

Well-known member
Love you all
Aww!! Boo Boo Kitty I'm so sorry your having such a hard time I just want you to know and everyone else that I'm here for you ladies. I know we only know each other on specktra but I see all of us as Sister we are our own little family here. And if there is anything someone needs to say or just vent to I'm here for you :) . I love all you girls!! Dolly hold your head up high your such a sweet, funny and beautiful person inside and out. You brought so much joy to all of us here on the forum and I don't like to see you unhappy, I want you to remember if you need anyone to talk to you can always count on me .

Dolly Snow

Aww!! Boo Boo Kitty I'm so sorry your having such a hard time I just want you to know and everyone else that I'm here for you ladies. I know we only know each other on specktra but I see all of us as Sister we are our own little family here. And if there is anything someone needs to say or just vent to I'm here for you :) . I love all you girls!! Dolly hold your head up high your such a sweet, funny and beautiful person inside and out. You brought so much joy to all of us here on the forum and I don't like to see you unhappy,  I want you to remember if you need anyone to talk to you can always count on me .
I see it the same way, it is a sisterhood. You are right. It is a lovely thought to know we can all vent to each other. It is important because sometimes in our own lives we suffer alone with thoughts and ideas. Sometimes we haven't got people we can vent too. But on this forum we can. It helps ease it all. Thank you though, I appreciate it very much brows. I knpw you are busy and I hope it lightens up some for you. So you can relax and enjoy life. :hug:


Well-known member
Yup!! It's a sisterhood we have here :)
But I want you to know no matter how busy I seem I'll always be here if you want someone to talk to and I know you'll do the same for me too :) . I have friends but I feel sometimes I can't always share everything with them and I know with you ladies I can speak freely without judgement .


Well-known member
Nice to see you too Love :)  LMAO!! I just posted you a comment on the other forum I missed you 
Awww girl missed you too. I missed the post.....i'm sure I'll get it soon. I agree with you, I'll even say you guys are more like my sisters than my very own (that's a story for another day). How is everything with you?


Well-known member
Hi everybody Had a crazy busy day. @pandorablack uh desperately need retail therapy over here. Beyond frustrated at work. But that's life.


Well-known member
Man could I use some retail therapy right now. Five days till payday!
Had a crazy busy day. @pandorablack uh desperately need retail therapy over here. Beyond frustrated at work. But that's life.
I'm sorry you had a bad day at work. That sucks.


Well-known member
Hi everybody Had a crazy busy day. @pandorablack uh desperately need retail therapy over here. Beyond frustrated at work. But that's life.
Hi Mel! Sorry that you had such a crappy day at work. When I have a frustrating day I always want to buy something. I used to work close enough to a MAC store that I could go on my lunch break. That was dangerous! I hope your day gets better. Just think of the goodies that you'll be getting and go home and play with make-up. That makes me feel better sometimes.


Well-known member
Hey lovely ladies! Just popping in to say I've missed you all these last couple days. It's been a looooooong week and work is kicking my ass. I need a long nap. Not even the thought of possibly buying new makeup can lift my tired mood...well, maybe if mac decided to release the matte lippies early, lol.


Well-known member
Hey lovely ladies! Just popping in to say I've missed you all these last couple days. It's been a looooooong week and work is kicking my ass. I need a long nap. Not even the thought of possibly buying new makeup can lift my tired mood...well, maybe if mac decided to release the matte lippies early, lol.
Hey Mel!!! Howdy!!!


Well-known member
Dolly, I'm sorry you're having a hard time right now. I also am having a difficult time, my ex fiancee was abusive and leaving that relationship was very difficult and painful.
@Pandora, I don't know you that well but I do know that what you did is hard to do. But years from now you will be so glad that you did. I'm old enough to have some regrets about some choices, but doing that was something I've never, ever regretted. Once I learned that I was happier without that guy, it just made me stronger.


Well-known member
Hey lovely ladies! Just popping in to say I've missed you all these last couple days. It's been a looooooong week and work is kicking my ass. I need a long nap. Not even the thought of possibly buying new makeup can lift my tired mood...well, maybe if mac decided to release the matte lippies early, lol.
Hey buddy, I've missed you too. I hope you can get some rest today tho. Did you pick anything up from the Simpsons?