EOTD: Kinda boring neutral smokey-ish eye. I'm BAAAAAAAAAAAACCCKKK!!! Haha.


Well-known member
Thank you.


Well-known member
Originally Posted by macaddictgirlie
I love this smoky eye look on you. Too bad I don't have any of those pigments or I'd have to give this look a try.

Thanks! You could still do it! You just need a lighter shimmery goldish/neutral color for your eyelid, a brown that's a little bit darker for the crease, a darker brown to accentuate/deepen the crease or whatever you want to call it, black eyeshadow for liner and the outer corners, and a brow highlight.

A neutral one like this would be easy to recreate without using the exact same colors.


Well-known member
Thanks!!! It's good to be back...I hope that I'll stop being so lazy and start doing my makeup and posting more often. We'll see. I just have all this other stuff taking up all of my time, so I rarely put very much time and effort into doing my makeup. This week is Fall Break though...so I'm sure I'll post more this week!!!


Well-known member
I love your e/fotds, I'm glad you're back!

Also, i think your lashes look good, mine have no curl and wont hold it, so I'm jealous of anyone who has curl to their eyelashes in any way, shape, or form


Well-known member
I love your use of color and blending...gosh, if this is 'boring' I can't wait to see what you do for fun!


Well-known member
I'm so glad you're back. I thought you don't come around anymore. Always love your tuts!


Well-known member
Thanks guys!!!

I just haven't been around lately...I haven't really been doing my makeup. I just kinda do the almost no makeup thing a lot of the time now, haha. I have been really busy with school and work and having a boyfriend and stuff, and the rest of the time I'm just lazy. Even when I DO do my makeup, it's usually just the same old neutral or smoky grey look over and over. But I'm getting bored with not doing it, so I need to start putting effort into doing my makeup, haha. When I have the time and energy, that is.

This upcoming week is Fall Break, so I'll have more time to do makeup!


Well-known member
Thank you! I'm glad to be back. At least for a little while during fall break, haha. I hope I can keep it up...or at least post more frequently than I have been the past few months! Which is like, not at all haha.