Embarrassing moment...


Well-known member
So one night I went out for a night out on the town with my newly than bf and his friends. And I was wearing a pair of my favorite jeans from Abercrombie & Fitch.. that I absolutely adored.. because it was "holey"... like beyond holey.. EVERYWHERE. They even had an itsy bitsy hole in the backside! Okay.. so I'm dancing my night away.. and than I feel a freaking RIP.. I was like "OH MY GOD"... covered my booty.. and RAN straight to the restroom. And yep.. it ripped right down my right leg.. showing booty and all. LOL.. embarassing......


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I bought some sexy red panties for a friend for her birthday from Victoria Secret. I just looked at the size and nothing else. Well, at the Birthday Party, she inspected them in front of every one. Guess what was in those panties? Poo. I couldn't believe someone did No 2 in those panties and put them back. I don't know if they didn't wipe their butt or had serious explosive gas. Still there was poo in those panties. GROSS! It wasn't a lot, but it was enough streaks. Oh, my. I felt like No. 2 for buying them. Everyone was so grossed out. She threw them away right away and washed her hands and so did I. I felt like 2" high.

I can tell you that will NEVER happen to me again. Gift certificates all the way now. Let them accidentally buy the poo poo panties.

SeXy MAC LuveR

Well-known member
Originally Posted by SparklingWaves
I bought some sexy red panties for a friend for her birthday from Victoria Secret. I just looked at the size and nothing else. Well, at the Birthday Party, she inspected them in front of every one. Guess what was in those panties? Poo. I couldn't believe someone did No 2 in those panties and put them back. I don't know if they didn't wipe their butt or had serious explosive gas. Still there was poo in those panties. GROSS! It wasn't a lot, but it was enough streaks. Oh, my. I felt like No. 2 for buying them. Everyone was so grossed out. She threw them away right away and washed her hands and so did I. I felt like 2" high.

I can tell you that will NEVER happen to me again. Gift certificates all the way now. Let them accidentally buy the poo poo panties.

Wow! lol that is pretty embarrasing..


Well-known member
Check those panties people before you try them on or buy them. Thank goodness, I didn't need to try them on me, because they were for someone else. Whoa! Blow out city was in those sexy red lace panties.

I told my friend that she could bring them back, but she said they would think she pooped in them.


Well-known member
Originally Posted by SparklingWaves
I bought some sexy red panties for a friend for her birthday from Victoria Secret. I just looked at the size and nothing else. Well, at the Birthday Party, she inspected them in front of every one. Guess what was in those panties? Poo. I couldn't believe someone did No 2 in those panties and put them back. I don't know if they didn't wipe their butt or had serious explosive gas. Still there was poo in those panties. GROSS! It wasn't a lot, but it was enough streaks. Oh, my. I felt like No. 2 for buying them. Everyone was so grossed out. She threw them away right away and washed her hands and so did I. I felt like 2" high.

I can tell you that will NEVER happen to me again. Gift certificates all the way now. Let them accidentally buy the poo poo panties.

lol i cant stop laughing at that :p


Well-known member
I think my friend sees those panties every time she see me. She doesn't admit it, but I bet she does. How can anyone forget that?

I have always thought about another scenario. Thank goodness, my friend didn't do this! My friend could have tried those panties on for her boyfriend without inspection. Now, she would have wanted to kill me and I would not have ever known the reason why.


Well-known member
Originally Posted by SparklingWaves

I can tell you that will NEVER happen to me again. Gift certificates all the way now. Let them accidentally buy the poo poo panties.

hahah. i would have peed from embarrasment!


Active member
Originally Posted by SparklingWaves
I bought some sexy red panties for a friend for her birthday from Victoria Secret. I just looked at the size and nothing else. Well, at the Birthday Party, she inspected them in front of every one. Guess what was in those panties? Poo. I couldn't believe someone did No 2 in those panties and put them back. I don't know if they didn't wipe their butt or had serious explosive gas. Still there was poo in those panties. GROSS! It wasn't a lot, but it was enough streaks. Oh, my. I felt like No. 2 for buying them. Everyone was so grossed out. She threw them away right away and washed her hands and so did I. I felt like 2" high.

I can tell you that will NEVER happen to me again. Gift certificates all the way now. Let them accidentally buy the poo poo panties.

Lol, that totally made me burst out laughing! That is so gross, some people are nasty!!


Well-known member
Originally Posted by MissChievous
This happened when I lived in Montreal. The sidewalks there are in horrible disrepair and have lots of potholes and cracks in them. So I was out in a trendy part of town going to meet my friends at a bar, to go clubbing after. So I was all dolled up, wearing really high heeled boots, brand new tight jeans, and a sexy top, and everything. So I'm walking down this sidewalk to the bar where we are going to meet up, and I've worn these shoes plenty of times before so have no problem walking in them, even though they have a high heel.

