employment @ MAC


Well-known member
hi guys. i currently work as a waitress in an expensive restaurant so i make huge tips. i probably make... 25 an hour if u combine tips and my salary. anyways, i was wondering how much MAC employees get paid? b/c im thinking of quitting and trying to work at a counter. or, get a job at MAC and then quit. i mean, even if its less than what i make now.. i think itd be worth it b/c i love makeup and esp b/c i'll get makeup cheap and thats what i spend all my money on anyways... haha. so yeah, how much so employees make (starting wage) and what are the benefits? (employees discount?) thankkks!


Well-known member
Employee discount is 60% and they receive gratis. However you probably will not be able to find the starting wage since all places are different.


Well-known member
There's a new section at the top of this forum called "So you would like to be a MAC MA?" that has some good tips about the application process, what to wear, etc.
If you want to be a MAC employee the threads would help.

I don't think anyone can give you a definitive answer about the hourly pay, but I know based on my friend's at the MAC store it's at least $10 and it goes up from there. They pay/give raises based on experience and sales performance.


Well-known member
Originally Posted by pinkmilk
what gratis?

gratis is a certain amount of $ that each mac artist receives in free makeup/skincare depending on the amount of hours that they work. (every 6 months).

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