Eczema Sufferers


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Sometimes treating the problem externally isn't always the best way. A lot of the time you're just easing it or treating it at it's worst but not stopping it coming back.

Why don't you try getting some Chlorella?
Chlorella - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia

It sounds like a weird thing, but believe me it is fantastic. It's very good for you & my dad has been buying it for years & getting me to take it. We have a family friend who had extreme eczema when he was younger, he started taking this & it cleared up. I swear it really does help, god I sound like an infomercial, but it really is fantastic.

also, other things to take:
Eczema: GLA, zinc, chlorella, vits - A, B2, B6,


Active member
Originally Posted by x0j3s5ica0x
im a eczema sufferer as well and i hate it! recently i purchased cetaphil moisturizer and cleanser. i'll see how that goes. anyways, its good to know how much support there is in here. i'm thinking of trying out the Lush Dream Cream.

Usually every type of moisturizer irritates my skin except for Eucerin Original Creme BUTTTT the Dream Cream doesn't! I suffer from severe eczema, and it doesn't last as long as the eucerin, but it doesn't irritate it so I would say give it a try. & try the dream wash too. it has calomine in it that soothes some of the itchiness away, the smell is just kinda weird. nothing not managable though..


Active member
Originally Posted by MAChostage
Lately I've heard about a petrolatum-based product called "Egyptian Magic". I Googled it and it's pretty pricey. I also discovered a health food store in my area that carries it. The reviews of it are glowing! I would love to try it, but that price turns me off.

I believe petroleum is actually bad for eczema. Am i wrong?


I'm an eczema suffering and each time winter comes along it flares up. Last year it was my inner elbows, parts of my legs (though they just itched but never flared in to the whole scaly red thing) and sometimes my allergies would flare up and my face would react.

This year since the start when it was summer (I'm in the southern hemisphere) I've been using plain raw butters in the shower. From Mango butter to shea butter to Mowrah butter to Rosehip oil. It's great stuff and I'd rather moisturise in a warm shower than in my cold room!

So successfully I'd prevented any flare ups on my body BUT this year a crazy new area has flared with eczema. This random c curve along my upper nose going under my eye. Sometimes it gets crazy bad and flares like nothing and drives me crazy. But at it's best it's just a dry sandy piece of RED RED mark. It's so dry if I slide my finger along it it makes a scratchy sound?! ALso the redness won't go away. I don't put make up on it to try cover it up, it just looks worse IMO so it's just looks like a permanent red curved birth mark.

I've tried Cetaphil's moisturising cream, Lush's skin drink, Lush's Celestial, The body shop's aloe night cream, The body shop's hemp cream, Aveeno, Weleda skin food. Rosehip oil, emu oil, camellia oil, olive oil.. And nothing has worked.

Any one have any moisturising suggestions?

It happened earlier but after a week of intense moisturisation (going to bed with a thick white mask of plain moisturising cream on) it went away in a week, the red mark, dryness and all. This time nothing is helping and it's been over 2 weeks it's been like this now. I hate going outside. It's also in a small patch on the side of my forehead, both inner eyelids and on the bottom of my skin.. gaahh..


Well-known member
Originally Posted by MAG0TS0UUL
I believe petroleum is actually bad for eczema. Am i wrong?

I've not heard that it is, and I use Aquaphor to moisturize with (it's predominately petroleum). My skin loves it! Maybe it depends on the person?


Oh one thing to watch out for is nickel and food that contain nickel. Also dairy has been known to be cause eczema flare ups.


Eczema Symptoms:

* Redness of the skin around the blisters
* Dry, extremely itchy skin
* Raw areas of the skin from scratching which may even lead to bleeding

Herbal Remedies for Eczema:

Neem (Azadirachta indica): One of the most powerful blood purifiers and detoxifiers in Ayurvedic usage, Neem is often used to maintain healthy skin. There is plenty of scientific backup for Neem's immune enhancement properties as a booster of the macrophage's effectiveness. Neem is used for external applications in skin diseases. Scientific studies indicate that Neem boosts the immune system by energizing lymphocytes cells to respond to infection and other challenges to the body's immunity. More..


Well-known member
My hands flared terribly duing the winter. I was constantly in pain and one finger couldn't even bend all the way. This was recommended by my dermatologist and helped TREMENDOUSLY... when I am compliant of course and not forgetful.

Coating the hands in Aquaphor and sleeping with 100% cotton gloves.

