Essence Magazine's BESt Sellers List, 2007


Active member
Tabou82, I used to live in B'ham and you are so right about the 2 MAC stores having mostly white MA's and that they mostly, if not all the time, suggest the same gold and brown colors. I think that since they only suggest browns and golds, a lot of women think that it is wrong to wear other colors since other colors are not suggested to them.


Active member
Originally Posted by MACaholic76
This is so right on. It's difficult though to pinpoint exactly what is to blame for the ALCOB (Amber Lights, Chestnut, Oh Baby) phenomenom.
I guess I'm blessed to work for a manager, who is white (she might want to throw in her Irish/Indian ancestry and blah blah blah, but she's white) and also happens to embrace diversity. When I say embrace, I mean really understand the beauty of our dark skin and the many shades in the color spectrum that truly flatter our complexions. She was actually one of the first women who helped me step out of my comfort box (naked lunch/soba or brown down pattern) and helped see how flattering other shades could be back when I was a customer. I have taken that in with me and really try to help other women of color in choosing and embracing colors that dont have to be necessarily loud, but flattering, and also HOW to apply and wear them so they look good.
But I also believe there is a lot of history behind the use of cosmetics in women of color communities, particularly african americans, that involves a huge mix of bad treatment due to stereotypes at cosmetic counters, lack of foundation shades (a never ending issue), accessibility, and so many other things. Then there is the whole taboo of wearing makeup period...some treat it like it's a sin, whore-ish, and whatnot. Its sad, especially when all men (brothers included) are sitting there drooling over all these celebrities who...yup, you guessed it, enhance their natural beauty with makeup. There is nothing wrong with that but I think it's a process that our communities are still learning. And, our communities are not unique to this...there are also lots of other groups of people (depending on demographics, ethnicities, nationality, race, class status) that probably go through the same things we do.
So, even though we all get aggravated with the pattern, I think we also have the power to educate one another when it comes to beauty, skin care, etc. I get thrilled when I see a woman of color come to my counter who's never worn make up and wants to look and feel beautiful. Whether I put on AL (I swear I try not to use it that much) or Sumptuous Olive or whatever, I think the final goal is to have her look in that mirror at the end and have her go WOW with a smile from ear to ear. Now that's what's up!!!

Girl, you are so dead on about men drooling over celebs that are enhanced with cosmetics! My uncle loves Alicia Keys (whom definitely uses make-up to camouflage skim imperfections as well as color to enhance features) but doesn't want his wife to wear make-up! That is so stupid and archaic to me! I wish a man would tell me not wear make-up, I'd tell him to get lost (lol)!!! Seriously, make-up is SO taboo in our communities but don't understand why! Africans, Indians and Egyptians all used cosmetics to adorn themselves. Personally, I fell in love with Egyptian art, so much so I have the Eye of Ra tattooed on the back of my neck. Also, I love African art and artists because their works are so colorful and the women are protrayed beautifully (cosmetics). I love Les Nubians and their makeup!!! If I get hired at the Saks counter, I plan on changing those stereotypical views that WOC can only wear golds and browns! Believe me!


Active member
Originally Posted by awhookie7
Tabou82, I used to live in B'ham and you are so right about the 2 MAC stores having mostly white MA's and that they mostly, if not all the time, suggest the same gold and brown colors. I think that since they only suggest browns and golds, a lot of women think that it is wrong to wear other colors since other colors are not suggested to them.

I put in my application at Saks for MAC and the MA, who is Black, was like I'm going to make sure the Manager gets your app because we need some color at this counter. I was so glad to hear that because the people at the other counter were kind of mean to me when I dropped off my application. Hopefully, if I get hired I will definitely make it my business to put WOC in some color (lol)!


Well-known member
Please do, tabou! It's a shame that we still view makeup as a "cover-up", over-the-top and taboo, but have no problems with platinum weaves and nail enhancements that are 4 inches long.


Well-known member
Originally Posted by ♥MiCHiE♥
Please do, tabou! It's a shame that we still view makeup as a "cover-up", over-the-top and taboo, but have no problems with platinum weaves and nail enhancements that are 4 inches long.

OMG! I would have never thought of that! You are so right!!! What's up with that, uh? Makes you wonder. :confused:

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