higher up the search the item appears.

Apparently there is also a new twist to the search which means that a rating is giving according to amount of searches and buys. Thus if it is a popular good item and lots of people look at it before deciding to buy the new system rates it as not a quality item and therefore spins it down the search.
Sellers who are not achieving good page views but as there non authentic (in many cases) products are cheap and buyers in some cases unaware they will continue to get the highest search placement!

I don't know if useful info to everyone as the affect on sellers is obvious but not good for buyer either as the rubbish gets put in front of them even more so will only further destroy confidence and trust!!

I can't believe it - ebay have handed the advantage to those sellers not bothering with decent products or listings!

I guess it won't surprise most of you here but it make no sense - the search basically works exactly opposite to the way it used to which makes the whole situation even worse!


Makeup Emporium

Well-known member
^^^In regards to Jules2702's post here is the information as listed on EBay. The placement she is describing refers to the "Best Match" search.

Best Match update: We're continuing to refine and improve the technology for surfacing the most relevant, best-quality listings from sellers providing the best buyer experience at the top of search results—and give you the information and tools you need to get the best possible exposure for your listings.
Listing performance score for Fixed Price—Impressions count: When only a few people view a Fixed Price listing and the item is snapped up quickly, it's a fair indication that the listing is more relevant to those who see it than a listing with thousands of impressions and no sales.

That's why in the improved Best Match, Fixed Price listings will have a listing performance score based on the listing's recent sales in relation to the number of recent impressions it received. An "impression" is any time a buyer sees a search results page that includes the listing.

For example, in the new Best Match, a listing with 100 recent impressions and 10 recent sales will score higher than a similar listing with 1,000 recent impressions and 10 recent sales.

This listing performance score will be a more accurate measure of how buyers perceive a listing's relevance than recent sales alone.
New multi-quantity and single-quantity Fixed Price listings will be given exposure in Best Match even though they have no sales history. These listings will be given a certain number of initial impressions based on the performance scores of similar listings. This change will improve the exposure of new Fixed Price listings that are relevant to buyers.
Titles count. Relevant titles will be more important than ever in getting the best position for Fixed Price listings. Since a good listing performance score is basically a close ratio between your impressions and sales, in some situations a title that is too general could bring you a short-term gain in impressions, but end up giving your listing a lower listing performance score.
Seller performance counts: Top-rated sellers will get promoted in Best Match for Fixed Price listings on eBay.com. Sellers not meeting the new minimum standard will be demoted for both Auction-style and Fixed Price listings. On eBay.ca, listings will continue to be eligible for demotion or promotion in search according to current criteria.
Shipping counts: As always, shipping costs are considered. Keeping costs reasonable and offering free shipping continue to be best practices. Fixed Price listings with free shipping will continue to receive added exposure. Auction-style and Fixed Price listings with excessive shipping will be demoted.

Auction-style listings will continue to receive a boost in search results when they're about to end. Given the improvements in the way new and single-quantity Fixed Price listings are treated, and the new guidelines for Auction-style listings with Buy It Now, it will be even more important for sellers to use Auction-style listings the way they work best—with a low start price to attract buyers and stimulate bidding. Some sellers may see significant fee savings by moving Auction-style with Buy It Now inventory to Fixed Price.
Optimized by category: To make sure the most relevant inventory from the best sellers surfaces on top of search results, there may be variations by category in Best Match.
No one "silver bullet." Many factors are considered in Best Match and can vary with different circumstances. But the bottom line best practices for optimizing your position in Best Match will be the same. List in the right format and the right categories, write accurate and relevant titles, offer good prices and reasonable shipping and provide good service.