All of a sudden, I must have stepped in one of those darn pot holes or something because I'm suddenly flying through the air forwards and land straight on my knees (ouch). I took a huge spill!! I even busted a hole in my brand new jeans. Damn sidewalk! And the worst part was that it was right at an intersection and there was a car full of hot guys that had stopped at the light and were checking me out. AWKWARD!! I must have looked like such a ditz.

The other time was the first weekend I stayed at my bf's house (this was many years ago when he was still living at home with his parents). Well, he was injured and had to have an operation so he was sort of immobile and I had to visit him at home. Since I lived in another town at the time, I had to stay overnight there. Anyway so I didn't know his family that well yet, but they are very tolerant and open.

So at night we go to his room to sleep and everyone else goes to bed as well, we start getting horny and we start to have sex. Then all of a sudden, the door opens and his mom comes in without knocking!!! Thank god I was under the blankets!! She thought we were asleep and had left the TV on or something, how daft.

Then the next morning, it was just before lunchtime and again, we have sex. LOL I guess we didn't care that it was at his parent's house, people in Europe are more tolerant towards that stuff anyway. So we're getting it on standing up, and HIS FATHER WALKS IN WITHOUT KNOCKING AGAIN!! While we're having sex standing up!! I don't know what on earth his parents were thinking, probably not much, lol!!!

OMG I was soooo mortified, I wanted to disappear into a hole. I wanted to leave to go home right away, but I ended up staying and we had to sit down to a family lunch like an hour later. I don't think I said one word during lunch, I was absolutely mortified.

LLOOOOOOL omg that would be the worst in my books. Did you forget to lock the doors? xD


Well-known member
One of my most embarrassing moments would be when my pad overflowed during a class I had in high school. My seat was a bloody mess and I quickly wrapped my sweater around my waist and had to wait for the people behind me to leave first. My pants was SOAKED. I was stalling by pretending to pack up my books very slowly.

I feel sorry for whoever accidentally sits in the chair right after me! Especially if he/she is wearing white.

I quickly grabbed my tearaways and had to cover up my pants. A guy in my next class asked me why I was wearing 2 pants. I just totally said because! That day was horrible, I was stupid and didn't know how to get some help from the office. I went through the wholeee day with an overflowing pad where you can actually hear the blood swishing around when I walk. My pad was no longer absorbant.

Dear god, that was a mess.............


Well-known member
Originally Posted by Babylard
LLOOOOOOL omg that would be the worst in my books. Did you forget to lock the doors? xD

There were no locks on the doors, it was an old house. They never ever came into his room again though without knocking. I don't know what they were thinking! haha

But I get on great with his parents now and I don't even think about that instance anymore.


Well-known member
Originally Posted by Babylard
One of my most embarrassing moments would be when my pad overflowed during a class I had in high school. My seat was a bloody mess and I quickly wrapped my sweater around my waist and had to wait for the people behind me to leave first. My pants was SOAKED. I was stalling by pretending to pack up my books very slowly.

I feel sorry for whoever accidentally sits in the chair right after me! Especially if he/she is wearing white.

I quickly grabbed my tearaways and had to cover up my pants. A guy in my next class asked me why I was wearing 2 pants. I just totally said because! That day was horrible, I was stupid and didn't know how to get some help from the office. I went through the wholeee day with an overflowing pad where you can actually hear the blood swishing around when I walk. My pad was no longer absorbant.

Dear god, that was a mess.............

Same thing happened to me in highschool
I had to go back home because it was such a mess
I had my jeans coat to cover it... fieww!!!!

Also, the same year, we were changing class and I had to go downstairs, but halfway throught, I felt and rolled down like a rock, about 15 stairs...

I opened my eyes and people were all around me asking if I was ok. I was fine, but SO embarassed that I said my kneeks were hurting and went to see the nurse lolll

Or that time when me and my sister were outside an old aunt's house, we desperatly wanted to leave, so we started to ''protest'' on the sidewalk and some guys were looking at us. That day, I was wearing a short short skirt and BAM!!!! I felt!
No need to say that they had a great view on my undies...


Well-known member
^^ LOL these stories are TOO funny hehe.

I hope my pad never overflows omg i would DIE.


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Last year sometime me, my house mate and another friend went to the cinema to see something. We get our tickets ripped and the usher tells us it's in cinema 5 (also printed on the stub!). Being the take charge guy he is, my house mate decides to lead the way, straight into cinema 3. I'm trying to stop him but he's already in the cinema and walking down the stairs to find our "seats". I look at the screen and it's The Curse of the Golden Flower which I KNOW we are not seeing...It also looks like it's almost over and something really dramatic is going on. I'm trying to whisper to him that it's not the right cinema and not be too loud and people are already looking at us like "WTF Shhh!"

He finds the row specified on the ticket and there are some people sitting in the equivalent of our seats. I sit down in an empty seat with my head in my hands while he says to them "Excuse me guys, your in our seats." They are looking at us like WTF... And I'm like "Dude this is the wrongcinema!!!," really loud! People start laughing and we have to make a hasty apology and exit. It was soooooo embarrassing but funny because we never let him live it down

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