Ebay Top Seller Rating/Fake MAC


Hi All,

I am new to Spektra and have been reading all the comments with interest and picking up lots of great points!

Just wanted to bring up the new ebay top seller ratings and pick up on the point that some of the top sellers are actually selling fake mac - It makes a mockery of the whole thing!!

I wanted to start a thread that considered how Ebay could be approached (may not ever do anything but doing gets done if you don't try!!!) with idea's/ proposed systems that could help to support sellers of authentic products who spend a great deal of time and effort ensuring their seller responsibility's are carried out.

Would welcome comments and idea's from everybody as I am more than frustrated (directly affect's me and lot's of other here as a seller) that the whole problem is causing a complete lack of trust in buying through ebay - understandably!!

The knowledge on this forum is fantastic and I would like to try and take some idea's to Ebay as a seller to suggest ways of restoring some buyer confidence as it is affecting us all!!

My first thoughts were an idea that perhaps sellers could sign up to a review forum voluntarily (legally I don't think you could force people) where they would be happy to have their product put under scrutiny - As a seller I would have no problem with this as I have complete confidence in my products - the suggestion would be that the reviews would be visble-conducted in a controlled format - i.e. Perhaps a forum of reviews set up to prevent thousands of random reviews that don't mean anything.

Of course working something like this out would involve a lot more thought than my off the top of my head idea's but this may help to restore some confidence??? Ebay sellers should be subject to review and comment and for one would love some sort of system like this as my products as well as many other sellers are genuine.

What does everyone think and has anyone got nay further idea's - On a bit of a mission and I think worth at least making a formal approach to Ebay to at least improve the situation?

What does everyone think??



Well-known member
Personally I think it's a fantastic idea...

Realistically my head tells me eBay won't go for it, if for no other reason that they make too much money off the fakes.

So many people from here have approached eBay, Estee Lauder, even Estee Lauder Security Department, to no avail... I know Panda, Xqueeze, DeCaf etc etc have spent hours upon hours compiling reports and so much proof that this is happening and they NEVER do anything, it's like they don't care... Maybe it's just cheaper and easier to hide their heads in the sand and let it continue rather than pay all the court costs etc to commence proceedings against these people. And lets face it, there's gotta be SH*T loads of these dodgy manufacturers.
*sigh* I don't know, if you go ahead with it I will definitely sign my name and help if I can but it looks to me like you'll just be hitting your head against the same brickwall the rest here already have

Great idea though and all the very best of luck.