And finally I am home after a 13 hour day! In one word the day sucked! But got home to find packages from Sephora & MAC. What better pick me up.:flower: I looooove Rose gold. And a teeny tiny NARS Lipgloss in Priscilla (as part of sephora promo). Me feeling a lot better but havent had a single bite in hours, so damn hungry!

@Dolly Snow I am so glad everything went fine at the dentists. Hope she feels better soon @NaomiH Not any amount of spray paint will do that! He is watermark proofed!
@walkingdead Yes Tom Mison is from Sleepy Hollow
@rocksteadybaby No one can say no to that puppyface. I am sure you will find a better place than the current one soon!
@Periodinan Good Job on the reverse enabling! I love it.
@mel33t Hope you are able to get hands on those SK brush set without a lot of fuss & store drama
@Melrose &
@DILLIGAF YAYYYYY for the new brush sets :rasta:
