eBay/Paypal - Phishing Scams/Spoof emails to be aware of!


Well-known member
Hi Specktrettes,

I was surfing the net and got really hungry so I went to cook some food while watching tv. Oprah was on tv and the topic was about scams.

I KNOW a lot of people are aware of the scams but I thought it would be helpful if I post the scams on here just so everyone can have a look at it.

This is from Scams.Flipshark.com.

Latest eBay scams:
Other common eBay scams:
Latest Articles (as of the day of this post):
Flipshark, 2002, Scams.Flipshark.com, http://scams.flipshark.com/index.html (21 June 2007).

Millersmiles.co.uk is "The web's dedicated anti-phishing service". It ranges from banks to Paypal to eBay to infinity! They're mostly "Phishing scams and spoof emails".

This is the eBay Phishing Scams Archive.
This is the Paypal Phishing Scams Archive.

Oxford Information Services Ltd. 2003-2007, The Web's Dedicated Anti-Phishing Service, http://www.millersmiles.co.uk/ (21 June 2007)

Totally OFF topic: Back to Oprah and the scam discussions. (I'd LOVE to be in the audience when she does that Christmas special! She likes the products, the audience gets the products!).
There was:
  • A dating scam where this poor lady got scammed (she sent the money to the guy and a month later the guy asked her to marry him) and waited for her "groom" at the airport for 6 hours. Never turned up. The picture he used for his profile was from a Hawaiian male models website.
  • A lottery scam where this lady got into even if she had done researches on EVERY single thing like calling the bank, online research, checking to see if the cheques are legit.. everything was legit until she banked the money to 'claim the lottery' and lost US$8,000.
  • A home business scam where this mother-of-two signed up and all she had to do was re-package the items and send them off according to the "company"'s instructions. She got paid US$840 via Paypal then 2 weeks later, the US$840 was returned to the payer.. that's because the payer's Paypal account was hacked into and the scammer used the hacked Paypal to pay for the labour for the stolen goods. THEN the Secret Services turned up and informed the mother-of-two about the scam but because it was an overseas scam, the Secret Services can't do much about it.
  • An eBay scam where this bride-to-be was looking for her dream-wedding dress by Monique Lhuillier on eBay and found it but because she was so into it, she kept bidding until it reached US$2,400. She lost the bid in the end BUT the seller offered her a second chance offer. The bride-to-be quickly went to get the money and paid the scammer via bank deposit/cheque (can't remember), NOT by Paypal. So she lost the money but Monique Lhuillier heard about the bride-to-be's story and made a dress just for her (AWwwwwwwwwwwwwwwww..).
  • THEN we've got the eBay Scam/Fraud rep, Rob Chestnut, saying how scams and spoof emails are taken seriously, yadda yadda yadda... They've got 2,000 people employed by eBay around the world to keep an eye on scams and stuff. To be honest.. I think eBay would ONLY really look into the reported stuff when it blows up in the attention of the respective companies, media, police, etc. That's IMO though.
  • Scam Proof Your Life's author, Sid Kirchheimmer, was also featured in the Oprah's scam discussion.


Well-known member
I actually got a phishing ebay email which I deleted the other day - the common things with these emails is that they require you to follow a link from within the email - ladies dont do it!! They can then access your ebay account and in many cases are able to setup spyware on your hard-drive - any passwords, account information, internet banking information can then be accessed from your computers. Delete any emails like this.


Well-known member
I get phishing/spoof emails daily...sometimes even 2-3 times a day. I can count on at least one. I always report them & have gotten very good at identifying them...it's a sad world when people can't get a regular job like the rest of us have to, instead they sit around thinking up ways to scam people