

Well-known member
Well I was in the parking lot late at night of Winco, I was not dressed, to socialize lol Anyways this big truck pulls up, and I'm watching the guy try and FAKE fix his truck, it was a nice truck. You can tell he was scoping out the place. Next to him is another smaller blue truck, kinda raggity and really crappy to be honest. So the security guard comes out concerned the mans car won't start. The man says "nah bro just needed some water"......Guard walks back inside. After he leaves and is gone, the Man in the truck, goes to the smaller truck and steals 3 big Big bags of dog food out of this persons truck. He is laughing and so effing happy he is getting this. I didn't get out of the car unfortunately because he didn't look like he'd just yell, he was violent and very mean. He kept calling his girlfriend a bitch hoe. She was in the car too.  He takes off like a speeding bullet. I get my sister who is dressed, to go inside and let the guard know. We didn't have time to get his licence plate number, but all the guard could do was wait outside and ask everyone if the truck was theirs. I am in the car, and I see a little old lady come out of the store, the guard asks her and a one min convo is quickly over. I am thinking it isn't her car. She walks straight up to it and opens the door, she has three little dogs inside. So now my sister pulls up beside her to let her know, we saw it all. She informs us, "it is ok, if they needed it that bad to steal, then clearly they were in a rough spot." I am took back by her kindness. She then also informs us " I am the owner of a Rescue mission for dogs" She has been doing service to a few towns up here, for over 50 years. True lol 
Aww, the kindness of some people always amazes me. What an awesome lady. On the other hand the evilness of some people never surprises me. What an ass that guy is! I'm glad you and your sister stayed in the car. He'll get what's coming to him sooner or later. Remember Karma.


Well-known member
Well I was in the parking lot late at night of Winco, I was not dressed, to socialize lol Anyways this big truck pulls up, and I'm watching the guy try and FAKE fix his truck, it was a nice truck. You can tell he was scoping out the place. Next to him is another smaller blue truck, kinda raggity and really crappy to be honest. So the security guard comes out concerned the mans car won't start. The man says "nah bro just needed some water"......Guard walks back inside. After he leaves and is gone, the Man in the truck, goes to the smaller truck and steals 3 big Big bags of dog food out of this persons truck. He is laughing and so effing happy he is getting this. I didn't get out of the car unfortunately because he didn't look like he'd just yell, he was violent and very mean. He kept calling his girlfriend a bitch hoe. She was in the car too.  He takes off like a speeding bullet. I get my sister who is dressed, to go inside and let the guard know. We didn't have time to get his licence plate number, but all the guard could do was wait outside and ask everyone if the truck was theirs. I am in the car, and I see a little old lady come out of the store, the guard asks her and a one min convo is quickly over. I am thinking it isn't her car. She walks straight up to it and opens the door, she has three little dogs inside. So now my sister pulls up beside her to let her know, we saw it all. She informs us, "it is ok, if they needed it that bad to steal, then clearly they were in a rough spot." I am took back by her kindness. She then also informs us " I am the owner of a Rescue mission for dogs" She has been doing service to a few towns up here, for over 50 years. True lol 
I only hope the reason they had to steal dog food from someone is because their damn truck payment was so much they can't afford dog food. I'm just glad they didn't mess with the dogs. What an asshole.

Dolly Snow

I only hope the reason they had to steal dog food from someone is because their damn truck payment was so much they can't afford dog food. I'm just glad they didn't mess with the dogs. What an asshole.
I really hope there was a good reason, but they looked pretty well dressed aswell. He was smoking the expensive cigs, he didn't look hard up for cash.


Well-known member
She was so kind, it amazed me fully. Yes karma to him and his girlfriend who didn't say a word I really hope there was a good reason, but they looked pretty well dressed aswell. He was smoking the expensive cigs, he didn't look hard up for cash.
It's just so disgusting. Ugh. That lady sounds like a pretty amazing person, though. What a beautiful attitude.


Well-known member
Wow! I'm glad no one got hurt and you & your sister stayed in the car. That woman is a saint! But some people really do suck!


Well-known member
Well I was in the parking lot late at night of Winco, I was not dressed, to socialize lol
Anyways this big truck pulls up, and I'm watching the guy try and FAKE fix his truck, it was a nice truck. You can tell he was scoping out the place.
Next to him is another smaller blue truck, kinda raggity and really crappy to be honest.
So the security guard comes out concerned the mans car won't start.
The man says "nah bro just needed some water"......Guard walks back inside.
After he leaves and is gone, the Man in the truck, goes to the smaller truck and steals 3 big Big bags of dog food out of this persons truck.
He is laughing and so effing happy he is getting this.
I didn't get out of the car unfortunately because he didn't look like he'd just yell, he was violent and very mean. He kept calling his girlfriend a bitch hoe.
She was in the car too.
He takes off like a speeding bullet. I get my sister who is dressed, to go inside and let the guard know.
We didn't have time to get his licence plate number, but all the guard could do was wait outside and ask everyone if the truck was theirs.
I am in the car, and I see a little old lady come out of the store, the guard asks her and a one min convo is quickly over. I am thinking it isn't her car.
She walks straight up to it and opens the door, she has three little dogs inside.
So now my sister pulls up beside her to let her know, we saw it all.
She informs us, "it is ok, if they needed it that bad to steal, then clearly they were in a rough spot."
I am took back by her kindness. She then also informs us " I am the owner of a Rescue mission for dogs"
She has been doing service to a few towns up here, for over 50 years.

True lol
Oh no. Some people just suck. But that lady was really a gem of a person.

Dolly Snow

Was out the whole day. Hit the biking trail with few other friends and then went out to the mall.Pretty full day!

OMG we went biking too today although there wasnt any ducks here to feed

I love those bowls. I have a similar one but slightly bigger that i use to store cotton. But that idea to keep BB is good! I am gonna check for that smaller version nexttime.

Oh no. Some people just suck. But that lady was really a gem of a person.
I am just glad it was over quickly and that he didn't notice we were looking at him.


Well-known member
I am just glad it was over quickly and that he didn't notice we were looking at him.
Yeah I am so glad you decided to stay in the car and both of you are fine!
We just cant predict people these days and what they might end up doing even if its some dog food!

Dolly Snow

Yeah I am so glad you decided to stay in the car and both of you are fine!
We just cant predict people these days and what they might end up doing even if its some dog food!
Agreed, you just never know. I thought his car was busted or something, turns out he was just scoping out the fucking area. Just sickening to think people will just go into someone elses property and take what they want.


Well-known member
And finally I am home after a 13 hour day! In one word the day sucked! But got home to find packages from Sephora & MAC. What better pick me up.
I looooove Rose gold. And a teeny tiny NARS Lipgloss in Priscilla (as part of sephora promo). Me feeling a lot better but havent had a single bite in hours, so damn hungry!

@Dolly Snow I am so glad everything went fine at the dentists. Hope she feels better soon
@NaomiH Not any amount of spray paint will do that! He is watermark proofed!
@walkingdead Yes Tom Mison is from Sleepy Hollow
@rocksteadybaby No one can say no to that puppyface. I am sure you will find a better place than the current one soon!
@Periodinan Good Job on the reverse enabling! I love it.
@mel33t Hope you are able to get hands on those SK brush set without a lot of fuss & store drama
@Melrose & @DILLIGAF YAYYYYY for the new brush sets

Sorry to hear your day sucked, but yay for new goodies!
No. He's mine.