

Well-known member
4 Days in and I'm still good! I just realized how much money I would save if I just stayed away from the new collections. It was shocking......


Well-known member
Uuuggghhhh, I need Kohl Power Pencil in Feline and Sunny Seoul lipstick. It's in my shopping cart. Help! :eek:

Dolly Snow

They're so pretty but I just can't justify buying off the wall colors because I never wear them.  I bought Lime Crime's Mint To Be pretty much just to look at because I love mint colors so much!  I don't think I would ever actually wear it though. :crybaby:
You should they'll be so pretty on you

Dolly Snow

Just got back from there, I didn't get anything for me but got something for my bestie at work. Didn't know what to get her. So I her this and a gift card.
You're a wonderful best friend

Dolly Snow

I wish CDN looked that good on me! Unfortunately it washes me out a lot more. I need to pull it back out and give it another shot paired with some different liners. It sits unused most of the time. Looks amazing on you, Dolly!
Thank you Mandy! I have been using it quite a bit.
Yes try and make it work! It is just so beautiful! I used it with more of a smokey eye sort of look.
I popped a bit of brown eye liner near my top and lower lashes to make them look fuller and intensify the look.


Well-known member
Thank you Mandy! I have been using it quite a bit. Yes try and make it work! It is just so beautiful! I used it with more of a smokey eye sort of look. I popped a bit of brown eye liner near my top and lower lashes to make them look fuller and intensify the look. 
Love the whole look!


Well-known member
As am I!
How is yours and everyone's fourth going along?
It was raining the whole day and then now there is a thunderstorm warning issued. All the fireworks moved to the next rain day probably tomm or sunday. So yeah it kind of sucked! I so was waiting for all the fireworks!!!!!

Dolly Snow

It was raining the whole day and then now there is a thunderstorm warning issues. All the fireworks moved to the next rain day probably tomm and sunday. So yeah it kind of sucked! I so was waiting for all the fireworks!!!!!
Ah fireworks how I miss thee! I live in the desert so fireworks are banned!
Earlier some dumb fuck lit a whole bunch behind the residential area, where it is just brush and sand etc...anyways as you probably guessed fire department and police showed up had to put out a huge fire three streets down from me!


Well-known member
That is great! Glad you finally were able to get them in there! Mine is going pretty ok, busy but good.

Ah fireworks how I miss thee! I live in the desert so fireworks are banned!
Earlier some dumb fuck lit a whole bunch behind the residential area, where it is just brush and sand etc...anyways as you probably guessed fire department and police showed up had to put out a huge fire three streets down from me!
Oh no!


Well-known member
That is great! Glad you finally were able to get them in there! Mine is going pretty ok, busy but good.  Ah fireworks how I miss thee! I live in the desert so fireworks are banned!  Earlier some dumb fuck lit a whole bunch behind the residential area, where it is just brush and sand etc...anyways as you probably guessed fire department and police showed up had to put out a huge fire three streets down from me! 
SMH. People were shooting off big fireworks towards our backyard last night. I was so afraid something would catch fire.

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