My hands were improved over a few days.


thanks for the tip on Emu. I use it on my heels @ bedtime but never thought of using it for the eczema patches on my face


Active member
OMG I've been suffering from eczema for years..I have eczema on both of my eyelids, my browbones, my chest, both of my hands and my arms and legs.. they are especially sensitive when there's a change of season, and I can't even wear eye makeup coz the rubbing makes the flare ups even worse..
Here's my story:My "smart-ass"doctor initially told me that it was fungal infection-without even looking at it for 3 seconds.. I used ketoderm for 3 months and of course it got worse, anywayz long story short, eventually another doctor told me that I had eczema 100%, and my journey started from there.. I wish I had known that benedryl helps with eczema, coz my skin kinda became resistant to cortisone.. I'm now taking some Chinese Herbal Medicine.. the result is slow but effective, it takes a lot of patience and you have to bare the smell and taste.. trust me it's hard! But there's far less side effects and it really works. I would recommend seeing a chinese herbalist if you are like me.


Well-known member
Originally Posted by emmemma
OMG I've been suffering from eczema for years..I have eczema on both of my eyelids, my browbones, my chest, both of my hands and my arms and legs.. they are especially sensitive when there's a change of season, and I can't even wear eye makeup coz the rubbing makes the flare ups even worse..
Here's my story:My "smart-ass"doctor initially told me that it was fungal infection-without even looking at it for 3 seconds.. I used ketoderm for 3 months and of course it got worse, anywayz long story short, eventually another doctor told me that I had eczema 100%, and my journey started from there.. I wish I had known that benedryl helps with eczema, coz my skin kinda became resistant to cortisone.. I'm now taking some Chinese Herbal Medicine.. the result is slow but effective, it takes a lot of patience and you have to bare the smell and taste.. trust me it's hard! But there's far less side effects and it really works. I would recommend seeing a chinese herbalist if you are like me.

What type of herb is it? Is it in a tea form or like a chewable tablet?


Well-known member
I have not read all the posts in this thread but from my knowledge eczema is the skins reaction to an allergy. It might be helpful to get an allergy test. My daughter has eczema and has had it since birth. Her doctor knows about it and I am appalled that she never had an allergy test. Her next appt I will inquire about this. Her eczema has been really bad this winter and I found Johnson and Johnson Eczema Cream to work very well. It comes in a green tube with winnie the pooh on it. It might help adults also. I also use the eczema body wash and either aveeno lotion/aveeno eczema lotion or the J&J eczema cream. I also use hydrocortisone. I think the J&J cream is the best. It has the consistency of vaseline and leaves my hands and my daughters skin very soft!


Well-known member

Thankyou! You have just given me the perfect gift for a friend! Her eczema has been playing chronic up this winter and she is whinnie the pooh mad!

I don't have eczema myself but I had a friend as a child who's mother swore by oatmeal in bath water (in tights) and it seemed so sooth it for her.


Well-known member
Ok so I don't know if anyone has posted this, but here goes.
I used to be a nanny and the little boy I nannied for had really horrible eczema, so much so they gloved his hands and never let him sleep in shorts because of the itching.
Anyway his mom was a mua and stumbled across this product Eczema & Dermatitis Skin Rash Treatment from one of her clients. she used it in conjunction with cetaphill and his skin cleared up. He skin went from patchy and irritated to soft and smooth.
My niece has eczema and we are getting ready to try it on her as well.
Hope this helps somone.


Well-known member
I've had eczema my whole life. It's unrelated to diet and irritants. Stress like exams and stuff might exalt the problem but I just have to accept that this is how my skin is. The only thing that has worked is prescription steroid creams.


Well-known member
I just had a really horrible flare-up this summer (still dealing with the effects now, actually) on my hands. I hadn't had to deal with my eczema in over 10 years and never this bad, so it was pretty devastating. The skin on my left thumb was so itchy that I scratched the whole top layer off. It was oozy and hurt, so depressing. Then it moved to my right hand, just on the tops of my middle, ring and pinkie fingers--rough, inflamed patches of skin that itched and burned if I even looked at them. I ended up going to Target and picking up 3 different kinds of Eucerin products (including Aquaphor which I love, and the Calming Creme which I'm still using after every time I wash my hands) and some Cortizone 10 with the cooling effect formula. I often would just run my hands under cold water and take Advil, too. It took a few weeks but it's better now. I still don't have the full top layer of skin on my thumb back yet, but it doesn't feel as weird any more (sensory-wise). Also, I've been exercising heavily 4-5 days a week for a bit over a month so I think that has helped too. I really hope I don't have this happen again. I used to cry all the time because my hands hurt so bad...and because I couldn't wear any nail polish, so my nails are jacked too now, lol. Looking back on it, I think my trigger was stress (I took a leave of absence from work) and this generic hand soap that I'd never used before.

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